I was sleeved in May of last year so I went through the summer. I ha a struggle at first and did get dehydrated. Ended up in hospital for 3 days. My suggestion to you is to pretty much make sure that water bottle is permanently attached to your hand. If you get tired of drinking plain water( I did), make crystal light( or something similar). Gulping down water once you get thirsty could actually make you sick. And it hurts a lot. Remember to always sip the water as directed for the first month at least. I know it is a pain but the alternative was not fun. My doctor threatened a pic line in my shoulder because I was having such a hard time in the first month. Some doctors say to not use a straw for a certain amount of time, I actually found that I did better by having one. I also found that ice cold drinks were best. Any drink close to room temperature made me sick and often still does. I hope I was at least a little helpful. Good luck!