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Everything posted by jackie506
Hi gang. I am still alive. Kids left yesterday morning. I did not sleep a single wink the night before. I got up at 8:30am on Wednesday and didnt go to sleep until 11:30am yesterday morning. My daughter called me numerous times yesterday and told me what she was doing. I talked with my son a couple of times. He is a boy though and he just isn't as emotional. I am feeling lots better today though. It is noon and daughter called this morning and she is having a wonderful time. She said that when they went to the live play "wicked" and she said 'words can not explain how wonderful it was!' She went to the navy peer yesterday and rode the 15 story Farris Wheel and a few other things. My son says 'yeah I like it here. We should come sometime.' Then a couple more sentences and he says 'ok I will see you Sunday night then.' HAHA He wants mom to LEAVE HIM ALONE!! Anyway I am glad they are having a good time and they are there so the ride is over with. Phyl-sounds like you are having a great time with the wii. I want the wii fit as well. We are watching for it. Janet-your scale will move it always does. I know how it feels when it doesn't though and you know damn well you have been doing everything right. That is when the 'old demons' attack me and I think for a FLEETING moment 'what is the point I am not losing anyway. Steph-hope you are feeling better. I just seen a friend yesterday who told me she bought the total gym about 2 months ago and she loves it. Said she has really noticed a difference in her arms and her stomach as far as tightening up. I am looking into it now as well Kari-CONGRATS ON RUNNING 4 MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go girl!! Peaches- You are such a funny person and I love reading you posts with your conotations. I thought mercural had something to do with tempts but I wasn't sure. I know there are others that I haven't replied to but I cant remember what the posts read. LOL I am off to go get my exercise in for the day. DH and I didn't do much last night. I made steamed chicken breast and mixed vegies for supper. I used one of my glad steamer bags in the microwave so it was nothing hard and barely any clean up. Got up this morning and still did my daily sweep, vacuum and dust stands and desk off. Not a whole lot of anything to really do. Everything is all sparkly clean and I am totally relaxed now. I have to tell you all though. I have had my fill for 4 weeks and I was actually scheduled to go back in this past Wednesday and get another but I cancelled it because it felt tighter all of a sudden and I really didn't have time that day with getting the kids ready and all. I can tell you that I am glad I didn't go though. Wednesday night it was sooooo tight and then yesterday morning and for most of the day until about 6-6:30 last night I would reflux if I drank anything. It was tight. I attribute that to being stressed out and emotional though. Today it is better. I was able to eat my chicken last night. I didn't eat much though and I was full so on that part I was happy that it had tightened up. Today it is fine. I haven't really eaten anything except 1/2 cup of cherrios and I am still not hungry. I am supposed to go next week for the fill I skipped but I will see how it is the night before and maybe I will be able to cancel that appointment as well. Just wanted to share about the band tightening up. Ok I better go walk I will try to check back tonight. DH wants to take me to the movie and out for supper. I told him lets see how we are feeling. I am absolutely fine with setting here at home and watching tv and just relaxing. I am always on the go with my job so being able to just set home and not cooking and having to clean up and the norm of everyday life is really appealing o me right now. TTYAL
Ok all I am FREAKIN out!! My kids have not been away from me like this and they are leaving tomorrow morning and I have been soooo emotional today and just don't want them to leave. Ok I know that I need to just get over it but I seriously am struggling with this. I kept myself busy all day cleaing and running around so I didn't have time to think about eating and I was supposed to get a fill today but I didn't go because it feels very restricted today. I am attributing that to the stress and anxiety though so I rescheduled my fill for next Wednesday when the kids will be home and life will be back to normal. :redface: Then dingy me I took the next 2 days off thinking I would relax. YEAH RIGHT!!! Ok I know that I need to chill and kids go places all the time. It is just that I have never been away from them like this and since their dad passed almost 5 years ago I have been even more protective. You all know how the mom thing is. 'no one can protect them like we can!' OHHHHHHHHHH Ok I am going to go shower and see if I feel better. I didn't sleep much last night.....terrible dreams!! I have to help DD finish a few odds and ends (DS is finished!!) and then I am going to set for a while. We have to be up at 4am so it will be a short night. I have told them so many times tonight that I love them and yet my DS is such a procrastinator (sp?) that I got irritated a few times with him. He just came in a few minutes ago before I started typing and said 'mom I am sorry. I was just being cocky.' I said 'I am sorry too. I am just really frazzled tonight and I know that you are really excited about tomorrow and I am just missing you already.' What a wahhhhh baby I am being. Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulders. BTW I got my exercise in today and then some. I cleaned and according to my body bugg I had vigorous activity for 1 hour and 47 minutes and burned a total of 2774 calories and walked 16,463 steps. Heck I am pretty proud of myself. Being fidgetty really paid off on that end anyway. :hurt:
I finally found the photo of Phyl that everyone is raving about. Phyl you are beautiful!! The definately is a difference. You look wonderful. DH won't be able to keep up with you soon. LOL Congrats on the 75#'s.
