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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About RachelP

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  • Birthday 07/16/1975

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    Stay at Home Mother
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  1. RachelP

    At This Place Again

    Hang in there!! I also have PCOS and have fought that battle. It will all happen for you....YOU BELIEVE IN THAT!!! We fought a child for 4 years and had many surgeries, took many drugs, so on and so on. We finally decided to adopt our precious daughter and got on track, then two weeks before we went for her delivery...BAM!! We found out that we were excepting as well. It has been a miracle for us and the joy of our life. When I look back on it, it all happened for a reason. I know, I know, oh boy how I know....if you could stab me in the eye for saying that!!!! You are doing the right thing!! You get your self health and you FIGHT!! Keep FIGHTING until you think you can not fight one more minute!! Do this, keep up the steps, and get there!! I can't wait to find out how great you do and then about the baby in your arms!! You can and WILL do it!!
  2. RachelP

    Im A May Sleever!

    I go in for my sleeve on May11th!! Very excited and nervous all at the same time!! My doctor, Dr Hart in Atlanta, said that it would be an overnight stay at the hospital! Good Luck and keep us posted!! Can't wait to hear about your progress!!
  3. Hello Everyone, I am so excited to have found a site that has people like me, that outstand me!!! I have been reading your stories and just have tears of WOW in my eyes. It is so comforting to have that connection now with others that have falling over the same hurtles I have. My family is so supportive and great so I can not knock that! My friends are having trouble understanding why I just can't do it on my own. But lets get real!! Everytime I diet I lose weight and then BAM I gain back even more. They all have the "Oh if I could just lose 10 lbs life would be easier". Which I laugh at and roll my eyes! They can't understand that I have been fighting the bulge since I was, well forever!! I had a few small years in there but that was far and few inbetween. I have so much weight to lose, they just can't even imagine how much. Let's just say it......I need to lose basically a person. How different is that than 10 lbs? I was always the biggest in the class all the way through elementary and middle school. I came back to high school looking great because it had finally shifted to the approved areas. That did not last long though. By 17 I was again the largest in the class and it has just gone up and up, down and up, up and up, down and way up. I did have a period in College that a doctor put me on Phen phen and Redux. I lost a lot of weight. I looked great but I was shaking and worked up all the time. Then when the study came out that those drugs were going to damage your heart for life. Wow... I am excited to be starting this journey for real this time. We looked into the surgery 3 years ago and I chickened out and kept thinking if this is just a committment thing I have it in the bag. I am committed to my health and family. I have given losing weight so much attention in the last 20 years. Well, after three years I now know that I need this tool to help me in my journey. I ready to sound selfish and that is just that. I want to send more time on me!!!! I want to feel important enough to put the countless hours dieting, reading about diets, going to doctors to see if they can get me on a path behind me. I am ready to move forward and kick some fat out of my life FOREVER!!! I have my surgery on May 11th, 2012. I am nervous, excited, thrilled, overjoyed, freaked out, and ready to rock this new person that I am going to unleash!! Thank you all for taking the time to be on this site and telling your story!! I will use your stories and wisedom in my journey!!
  4. RachelP

    So Nervous!

    I feel you girl!! I am going in May 11th for mine and I am getting nervous. I was so excited to get my date and have approval. Now I am like....."Really...Wow!!!" Good Luck and kick some butt!! I will be looking for you to see how it goes for you!! Write if you need support and it sounds like do not forget your gas -x strips!! Congrats!!

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