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Posts posted by TinyMamiOf3kids

  1. Hello...I was always the fat person in my entire family & now I'm the smallest in the entire family well not really.I have a 21 year old sister that we only have each other give or take by 10 pounds. People will always try to pull you down. After 6 months of having WLS your own your own. WLS is only a tool. You have to make changes your self. If you eat wrong you will regain. I seen members on here who fail. I change everything I was doing wrong before surgery so I would be a success. I'm happy to see it works for me. Don't let the opinion of others affect your life. Only god can judge us & only you know what's going on in your life & mind. You can make this surgery work for you. Wishing you all the best

  2. I'm doing great! it's been almost 1year & 7 months since I had gastric bypass. I have occasional vomiting besides that life is wonderful. I'm still a size 0 I need to up date this photo lmbo. I'm still 110 pounds.No issues with eating or drinking. No issues with the scale not weighting weekly. Heck I would know if I gain if I'm squeezing into my jeans. I don't gain weight & I don't count calories. I do exercise if I remember lolz...I avoid everything that's bad.I still eat very little but I have days I could eat more,but I'm always in control. Do I have lose skin of course I do. Plastic surgery will not happen for a long time.I have better things to do then worry about that right now. Have a great night

  3. I know besides the judgmental people in here there are people that actually care about other people feelings,and have wrote me messages,and I do appreciate it. This is the only reason why I decided to post this other wise I care less what people have to say cuz only GOD CAN JUDGE ME.

    I won't be on in RNY talk,Face book,Fitness pal for a while,and it might be a long while or a short while. I'm not sure yet.

    *I'm not having problems

    *My internet won't be disconnected

    *My kids are fine

    *I'm fine

    Need somethings in order,and I can't be here there & everywhere when I have kids. I have a lot to do. So no worries. When I return I will be all over & you will see it & know it LMBO

    Have a wonderful evening...

  4. I will reply... You have your inside rearrange from eating 2 slice of pizza to not eating pizza for months. Everything gets you sick. Your body starts melting away. You see the weight melting but you feel & look sick. The pants are falling off but yet your boobs are disappearing.your butt is getting smaller. Your tummy gets smaller but it's hanging & saggy.

    It gets worst horrible you feel like a complete mess but you don't ever feel better until after 12 months post up.

  5. I am not a mother so I honestly don't know what it is to have kids as a priority but i watched my mom make mistake after mistake with her kids and now she's 50 and realizing how selfish her choices were when we were growing up. Now that her kids are all adults (I'm the baby--24 years old) we have all grown to appreciate her and still love her unconditionally because we know that she was abused and young BUT it took us all hell and hard times to realize this. I worship the ground my mother walks on but I wonder how different my life would have been had she been strong enough to walk away.

    Sometimes we don't see the harm it cause the children. Everyone might see it different but I'm not moving to be in the streets so I might as well stay until I do get a place then we can all move,and be happy. Wanting surgery shouldn't make me less of a loving & caring mom. I have done everything for my kids. My kids can never say I have no clothes,food,school supply. Even things they don't need like computer,ipod ect... My kids have it all. So someone thinking I'm selfish. I think not!!

  6. Tinymamiof3 remember this, don't let what others think about you or your situation get you down! We all have our needs and wants I would never judge you for going after what you want and forget about what some people have to say about your situation. As long as you take care of your business take care of your children and yourself then who cares. We all have problems and issues No One is perfect and people shouldn't be so judgmental! With that being said if you want to go get 10 boob jobs then good for you and if someone doesn't like it maybe they should keep their comments to themselves. I have been married for 13 years had my first child at 18 and let me tell you everyday is not a walk in the park if I put the things that I go through maybe people would be saying negative things too. This site was designed for us to be supportive of each other. I'm pretty sure not every day is a bad day in your marriage. If you are still there then that must mean that things are going ok.I wish you nothing but the best. You are always so supportive on this site, encouraging cheering people on Kudos to you.

    Your right it's not everyday that we are at it.

  7. I'm an adult and I have a lot going in my life to be put down by people that don't know me at all,and feel I'm abusing the government whatever. That's what happens when someone takes the time to post up anything on any website. I'm not going to sit here,and read insults. I'm very simple if what I said bother you move on to the next post. No need to reply. I don't reply to every single post on here. I block everyone who insulted me,and who agree with the person doing the insults. The day I decide to do any plastic surgery I will keep it to my self,and when I move keep it to my self,and if anything happens to me keep it to my self also. I was loving this group,but now I notice ppl just want to make them self feel good by putting others down.

    How dare people say I'm abusing the government. I never ask to have special need kids. I paid taxes over 10 years,and hubby paid taxes over 40 years,and it's still paying it,and has never threw it in my face I'm getting a little help for me kids. WOW!!! i'm so shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. While people may not agree with life choices I urge us all to remain respectful to one another. People come to RNYTalk for uplifting and support. Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinions and can voice their concerns lets try to do so in a tactful manner.

    Mami you seem very troubled and the instability in your life is apparent. I will say a prayer for you and your family. I do not agree with getting a boob job if you're trying to save to leave an abusive situation. To each his own. I will say that as a person who was raised in an abusive household I resented my mother for not leaving and using excuse after excuse. I would have rather been poor as dirt and living on assistance than stay in a volatile home but my mother chose to stay because of "comfort." Please be aware of how being in a situation like the one you're in damages your children psychologically. Good luck.

    You are right. I guess I feel selfish since I done everything for my family,and this is the 1st time I want to do something for me,and I sorta have the money to do it,and want to do it. I'm not getting my boobs done. I'm going to wait,and see what they tell me next year about the apartment. I will then make my choice according to what they tell me. I guess waiting won't kill me,but it's for sure I do need to get out of here. I'm already waiting to long,but June 2014 is the time they have me for an interview. So it's either wait & see or see if my friend can find me a place next year so I can move out.

  9. I live in pa and have capital blue cross. Im gonna be 8 months post op this month and I know I have to be atleast 18 months out for surgery but im curious if there are other requirements. Do we need to lose a certain amount of weight first? Just looking for some info. Thanks in advance

    I believe most surgeon require 18 months to maintain weight lost before having any kind of plastic surgery. About the insurance company covering any of it. I wouldn't know. There are others here that did have insurance cover plastic surgery. Hopefully someone will reply to you soon,

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