Peaches and Phyl I have been to Peterborough!!! I met a couple of people on line and one of my friends and I went there back in 2000. OMG it was awsome!! It is about 1300 miles away for us. I loved it!! We didn't have an agenda (I think I told you all about this trip before so I won't go into detail) and we just came and went as we felt and did what we wanted when the mood struck. Oh my it was awsome!!! Beautiful country. Steph-you are right I prob won't be able to just lay around. I always gotta be on the move it seems. Wow what a change from where I was before!! Went to my doc today. The PA called in so I seen my surgeon himself. That is the first for me since banding!! He was sooo impressed. He looked at the picture that the office took of me the week before my surgery and then he looked at me and said 'you have become a whole new person. You carry yourself with so much confidence and are so much more outgoing and happy.' I thanked him over and over and told him how much my life has changed and my habits have changed. I told him that I walk mostly EVERYDAY and if I miss a day in the week I make sure I still get 10,000 steps in and still feel guilty about missing. He was impressed and told me that I was doing exactly what I need to be doing and not to get to frustrated with the plateau. I asked for a little fill on Wednesday to see if that would jump start things again and we set up the appointment. I walked 6 miles straight on Saturday and then I walked 4 on Sunday. Tonight I decided that if I could walk 6 on Saturday I could do it again tonight so I walked 6 miles again. I just can not believe it. When I started this journey I would walk 2 miles and I had to take short breaks during the 2 miles and I walked slow and was soooooo out of breathe. Now I go at a vigorous step and I don't even get out of breathe. OMG:w00t: IS THAT REALLY ME!!!!!! I am so happy tonight. :tongue_smilie: Well I better get. I want to vacuum my car out before it gets dark. Yes I clean my car like I clean my house. :thumbup: I hate sand being on my floor boards and dust on a dash so I clean my car 2 times a week and vacuum it in between if I need to. HAHA I know..............OCD!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone!! I want to thank each and every one of you for the wonderful compliments on my DD. I am so proud of her and yes she had a wonderful time. She is the gem of my heart. Sometimes it is VERY hard to feel that way because she is a typical teen but her and her brother mean the world to me. Thank you again!! Kari-wonderful food choices. We sure have learned a lot huh? Things are so different now. I have to admit that I have to talk myself out of things often too. I go into a store and I will pick things up and put them in the cart but end up taking them back out of the cart before I leave telling myself 'you don't need them!' Phyl-you crack me up!! I love our wii as well. Congrats to you on finding one. The Wii-Fitness comes out May 28th. I have that on my 'to buy' list. Hope I can get my hands on one. It is supposed to be like aerobics. Who knew exercise could be so fun?! We read an article in our newspaper about nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, physical therapists and etc are using the Wii for patients. They said that people get so involved into the game that they forget about the pain so they are using these on a regular basis. Isn't that great!!!! Ruby- I am soooo sorry to hear about your MIL. Karri is right grief is a very hard thing and everyone deals differently. There is probably nothing that you could say or do for DH at this time to make him feel better. Just let him know you are there for whatever he needs and he will have to go through the cycle of grief at his own pace. My prayers are with you and your family at this time. mango-I had a breast reduction back in 2000. I had NO pain what so ever after mine. Some people do but I think that I was so freakin scared of the pain before I went in that I had psyched myself out and had none. I felt so 'FREE' after surgery. HAHA I had lost alot of weight at the time and then had the reduction. I was actually running back then. Then...I don't know what happened.......I quit and gained all my weight back and then some. Oh well that is behind me now. Wait until you see how different you feel not lugging those puppies around. :thumbup: Janet-sounds like you had a nice relaxing day. I cleaned the house and then had to go shopping for the kids. They are leaving for a school trip to Chicago this Thursday and I had some things to pick up for them. I have decided that I am taking Thursday and Friday off from work. I will get up Thursday morning and take the kids to their bus and then I am going to come home and clean my house thoroughly (again!!) and then enjoy my 4 days with NO RESPONSIBILITIES!!! I plan to still get my walking and exercise in but THAT IS IT!! :thumbup: DH was giving me a hard time earlier because when the kids are gone after a night I always say 'I really miss the kids. I want them home' He thinks I will be a wreck because they have never been gone for more than 48 hours from me even though they are 15 and 16. This will definately be a long haul. Oh well they will have their cell phones. I can check in as many times a day as I need. :eek: Well it is midnight here so I best get my butt to moving towards bed. TTYAL
I Am Sorry. I Didn't Mean To Make Them So Big!! I Don't Know How To Make Them Smaller.
