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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by marina

  1. I work in a child care center.... My doc told me 4 weeks off.. I'm bored... Lol .. But I love being a temporary stay at home mom!
  2. marina

    May Sleeve Buddies!

    i was sleeved May 10th!! starting weight was 331 , day of surgery weight was 303 and when i went to my 1st week follow up i am down to 290!!! I havent seen the 200's in YEARS!!!!!!! Sharon that is awesome that you started a facebook page for May Sleevers!!! I'm going to friend you right now!!!
  3. Hi !!! It's me again Marina. I was sleeved on May 10th! Today was my 1 week post op appt!!! There's good news and then there's some bad news I'll just go ahead and come out with bad news! I was honest with my doctor and told him that i wasnt getting enough liquids in. It's hard and i try so hard the most i can get is 20-30 oz.. I told him that i've been feeling dizzy and that my tongue feels like there is fur growing on it. He was ready to admit to the ER but i begged him not too and to wait till monday so that i can try even better to get the fluids in. He told me i have to do 64 oz to catch up and i have to call back on Monday. I agreed. I'm trying really really hard. The problem is that i can not stand to drink anyting sweet anymore, mixed drinks or nothing.. only water and unsweetened tea. I have to get through this challenge!! Now that thats out the way!! I've lost 13 pounds 1 week post op!!!! Making it a total of 40 pounds total since i've began my journey in November. My doctor said that i've lost 25% of my body fat already!!!!! :wub: I'm so excited ....
  4. Thank you!! I am doing my best!!!
  5. Welllll... I was supposed to do the minimum of 48 oz.. but since i'm behind i have to kick it up to 64 0z... hope i can do it... i went and bought a big Water bottle that holds 38 oz . So i am basically going to carry that with me everywhere!! i'm sipping all the time...
  6. marina

    Nice Picture

    oh my !!! Sooooo Pretyy!!!
  7. marina

    Breaking Down Day 10 Pre Op

    I'm going to be completely honest with you! After surgery , It is a little easier.. right now i'm having what is called head hunger pain? I think that is what it is called. I dont feel hungry , thirsty , but i think i am. I'm 7 days post up now and i couldnt help but **this is gross , sorry** but chew up pickles and spit them out.. I just wanted them.. i'm craving sour stuff... I had lentil soup broth and added some vinegar in it for dinner yesterday .. didnt hurt me... The problem about the post op diet is that i had to be on liquid diet again for another 2 weeks.. so yes it's easier cause your not hungry , but at the same time I'm llike.. if i eat one more freaking posicle or sf jello i'm gonna freak!! lol.. BUT.. i put on my jeans today and they feel a ittle looser than usual!! So , i'm doing something right!! lol... it'll get better when i'm able to eat mush food.. all i can think about is crabs!! oh.. and of course the inside of a pickle!! lol... again .. dont stress so much... I also did a bowel prep 2 days before my surgery . I did 30cc's of miralax at 2 seperate times.. are you asked to do that??
  8. marina


    From the album: marina

  9. marina


  10. marina

    Breaking Down Day 10 Pre Op

    Dont fret.. i will let you in on a secret... but dont tell anyone.. I had two meltdowns when i was on pre op liquid diet.. the worst meltdown was when i stopped at Wendy's and order 2 cheeseburgers and 2 chicken sandwiches.. I totally lost control... couldnt control myself and then cried... that happened 5 days before my surgery... and i still had the surgery, everything went great for me and it will for you as well!! ... I was freaking out that i wasnt going to have the surgery. Thinking that they would find bits and pieces of my burger floating in there.. yup that's how i was thinking.. i felt horrible.. but after that incident i was back on track.. I read a lot .. kept busy and worked on my garden to keep me under control..
  11. Hi My name is Marina and i had my sleeve done on May 10th at 9 am and was finally able to come home the following night! I am 5 days post op and really felt alone until i stumbled across this forum!! For the past 3 days i have just been stalking everyone's chats... but now i'm ready to tell my own story. I am 35 years old , married with 2 children. I am 5'81/2" tall and before i started the process in nov '11, i weighed at my heaviest 335 pounds. My decision to make a change? 2 reasons 1. Well,, my best friend had bypass done a few years back and after a year of healing she is now running marathons and is the happiest i've ever seen her!! However, she did have difficulties with iron deficiencies and had to have transfusions for a few months. So i did my research and decided i would pursue the sleeve ! 2nd reason.. one day while i was driving home after picking my son up from daycare, my son asked me.."mommy , all my friends in school say you are fat?" I know , i know, kids are brutally honest even at 3 years old... but it hurt like hell. I grew up all my life with kids tormenting me and i just let it roll off my back.. or just went and grabbed a burger to make the hurt go away, or better yet.. chimed in with the kids and made fun of myself for being fat .. but hearing it from own kid.. i knew right there that i had to make a change. I started my journey Nov 7 , 2011 with all the nutrtionist visits, meetings etc.. and May 10th was the big day! I went home weighing in at 303 #s.. mainly the weightloss was because of the 2 weeks preop of liquid diet i had to do.. that was hard!! I just want to tell everyone that i am excited to be on here and be a part of a group who have had the same struggles as myself! I go to the doctor on may 18th.. so hopefully more weight has fallen since then!! ( we dont own a scale in our house!) I now understand what head hunger is.. I am not hungry but i find myself wanting to just taste everything .. becuase i cant have it.. or more than likely becuase i've been on a clear liquid diet since april 26th!! I'm sick of the clear liquid diet. lol.. Well thank you everyone for listening to me and again I love that there is so much support from everyone!! Oh.. for those of you pre-op wondering what to expect.. soreness on my right side.. doctor said it is because that is where they took out the stomache .. dont be a hero take your pain meds when you are supposed to , it'll help you function better and walk more.. walk , walk , walk... sip .. sip... sip... lol... thats what i'm doing now.. Good luck everyone!!
  12. Best of luck!!! Just think of how much healthier and full of life we will all be!!!
  13. Thank you! I went to Sinai hospital and used Dr. Cynthia Long. She is wonderful and caring!
  14. No I didnt have mine done at John's Hopkins, i had mine done at Sinai with Dr. Cynthia Long. My experience was great, i loved my nurses! The only thing i didnt like was that when my surgery was over at 1 pm, there wasnt a room available for me until 9 pm. Dont expect to get too much sleep once the anesthesia wears off, because you are constantly getting checked on. The only uncomfortable thing for me was when they took the drainage tube out. It doesnt hurt, it's just weirdly uncomfortable.
  15. Thank you everyone!!! I really am excited not only for myself but for everyone elses' success stories!! I love reading them , it is what keeps me going!!! Soon , i'll be a success story too!! I cant wait!!

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