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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Calicolea

  1. Calicolea

    New Girl

    Welcome! I didn't go thru the 6 month countdown so I'm zero help in that department...... but I'm always good for a smile and a hug Best of luck!
  2. Calicolea

    Surgery Today...please Pray For Me!

    Anxious is normal. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
  3. Calicolea

    2 Weeks Post Op

    Woot! Woot! And it's only going to get better!
  4. I'm having a lot of trouble with reflux waking me up in the middle of the night. I wake up with a vomit taste in my mouth,..... very icky. It's been happening every night. I'm not eating for at least 3 hours before bed and have been sleeping propped up with pillows and even tried the recliner. I'm taking Zantac 150 twice a day plus tums antigas as needed. What is better than Zantac that I can try? That has always worked for me before. (I'm typing this in the middle of the night because the reflux woke me up again)
  5. WTG Sharon...... that's the right attitude!!! Best wishes on your upcoming surgery.
  6. Calicolea

    Sleeved This Morning.

    The best of luck!!!
  7. Calicolea

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    Take care and hope you feel better! You'll be out of there in no time.
  8. I'd like to ask what you are using for daily supplements, such as Vitamins, minerals, etc. What has worked for you and made you feel better or improved your hair, skin and well being? Appreciate your input.
  9. I had my band in Tijuana and my revision in Cancun. No problems in either place. I can't imagine anyone saying such terrible things, especially your mother. I'm so sorry you are having to go thru this. Pre-surgery is stressful enough without having to put up with that nonsense. I'd definately recommend asking her to not bring up the subject again. Big hugs!
  10. I've been looking at some of the Vitamins that were suggested (thanks again) and was wondering if anyone knows why they contain 3 or even 4 times what is the recommended daily allowance. Also, how often do you have blood work to check your vitamins?
  11. Thanks again, I'm going to look into all your suggestions.
  12. Yeah, lack of energy is my biggest problem. I went for a walk this morning and got half way around the block and had to turn around...... but that's farther than I've gotten before LOL I'm hoping more energy will come back when I can eat solid food.
  13. Calicolea

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    Good luck to everyone getting sleeved this week!!!
  14. I had a revision on 5/4/12. I used Dr. Hector Perez in Cancun. I felt my medical care was exceptional and the accomodations were beyond beautiful. Looking back I wouldn't have choosen anyone else, he was quite wonderful. Also, I live in South Florida so it is easy to get to Cancun.
  15. My surgery was ten days ago and I'm still on the mend. I'm probably older than the average sleever and had a one-step band revision with lots of scar tissue removed, so I think my recovery will be a bit longer. I see progress everyday and my activities are increasing but I'm not pushing it. The pain decreases every day and my strength is improving. I'd say weakness is my biggest obstacle at this point. he I read the posts of the all the ladies who were able to get out and about right after surgery and still feel good and I thought......... ahhhh to be young again.
  16. I followed my liquid diet and never cheated. It was a real struggle but I wanted my liver in good shape. The day before surgery I had to have an endoscope because I was a band revision. After it was done my doctor ask if everything was ok or if I needed anything. I laughed and said yeah I need to eat. He shocked the heck outta me and said ok, you can eat today, but nothing after midnight!!!! It was a great day!
  17. Thanks for your response Lissa. I have been taking gummies multi-Vitamins, but they don't have Iron so I need to look for something new and find out what other supplements are needed. I posted to see what everyone else uses and get some suggestions. I've never taken B-12 so no clue how much to take. What is sublingual B-12? Sorry, I have no clue. Is the Biotin just for hair loss? The Body Oil is a great idea. I love that stuff, but haven't used it in years. Thanks again
  18. Calicolea

    Just Got Home From Mexico...

    What a great start, congratulations!
  19. I say we start a petition and have "what if" removed from the english language.... anyone with me? :tongue2:
  20. Calicolea

    24 Hour Count Down

    Awwww..... so sorry you are going thru these emotions. Here's a big HUG I think we all go thru some sort of pre-surgery jitters in one form or another, and understand completely your concerns for your children. But instead of focusing on something happening and not being there for your children..... how about focusing on the healthy mom you are going to become, and seeing yourself around for a very long time. Again.... big hugs and good luck on your surgery day.
  21. Welcome! You've come to the right place to find lots of information and advice. I am a band to sleeve revision too. Had my surgery 5/4/12, so still in the healing process, but so far so good. I had my band removal and revision in one surgery after having the band for 9 years and it malfuntioning for the last 3 years. Best of luck in your upcoming revision
  22. Calicolea

    32 Vs. 34?

    What is a stricture risk?
  23. Best advice I've heard..... afterall, your success is the most important thing. What a smart doctor!
  24. Firstly - best of luck on your upcoming surgery I am a band to sleeve revision too.... I had my band placed nine years ago and had my revision on the 5/4/12. I was also self pay and was told I might have to have a double surgery by one surgeon but his reason was weak spots on my stomach (from the band) that might cause leaks. He never mentioned scar tissue problems. The surgeon I ultilmately selected had the same concerns, but part of his pre-op testing was to do an endoscope to make sure there were no weak spots from the band before we did surgery. (and found none) After surgery, he did tell me that I had a lot of scar tissue, but from a hiatal hernia repair I had three years ago. He never mentioned scar tissue around the band. My surgery took an additional hour to clean up the scar tissue, but no problems and I received my sleeve. He tested for leaks during surgery and then again two days after surgery and none were found. So it appears the scar tissue didn't effect the sleeve. I think I am healing on schedule.... everyday day gets better Sorry for being long winded...... just wanted to share my story in hopes it might give you a bit of encouragement for you upcoming revision.

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