My DD has prom tonight and we just got back from the Grand March. I am pretty teary tonight because I just can't believe my baby is a junior already. The other part is this is one of 'those moments' when I wish sooooo badly her dad could be here for her. Earlier when I was helping her put her make up on I was trying to hold it together but my bottom lip was trembling as my eyes filled and she said 'Oh come on mom!" and she started laughing. I said 'I know I know it is just one of those moments for me. You are always going to be my baby." I told her how beautiful she is and how proud of her I am and her dad would be.' I just wanted to share my pictures with you guys here. I am sure you have figured it out but she is the one in the blue with the glowing smile tonight. She is sooooo happy!!! Uh oh here come the Water works again. I am a freakin mess tonight!!
Hello everyone. I was just checking out the thread for the second time today. LOL I read EVERY post every day but don't always have anything to report so I don't. Kari I would go for the unfill. I think you are dedicated and discipline of yourself enough to handle it. 6 hours really is a ways to drive. YOU CAN DO THIS!! Look how far you have come in such a short time. OMW you are already at goals and only 8 months out!!! Steph congrats on DH being ok with the PS. I have talked with mine about this a while ago and he told me if that is what I want then I would get it. :thumbup: Heck I gotta get things moving again though. Janet what is that 14 days Olay stuff you are talking about. I can see little fine lines starting around my eyes even though no one else can!!! I use this other stuff already. My mom thinks I am nuts!! Well I have been getting my exercise in and then some. A few days I have even gone out and walked 3 miles 2 times a day. I am really trying and this damn scale still doesn't move. I am going to get ALL of my water in today no matter what. I am hoping that will start making things move. I must be losing inches though because I have noticed clothes are fitting differently. Now if the scale would move I would be ecstatic!!! I am hanging in the balance about getting a fill. I don't know that I really need one but I am not sure. Like we have discussed the band is such a fickle thing and one day I may think I need one and then I will eat something and think heck no I am restricted. :thumbup: UUGGHHH what is a girl to do?????? I go for an appointment in a couple of weeks and I think I am going to talk to the PA while I am there and see what she thinks. I just don't know. Well I better get. I am going to go do my walking. It has been really nice the last 3 days so I have been getting my walking in outside but after today it sounds like we will be getting rain for the next possibly 10 days. :thumbup: TTYAL!!:thumbup:
FIRST I WANT TO WELCOME NICOLE AND CAROL TO THE LUCKY NUMBER 7'S. YOU WILL NOT FIND A BETTER THREAD THAN THIS ONE. WE ARE ALL FAMILY HERE AND SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER 200%. CONGRATS ON YOUR CHOICE TO BETTER YOUR HEALTH WITH THE BAND! :biggrin: Janet- I ABSOLUTELY WOULD NOT GET MAD AT YOU!!! I need you (all of you) to keep me in line. I think (crossing my fingers and toes and anything else I can wrench around) that things will start moving again. Aunt Flo arrived this morning and I am hoping things will start moving again. As far as the eating I was making good choices with that but I do have an ice coffee from McDonalds now and then. I am pretty happy now though because they just got the sugar free one this week and it honestly isn't all that bad. MANGO- I totally get what you are saying. I can drink water (gulp) even anytime. To me it is gulping compared to my normal drinking anyway. Even after a fill and with great restriction. My band my be tighter one day than another too. Knowing if you need a fill is a struggle that I think most bandsters go through. The PA at my doc office told me that if I think I may need a fill chances are that I do need one. Well I walked 4 and 1/2 miles today and did my complete house cleaning today. I feel really good (but tired!) tonight. I am still plugging along with the exercise and today I figured I was going to try to really step it up with the pace and vigorous walking to see if that helps. I am trying to make sure I get LOTS of water too. For me I think it is 'out of sight out of mind'. If I don't have a bottle of water next to me I don't think about it. I do pretty good getting most of my water daily but I am making a conscious effort to get ALL of my water and see if that helps. Well it is 8:10pm here and I am going to go watch a little boob tube tongiht. I may be back on later but if not HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREATTTTTTTT MONDAY!! Good luck with your fills Peaches and Phyl!!
