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BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

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Everything posted by BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

  1. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Any Jersey Sleevers?

    How was your hospital stay? I am having surgery there on 1/9th? Who was your surgeon?
  2. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Paying a diductible before surgery ?

    I don't have to pay the surgeon anything but i do have a $150 copay for the hospital stay.
  3. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Ready to Hibernate!

    The obsession is normal! I started this journey in February, 2012 and have been obsessed ever since and i am scheduled for surgery 1/9! I honestly dont have any advice for you other then maybe Skype. If you can download it to your phone or bring a lap top with you it may help with the seperation anxiety. Just think about how much better your life will be when you return home! You will be relaxed and will be starting the new you! Good luck to you!
  4. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Surgery on Monday 01/07 and super sick

    Vitamin C is your best friend. My surgery is wednesday and i too am praying not to get sick! but also taking exta vitamin C just incase!
  5. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    two year weight histoty

    All you really need is the copies of the medical notes. They don't have to do anything special. I had to submit 5 years worth of weight and diet history.
  6. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Question about liquids! Please help!

    My nut and surgeon say 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after.
  7. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Anyone using a Fitbit?

    I too have been looking into either getting the Fitbit or the Nike+ FuelBand.
  8. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Holy Cow, Booking the Flights Now!

    How exciting! Good luck!
  9. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    January 9th for me!
  10. Excited for the new year!

  11. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    dec 2012

    From the album: Before pics

  12. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    july 4th 2012

    From the album: Before pics

  13. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    may 2012

    From the album: Before pics

  14. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    My S(sleeve)-Day Story....

    Most of my friends are not supportive. My husband is very supportive! At first i was a bit hurt that my friends were so negative but then i realized that they were too scared to take such a big step in their lives. Ironically the ones that were not supportive are obese too. But i have learned not to give a rats ass what my friends think.... you know what they say, opinions are like A$$ holes, everyone has one!
  15. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    My S(sleeve)-Day Story....

    thanks for the play by play. Glad your feeling better!
  16. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve


    They would see the gall bladder but not its function.
  17. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve


    Gall Bladder?
  18. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Hair Loss

    I am still pre-op but i started taking Biotin about 1 month ago. Hopefully that will help when the time comes.
  19. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve


    I started my journey in Feb of this year. After my first visit i was told i had to complete 6 months of a supervised diet with a nutritionist. In april my insurance changed and automatically the Dr's office decided that since it had changed that the requirements probably changed. They never bothered to really find out so after 3 months of NUT Visits they submitted my paper work and gave me a surgery date of July 2. Well not to my surprise i was NOT APPROVED! Reason? Well i didnt compete the 6 months. So i got a couple of "I'm Sorry's" and completed the remaining 3 months. Once i completed all my visits my paperwork was again submitted and my new surgery date was Nov 5. Guess what? The day hurricane Sandy was blowing trees down in my neighborhood i received the letter that I was NOT APPROVED again! Of course i was beyond pissed. Not only did i have to wait to be able to contact the Dr's office for over a week (Neither I or The Dr's office had electricity for over a week after the storm) But to my surprise the reason i was not approved was that my navigator as much as i liked her was very sloppy. Turns out that there was info missing, My height was wrong on some of the medical notes from 4 years ago (They required 5 years weight history and diet history) At the wrong height my BMI was not over the 35. And the worse part was that when i finally was able to speak to my Navigator at the Surgeons office she basically told me that i had to get it approved myself, that there was nothing else she could do. Well right after thanksgiving i was really pissed off at the world and decided i was going to get my surgery approved! I wrote them a somewhat nasty letter and spelled out all the supporting documents in a timeline! Guess what?????? I found out today that I am FINALLY APPROVED!!!!!! I almost want to go find another Surgeon! I swear if i didn't think it would screw up my approval i would tell them where to go! Of course my call the surgeon's office today would be useless since they are probably having their holiday parties and stuff. So i guess i will have to wait until after christmas to schedule my surgery! Merry Christmas everyone! I swear this is the best Christmas gift ever!
  20. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve


    Thanks! <3
  21. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Finnaly Approved

    Oh we been there and done that! Read my story here http://www.verticals...nally-approved/ Aetna can only offer you what the employer choses. My policy, eventhough it is aetna, it is a self paid policy. So employer choses what they will and wont cover and have their own set of rules. Oh and i should add that eventhough i like my navigator i am pretty pissed with her right now for abandoning my case!
  22. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Finnaly Approved

    I have Aetna too but my specific policy requires the 6 month. I too go to NJBC.
  23. BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve

    Psych Eval Today

    everyone's eval is different. Mine was about 45 minutes from the moment i walked in the door. (probably spent 30 minutes with the Dr.) We spoke about everything from the weather to my kids and the actual surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
