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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jmcmillan159

  1. I'm revising from the band to the sleeve because of esophageal motility issues. I have very mixed feelings about it because I love my band, but I can't risk permanent damage to my esophagus. I'm curious to hear how other ex-bandsters compare the benefits of the band versus the sleeve. I don't need to hear all the bad things your band did because I assume you wouldn't have revised otherwise. I just want to hear the things you like(d) best about the band vs. the sleeve. For example, for the last 2-3 years with my band, I experienced very little physical hunger. In addition, my appetite was suppressed - I didn't think much about food, could pretty much take it or leave it, some foods just didn't appeal to me any more, and many foods that I used to love tasted different, sort of bland. All that made it much easier for me to maintain my weight loss. Since having a complete unfill in late February, my physical hunger has returned with a vengeance, and so has my appetite. Food tastes wonderful again, I think about it a lot, and the very same foods that tasted bland before now taste good again. I haven't gone crazy with food, but since I'm so hungry and have no restriction, I'm eating more than enough and have re-gained 15 lbs. I've been told that the sleeve eliminates or reduces physical hunger because of the reduction in grehlin production. Has that been true for you? What about your appetite and enjoyment of food? Finally, do you experience early satiety with the sleeve? thanks! Jean
  2. jmcmillan159

    Comparing The Band's & The Sleeve's Benefits

    Thanks to everyone for your helpful responses!
  3. Of the books about the sleeve available on the market today, which one(s) do you recommend that a sleeve newbie read? Thanks! Jean
  4. jmcmillan159


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