HIYAS!!!!! Sorry I haven't been posting. I have been reading and keeping up on all the posts just haven't had anything to post. I am really frustrated right now. I have been working my buns off with the exercise and haven't been eating bad and NOTHING!! I lost the weight that I had regained and haven't lost anymore in about 3 weeks. I am so fricken frustrated!!! I have stayed the same for almost 2- 2 1/2 months now. I think I am going to call the PA on Monday and just get her opinion. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I don't get my water in EVERY day but damn close. What the hell is the matter with me?!?! Sorry for the rant as you can see I am flaming! :biggrin: Ruby congrats on the 3 lbs. Your doing great. Lindaa I get reflux also. I can not eat anything or drink anything other than water for 2-3 hours before bed. The other night I fudged and had a south beach diet cereal bar for night snack and woke up 2 hours after going to bed with reflux and gagging on it. Try the sleeping with your head elevated. I have always had bad reflux and that is what they have always suggested for me. It does help some. Sorry don't have time to answer everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I am here and alive just mad!!!
Hey Gang!! Yesterday went fine. VERY LONG DAY!!!! :smile: We left at 6am and we got home at 10:30pm last night. UUUUGGHHHH Then while we are there my friend and her daughter want to eat buffett for lunch 'because Morgan (little girl) can get a variety of different foods.' I didn't say anything. So we get there and pay and then when I go to get food they have no 'baked grilled or broiled' meat. They have chicken fried steak, swedish meatballs in a cream sauce, hamburgers with melted cheese, general chicken and etc. I WAS PISSED!!! There were no baked potatoes it was mashed, fried or mac and cheese. I hit the salad bar and ate chopped boiled eggs with real bacon bits and a little shredded cheese and some salad dressing on it. Then I found some brussel sprouts and tried those. They were so hard you would have thought they just came out of the garden and hadn't been cooked. Tried cutting them they didn't work so forgot those. Green beans and corn both had butter in them so NO. In the end I went to the dessert bar got some frozen yogurt and finished up. WHOOPPIIII!!!:blushing: So that is the lunch fiasco. Then supper she decides she wants to go to Chili's. I ordered a ceasars salad with no ceasar sauce and a grilled chicken breast on top. I figured that was good for me. Ate some chips and salsa while waiting. DIdn't over due those. Then I get the salad and my lettuce was really wilty looking so I took the croutons and chicken breast off the salad sent the lettuce back and told them I don't want anymore either and ate the chicken breast and croutons with ranch dressing. Couldn't even eat all of it. Needless to say I was not impressed with yesterdays food. My friend and her daughter both ended up with 'bathroom troubles' on the way home and weren't feeling really well. I didn't have the heart to say 'well you ate nothing but junk today and alot of it.' Anyway, I am home now and will not be eating out today. I am so puffy from all the salt yesterday so need to get going on the water today. On the plus side though while we were there I made sure I got at least 10,000 steps in. I walked the halls up and down and looked like a nervous nilly who was pacing from nerves or a weirdo who couldn't set still to the others who were waiting. I didn't care. I figured they don't know me and I don't know them and will prob never see them again anyway and if they really want to know what I am doing then they could ask. And if they really wanted to know what the timer thing around my neck was that I kept looking at they could ask. LOL (the thing on my neck is my display for my body bugg. I watch how many calories I burn and how many steps I have taken) Another tid bit before I leave. I talked with my doc about the '10,000 steps a day' rule and she said that was an excellent goal to have. She told me that the average distance for 10,000 steps is 5-6 miles and for some people it is 6-7 miles. That means for me then that I walk at least 5-6 miles a day and then all the extra. Some days I have 20,000 + steps. :thumbup::cursing: I looked this up on the net a couple of different web sites to make sure and they say the same so it must be true. Anyone else heard anything? Better get. Not doing much of anything today but gotta get those steps in so the rest of the day can be mine. It is so nice to be back home and be able to talk to all of you.
