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Posts posted by TinyMamiOf3kids

  1. It is my understanding that when they build a new condo complex' date=' etc... they must integrate low income housing into a percentage of each building. You won't have a luxuy condo like your neighbors, but unless someone comes inside, they would not no any different. You will have like normal carpet, smaller unit, lower grade appliances, etc. If you not going to leave until 2015, you should get yourself on the list so that by the time you leave, your name might be called and I don't think you need a lot of money to close. Just a thought. I totally understand the money situation because I am also broke.[/quote']

    I really have to look into this. I'm waiting for my friend to give me the number so I can make a move like you mention get on a waiting list.

  2. Tiny Mami' date=' It breaks my heart to read your post about the abusive husband. I know your daughter won't choose a mate like her Dad. My parents yelled and screamed and called us names an awful lot when I was growing up. I beleive this is just as abusive as physically hitting someone because it tears down the self esteem and makes you believe you are worthless. I remember telling myself, I am going to be a more loving, kind Mother and I am going to choose a more loving mate. Every day you and your daughter have to stay in that environment is one more day too many. I sure hope for your sake and your daughters that everything works out the way you are hoping. I will keep you both in my prayers.[/quote']


  3. Not all low income housing is "ghetto". Where I stay' date=' it's brand new, wall to wall carpeting, new appliances, dishwasher, garbage disposal, central heat/air, 24 hr armed guard security, landscaping services, playgrounds, community center for Children where for 100/year they get after school homework help, karate, ballet, boxing, or music recording studio lessons. Everyone is respectful and respectful.

    DOS:358 CW:270 SD:1/28/13[/quote']

    That's beautiful. I love it there. Looks peaceful.

  4. Have you looked into moving? Up here in Albany we have Catholic Charties low income housing for families. The low income sections of Albany aren't that bad. Maybe because Albany is so small.

    I been in NYC all my life. I would never think of leaving unless I must better living help for my son ect..

  5. Tiny you are in my prayers that all turns out well for you. My heart goes out to you and your children.

    Thank you I didn't make it right the first time around,but i'm not making the same mistake with the smaller kids. As time passes you grow up,and realize that your kids are more important then anything in this world. My kids are not only small they are special need,and there for I can't let them stay past the year 2015 in this situation where they will understand what's going on,but yet they are being verbally abuse with no reasons only the fact that I gave birth to them,and they are the way they are. All kids are innocent,and have no fault in the way God gave them to me. I didn't ask for a special need child. I was given 2 because I'm patience,and I love them,and because it was time for me to get out of this marriage. Since my oldest child is almost done with school I'm waiting on that. Everything else can be fix such as having school bus drop off & pick up the small kids. I just have to make the best out of the situation,and start throwing stuff I don't need out. I'm doing a garage sale.

  6. I'm saying this gently. Is it doing your daughter more harm to see abuse everyday? You don't want her to think that abuse of women is normal.

    Of course I wouldn't want her thinking abuse of any kind women or men to woman is normal. She knows it. She won't follow in my foot steps.

  7. I'm saying this gently. Is it doing your daughter more harm to see abuse everyday? You don't want her to think that abuse of women is normal.

    My daughter is already 16 years old. She have seen it all,and it can't get any worst then what it is. If I been with hubby for 17 years,and for the past 5/6 years she have witness the abuse another 2 years won't make a difference. I sure hope I don't sound harsh with my reply,but I have to be honest. Money is the only thing that will get you somewhere in live. If I have no money we can't do anything in this world. Depending on the government to lend me a hand I will always be broke. Counting on a lawyer to get my SSD to be approve if I was really in need as I have no money. We would all be dead counting on a disability check. If I wasn't collecting bottles in the streets my 16 year old wouldn't have allowance for the week. My car needs gas to run. I'm sorry but right now I'm in this alone. Hubby money goes all on bills,and I don't work to help pay for some of the bills. When the time comes for me to move out whatever isn't paid off. I will pay it off. That's why I'm saving money for us. This money isn't for my self. It started out that way surgery for me,but now it's saving to have a moving company take my furniture out,and either move it to my future apartment or to a storage place until I get my own place which hopefully isn't in a housing project.

