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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About thinoninside

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  1. thinoninside

    4 weeks post, ravenous

    Are you hungry often or not much. I was the same and unfortunately 9 months out after a barium swallow i will need to be resleeved. Not sure yet if it wasnt done properly or some other issue but I too could eat way more than the average sleever. NO acid reflux or head hunger just plain old fashion hungry. Make sure you eat protein first it does help to increase the sense of fullness. eat slowly.. take your time.. drink water lots of it! good luck!
  2. Hello all long time lurker first time poster. I am now as the title says 12 Days post op and feel fabulous. I am in no pain, no incision pain, walking generally back to normal and have been so for the past 5 days. I am really concerned/becomming obessed with seeking answers because I can drink a glass of Water no problem, I had two scrambled eggs with cottage cheese for Breakfast no problem, tube of yogure 125ml for lunch and drink in between. I think I feel like i have no restriction and am worried i will fail at weightloss because i will pig out like i did pre sleeve. I dont want to be fat any more, i thought i would get slim with this tool but i didnt think after reading everyone elses journey that it would feel like normal just less hungry. I have checked with my surgeon and he said everyone heals different and wait till i am on solid or mushy foods but stick with the plan. I am on pureed at the moment. can i actually fail? do people not loose weight. I will be totally devosated - i just cant cope thinking its not going to work. My dietician asked for a 3 day food diary but said it was unusual that I could easily eat two eggs without discomfort or nausia and it scared me. Please dont scare me I am very anxious at the moment.

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