CONGRATS PHYL!!!!!!!!!! You are doing wonderful. We are all so proud of you!! I know I said I was leaving but I just can't get enough of all of you. I 've missed you all today. :huh2: Ok now I need to update my exercise thingy for April.
PHYL- I love playing wii. We got it for Christmas. THey are still hard to find I guess. I had gotten 10 of them and sold the others on EBAY. I doubled my money on a ew and made at least $100 on each of the others so my kids was paid for. I like to play Guitar Hero III. That is my favorite so far. I was told by a guy working at Wal Mart that there is a wii-fitness game coming out that will be aerobics. I can't wait. Definately buying that one next. Did anyone see the segment on tv and then it was in our local paper about hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers recommending the wii for patients for physical exercise? They said that when I person is doing therapy many times they are focuses on the pain but they are finding that when they play wii they get more out of the therapy because they get so into the game and forget about the pain. Imagine that!! A video game that 'the doctor ordered!!' I wanted to let you all know that I will not be around tomorrow and I am not sure if I will be on tomorrow night either. It will depend on what time I get home. I am going with a friend and her daughter to an appointment at the University of Iowa hospitals and clinics. Her daughter is 9 and she has downs syndrome and she is having some cognitive testing tomorrow and they told her it would be an all day thing so I am going to keep her company. I think we are going to try stopping at the Coralville Mall when we are done though. :huh2: That gives us something to look forward to. Of course I am not looking forward to the 4:30am wake up call. Better get. Need to fold my load of laundry and get that finished so things will be tidy tomorrow since I won't have time to do my daily chores. I did them this morning and then again tonight right before getting on here so that nothing gets dirty. Do ya think that counts for tomorrow? LOL Little OCD. :tt2: Good nite 7's!! Hope you all have a great Thursday.
Janet- DH is maybe thinking of coming with me also so I may not be sharing a room. I am not sure about him comming though and like I said before I have no clue yet whether we will even be here or in Missouri but if we are here I will definately be there!!! :confused: I am actually trying to get a hold of the school to find out the drivers ed schedule so that I can set up our vacation this summer. I will let you all know as soon as I find out. So far I have gained no weight from my birthday splurge. :thumbup: I have actually lost 2 lbs. Chim congrats on the trainer. I need to get me one!!!:wink_smile:
First I want to thank EVERYONE of you for your birthday wishes. They were so heartwarming to hear!! THank you thank you thank you. I always need to thank Janet for telling everyone that birthdays don't count for calories. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I went out for lunc and for supper!! Then tonight we were in the grocery store and DH and kids wanted to buy a cake. I said NO NO NO. They kept telling me we had to have cake so I said ok my favorite is cheese cake (I know TERRIBLE choice) so we went to the deli for a fresh cheese cake. They had very small round ones that we could cut into 4 and it would be gone and everyone would get a small portion and then they had bigger ones that we could all have 2 big pieces. I contemplated the bigger one for quite a while. Walked around the store with it in the cart and kept thinking 'it won't count today'. My son was so frustrated with me because I picked it up and walked with the bigger one and then put it back and got the smaller one about 4 times until I finally decided 'no we need the smaller one!' so I went back for the last time and put the bigger one back and picked up the smaller one and said to DH 'lets get the hell out of here before I change my mind again!' and we left with the little one. We came home and everyone had a small portion and it is gone and done with with no left overs. My birthday was great but I think I will be paying for this day for the next week. We had mexican for supper and chinese for lunch. DAMN IT I WANTED MY DAY!:smile: Phyl I am soooo sorry to hear about your aunt Genny passing. Congrats to you for pushing yourself at a time like this and going to aerobics. She would have been sooooo very proud of you. My prayers are with you. Mango-my gosh this made me cry. I had found this on the internet a few years ago and read it to my kids father. He liked it so much he said 'when I die I want that for my obituary and my eulogy (sp?). We did not know at the time that a very short year and a half later he would be gone. Today was a very hard day with missing him and tongiht when I read that it gave me goss bumps because it reminded me of him and how he looked when he told me that. I know that it was meant for Phyl and I appreciate that but I also want to thank you for bringing that memory back to me today.
