this is exactly why I had bariatric surgery. My top weight...377. My top height...5'2. Bad huh?. But did I stay on my diet, no. It wasn't until my doc told me I had pulmonary hypertension, and if I didn't do something, I would need a heart transplant in 5 years. That I heard.
You see, I'm 60 years old and am raising my 8 year old grandson. My husband and I have legal custody and that kid needs me to guide him and nurture him to manhood. And there is no way I am having a heart transplant.
Started my journey last August when I attended the introductory group. Finally had surgery April 20, and at last weigh in I had lost 61 pounds. The scale hasn't budged for 2 weeks now, but I am not discouraged. I can walk twice as long without having to stop to catch my breath. I actually worked in the garden today.
I hope I will see my grandson graduate high school and college. That will make all this worth it.