  8. I had to open a case in a safe horizon shelter because things are starting to get out of hand. I have to leave last day of June to July 2015. I'm waiting and being patience my daughter graduate in 2015 from high school. I can't be moving around making her crazy. She has a lot of school work going for her self right now. This is the perfect time leaving in 2015. I still have the interview for housing,but my friend who is also a landlord(not mine) don't want me applying or moving into any housing project. She is funny in the sense of hey move into a luxury building in a great neighborhood,and don't worry about high rent. I know how to get you in for low rent,but in a luxury building. She's like look you live in a

    Co-Op great area you gonna go into low class housing project with 3 kids. Your out of your mind. I'm gonna help you out. I will find you a place in a luxury building,and low rent,and you don't have to live off the government. I must admit my friend knows me too well. I don't want to live worst,but I don't want to continue putting up with emotional abuse. She tells me don't leave with out her knowing where,and i'm going and not to a housing project so I don't want to hear you mention that anymore.

    let's see what happens... I will keep her in mind lmbo luxury building. I'm just saving almost every penny I get. Damn it's past 12am bed time good night

  9. I had to open a case in a safe horizon shelter because things are starting to get out of hand. I have to leave last day of June to July 2015. I'm waiting and being patience my daughter graduate in 2015 from high school. I can't be moving around making her crazy. She has a lot of school work going for her self right now. This is the perfect time leaving in 2015. I still have the interview for housing,but my friend who is also a landlord(not mine) don't want me applying or moving into any housing project. She is funny in the sense of hey move into a luxury building in a great neighborhood,and don't worry about high rent. I know how to get you in for low rent,but in a luxury building. She's like look you live in a

    Co-Op great area you gonna go into low class housing project with 3 kids. Your out of your mind. I'm gonna help you out. I will find you a place in a luxury building,and low rent,and you don't have to live off the government. I must admit my friend knows me too well. I don't want to live worst,but I don't want to continue putting up with emotional abuse. She tells me don't leave with out her knowing where,and i'm going and not to a housing project so I don't want to hear you mention that anymore.

    let's see what happens... I will keep her in mind lmbo luxury building. I'm just saving almost every penny I get. Damn it's past 12am bed time good night

  10. Breath girl... Think positive,but I would say nope simply cuz everyone made plans to help you out. Not many of us including my self have others to help them out after any surgery.

  11. How are you doing Mami ? Many people miss you! Including me!

    Hello... I'm basically living in hell. I should be out of here 2015. The verbal abuse is out of hand. It's almost physical some grabbing has happen. My teenage is graduating come June 2015. My baby girl graduate also kindergarten. My son graduate pre school. So as soon has I hear I can move or there is a possibility of a place. Not thinking twice I'm leaving.

    I edit due to the fact that my daughter is in 11th grade not 12th grade lolz... I'm crazy

  12. I admit.... I have been the lazy housewife,but on Thursday I clean up my daughter's room,and of course she is old enough to clean it up her self,but I'm not up her case about it since she helps me out a lot with the little ones. On Friday I did some more cleaning. Yesterday I clean my entire bedroom. I had my daughter help me clean out the livingroom. Now it looks like a home not a zoo.

    I shower last night & spray perfume,and he told me it smell like man perfume. Instead of saying the house smells good. The kids are clean. dinner was wonderful. UGH!!!!

  13. So far things are marching nicely... I got some chores done. I'm wondering how the hell I got some must dust on the wall & ceiling but I wipe it all down. I'm thinking of removing the picture frame I have by the kitchen,but is not in the kitchen. It keeps getting sticky with the cooking I do. Will replace with kitchen related frame or something lmbo

    Kindergarten was good for my 5 year old.

    11th grade was not great 1st day for my 16 year old. She has 3 classes with a guy she doesn't like.

    Pre-k once again yeah my son gets pre-k 3 times in his life time. He went to pre-k age 1 1/2 years of age. Age 3 pre-k and he will be 4 in December so he continues pre-k until August of 2014 then he goes to another special education school for kindergarten. His 1st day according to his new teacher John :) he didn't eat his lunch. :( It's ok I responded. He doesn't eat with guys. I have always fed him or my 16 year old. Hubby attempted and he refuse & gives nasty looks lmbo he gets used to only one person feeding him in school & he is stuck with that person so to Mr. John a female teacher will have to feed him lmbo also he isn't diaper change by a guy.

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