Hi lotsacurves,
Southernwoman here I know how you feel I roughly weighed the same when
I finally had had enough. This may sound crazy but the feeling of fullness and being satisfied with a smaller amount of food is total bliss! However what you probably already know if you have spent time reading any of the threads
is that the lap band is not placed around our brains. Karla (another me) wrote it best when she replied back to me with "attitude is a big part of the equation". I was blindsighted by the still overwelming presence of cravings.
I am so thankful that I stumbled on to this website it seems to be helping
me cope with this problem. I hope that it will be easier for you than it has for me. Also just a little side note my brother inlaw was the same way as
a baby apparently he was always hungry my mother inlaw told me she too
had to go to feeding him solids very early, and he is as skinny as a twig
always has been. Some people are just blessed that way I guess. My point
is the way you were as a baby does not entirely influence how you will be as an adult. Just hang in there YOU CAN DO THIS !