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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by slimmerme

  1. slimmerme

    Who Likes Frappuccinos ?

    Sounds great! Have you thought about taking out a little creamer and adding vanilla Protein power in its place. This migh work since you are making a cold blended drink. Anyway to get the protein in......
  2. I needed this posting! I am 6 months out and have stalled for the past 3 weeks. I have lost 112 pounds and have a good 100 more to go. People that I work with keep saying that I am melting away, but I dont see it. I have a mental block that if I dont see the scale moving, I dont feel like I am moving. I know that it is not true. I finally decided to purchase new pants. My others are falling off. I recently went to a Cincinnati Reds ballgame and spent most of my time pulling up my jeans.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
