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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jared

  1. My surgery is scheduled for July 23rd and I got my packet in the mail today. It says in there that if you gain weight during the process your surgery could be canceled. I quit smoking almost a month ago and I'm sure I have gained about five pounds or so do you think I will be ok???? Really hard to quit smoking and lose weight to

  2. Any regrets of having most of your stomach removed that you can never get back and not knowing how this is going to effect you 15 or 20 years from now my grandfather had 2/3's of his removed thirty years ago because of ulcers and he is healthy as a horse at 72 and weighs about 160 pounds

  3. Not sure how to react I want to have the sleeve done but my wife is trying to talk me into the band because its not permanent but I want a permanent change but she thinks I will have issues later down the road with the sleeve because its so new I really want it done but she is scaring me now with all of the negative comments any advice

  4. The letter just said he was denied because of his recent gastric sleeve surgery. I'm annoyed. He is no longer obese' date=' his BMI is normal, he no longer has sleep apnea and hasn't had asthma problems in the last year. Arguably, he is healthier than he has been in years. I really don't understand insurance companies at all.[/quote']

    How much did he lose and how long did it take it him that sucks about insurance

  5. I am six foot two and 320 and don't know if I want to have part of my stomach removed. The procedure has not been around a long time and doesn't have a long track record. I have been heavy my whole life and need a change please someone give me that final push to make sure I do this is anyone just a month out and have some good news to tell me or a year out and have a great story to share

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