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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Comments posted by marina

  1. Thanks Marina. It is so hard to stay in control. Is it easier after surgery?

    I'm going to be completely honest with you! After surgery , It is a little easier.. right now i'm having what is called head hunger pain? I think that is what it is called. I dont feel hungry , thirsty , but i think i am. I'm 7 days post up now and i couldnt help but **this is gross , sorry** but chew up pickles and spit them out.. I just wanted them.. i'm craving sour stuff... I had lentil soup broth and added some vinegar in it for dinner yesterday .. didnt hurt me... The problem about the post op diet is that i had to be on liquid diet again for another 2 weeks.. so yes it's easier cause your not hungry , but at the same time I'm llike.. if i eat one more freaking posicle or sf jello i'm gonna freak!! lol.. BUT.. i put on my jeans today and they feel a ittle looser than usual!! So , i'm doing something right!! lol... it'll get better when i'm able to eat mush food.. all i can think about is crabs!! oh.. and of course the inside of a pickle!! lol... again .. dont stress so much... I also did a bowel prep 2 days before my surgery . I did 30cc's of miralax at 2 seperate times.. are you asked to do that??

  2. Dont fret.. i will let you in on a secret... but dont tell anyone.. I had two meltdowns when i was on pre op liquid diet.. the worst meltdown was when i stopped at Wendy's and order 2 cheeseburgers and 2 chicken sandwiches.. I totally lost control... couldnt control myself and then cried... that happened 5 days before my surgery... and i still had the surgery, everything went great for me and it will for you as well!! ... I was freaking out that i wasnt going to have the surgery. Thinking that they would find bits and pieces of my burger floating in there.. yup that's how i was thinking.. i felt horrible.. but after that incident i was back on track.. I read a lot .. kept busy and worked on my garden to keep me under control..

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