Good morning!!! Just wanted to =quick check in before leaving for the gym and then to tan. It is not even 9am and I got my cleaning and laundry all finished for the day and off for my workout. It is my birthday toay and I VERY KINDLY asked my family not to do the cake thingy because I honestly don't need it and right now I have been on this frenzy of wanting to eat constantly so I dont want the temptation. They were fine with that. I will make a nice supper of chicken breast and brown rice with broccoli and that is about it. :ohmy: I am ok with that. I was a little down yesterday because today I moved into a new age bracket on applications or other documents. I moved from the 18-34 up to the 35-? :crying: I know big deal but to me it was. I got myself over it pretty much though by telling myself that I am healthier at 35 than I was at 33 and 34. Before then I wasn't terrible but not as healthy as now because I at least exercise now. Well I better quit rambling and get a move on. I will check back later all. Have a happy wonderful Monday!!
The sleeve length you see in all of my pics is the length that I usually wear year round. It helps some I think.
Janet I am with you with the arms. I have those 'bat wings' also. I am really trying to tighten mine up but like I said before they are there. I have the problem alot with things fitting great all over but to tight in the arms. UUUGGHHHHHHHHHHH:scared2:
Ok sorry I ended the above post so abruptly but this little screen popped up saying that something happened and my page was going to shut down in 15 seconds and I didn't want to lose what I have already typed so I posted fast. WHEW I didn't lose it. Anyway, not the greatest day here in Iowa but it was ok so I walked outside. Got my exercise in and think if it stays like this (it is getting more springy here) then I will go to the gym during the day and walk at home at night. I don't think I am going to change my exercise challenge for next month though because I don't want to over stretch to much and end up not meeting it. We are having this benefit walk at work. We got our packets yesterday. They do this every year but the previous years I have not been involved. (should have been) Anyway if we want to do this we can go to family and friends and ask them to pledge any amount they want for me to walk. They do not pledge so much per mile but just a whole for the distance I walk. We can choose between a 3 mile walk or a 10. I came home and was talking to hubby and I haven't made up my mind just yet but I THINK I might try to 10 mile. DH said he would go with me and walk it with me. I walk 4-5 miles on the treadmill at the gym at a time so I think I could do this. I don't know though. I asked my in laws to plege and told them that I will be at least doing 3 miles but haven't totally committed to the 10 miles. I am kind of afraid that I jsut won't be able to do it. I don't know. I have another month to decide though. The other thing is I don't know what the weather in Iowa will be that day so I maybe will just go to the gym in the morning that day and then do the 3 miles that afternoon. Heres the dumbest part of all of this imho. When we are finished with the walk they will be serving.......walking taco's, brats, hot dogs and chips!! WHERE IS THE FREAKIN SUBWAY OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!! HAHA Well I better get. I am going to read a while and watch TV. Got the whole house cleaned this morning before I did my walking so I could have the rest of the day for whatever I wanted to do. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!!
Hello all my lovely lucky 7's. Finally got a minute on the computer and had to check in. My sons laptop went on the blink so he has been using mine ALOT lately to play some game on line. :scared2: LOL Not a big deal at least I know where he is and what he is doing. He is really a home body and I don't mind him being on here but he is limited. He can be on so long and then I make him get off for a while because we went through a period where he wanted to do nothing but play that game and then when I would tell him to get off he would get angry and mouthy. Fixed that by taking the whole thing away for a week and let me tell you.....he definately responds very well now when he is told it is time to give it a break because he knows that I will take it away again. Such a mean mom aren't I?! I have 2 tattoos. 1 is just a VERY small homemade tattoo of a heart of the inside of my left ankle. It is really low and you can not see it unless I take my socks off. That was a rebellion thing towards my parents when I was a very young teen. The other is on the outside of my right ankle and it was done professionally. It is sleeping moon with a night cap on. Really cute. I got it when I was 18. Lately I have also been thinking of getting another tattoo but I don't know what I want. I want something with my 2 kids entwined in it I think. Just haven't really made any decision on what or where I want to put it. The nose piercing is another thing I want but haven't done. My daughter has hers done and my sister and I went shopping a while back and I paid for her to get hers done and then I didn't do it. I am not afraid of it I don't know what it is. I am so afraid that they will not put it in in the right place and it will look dumb though. LOL:tt2: The potluck yesterday went fine. I did not even eat ANY desserts so I didn't use Phyl's 3 bite rule. I actually ate ok things. I was really disappointed and ASTONISHED at the same time though. I never realized how many people bring desserts and fatty not good for you foods to these things. I was just nuts!!!! Then after we have been eating and visiting for about 45 minutes the director anounces 'everyone get another plate we have LOTS of food." I thought to myself 'like anyone needs to go back after all the food we were offered and most ate to much of on their first and second plates.' I feel awful when I think or say things like that because I was never aware before but my light bulb has gone off and it is VERY bright now so I am always thinking of this.
I love my bugg. I have had it for almost 7 months and I wear it all the time except when I shower. I have only gone 2 nights when we were going out that I didnt wear it and I felt lost without it. I use my display all day long to see where I am on calories burned and steps. I can't imagine not using the bugg. Thus far I have the 'bugg indentation' when I take mine off but it goes away after awhile. Hope that keeps up. If not I wear mine pretty high up on my arm and have never been a sleeveless girl (even in my skinny years) so I don't care. Small price for me to pay I think.
Peaches so glad things went so well for you and surgery and aftermath have been uneventful. Hey sounds like you may have even gotten the low profile port to boost. Happy healing!! Karri- congrats on getting married. You and your BF seem to be life long partners anyway but your right. I don't think you need that piece of paper to say that. I got married because I just didn't want the kids to be afraid of commitment ya know. Not that I don't love my DH but we spent a lot of money to have what we had before. No offense to anyone. That is just my opinion. Janet- sounds like the trainer is working you over. I am soooo jealous of you. I still haven't found one. I think I may go about an hour away a couple of times and talk with a trainer and see what they would suggest for toning. Told DH and kids that I wanted a couple of sessions with a trainer for my birthday but they aren't really that ambitious to find one so I guess I will do it myself and give that to myself. :rolleyes2: Linda-I seen that segment of dateline last night. That is so sad!!! DH was even really interested in it. Did you say they are writing a book about it? Over 100 lbs!!!!!!!!! Look at you go!! CONGRATS!!:w00t: Not a whole lot new to report here. I am feeling more 'munchy' this week. Aunt flo is coming in about a week and a half so this is the norm.:sad: I hate that feeling of wanting to eat constantly!! I give in sometimes but I make sure that I have the 'not so bad' food for those times. I never eat very much but a bite here and there does add up. I had to cut back on my tanning. I am TOO DARK!! LOL I live in Iowa and I have had SEVERAL comments about my tan and a few 'where did you go tropical to get such a nice tan?" I decided that I will back off a bit. I like to tan right after working out because it is soooo relaxing. Well if I am going to work out 4-6 times a week that is alot of tanning. :eek: Well better get. I have a 'staff retreat' for work today. Basically it is an inservice and a pot luck with lots of food that I don't need. Oh Janet jumpon my shoulder and take a ride with me. LOL Not the right time for me to be looking at all this food. Not that I would be able to eat much of it anyway because I am definately at great restriction right now but it is just the anguish of having it all there and WANTING to eat it. Oh well I will survive. Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!! We are all doing awsome on the exercise and the weight loss. The wind will be blowing our skinny bodies to the Mall of America. :teeth_smile:
HERE'S TO THE GIRLS!!! What's so poignant about this picture? Well, it shows a line of little girls holding hands facing the immensity of ocean waves. Alone they might be washed away, but together they stand strong. Thank you each for holding my hand somewhere along the way when I was facing a wave of my own. I hope you will reach for my hand when your own wave threatens. All of us girls.. Old and young... Near and far... Hold special memories of good times we've shared. We've had our share of hard times when our friends were there to make us feel better. We've shared... our hearts our time our secrets our fears our hopes and our dreams. Let us never break the chain of friends! Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Their house will be bigger. They will drive a better car. Their children will do better in school. And their husband will fix more things around the house. So let it go, Be Happy! And love yourself and your circumstances. Think about it. The prettiest woman in the world can have trouble in her heart. And the most highly favoured woman on your job may be unable to have children. And the richest woman you know, she's got the car, the house, the clothes....might be lonely. And the word says if 'I have not Love, I have nothing.' So, again, love you. Love who you are. Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say 'I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!' I like that! 'Winners make things happen. Losers let things happen' Be Blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman. 'To the world you might be one person, But to one person you just might be the world'. HERE'S TO YOU MY LUCKY NUMBER 7 FRIENDS!
Phyl I LOVE YOUR HAIR!! The wind makes you look even more saucy!!! You can definately tell a differnece in your face from your loss as well. You look wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!