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Jeni Martin

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni Martin

  1. At 6 months out I am no longer sipping... but I can't chug either it is a balance. Depending on the food I am at anywere from a 1/2 cup to a cup.... I have a zucchini Soup that I make that I can handle a cup because it is so thin but if it heavy like chicken it changes to 1/2 cup. There are times that is less than that so I put it down and eat it later... I also find that if I have a craving a small bite will take care of it.

  2. I am now three months out... I am no longer on a "diet" I can have almost anything I want. Within reason, Protein yes will always be your number one food. White carbs are limited. Potatoes are the number one carb it seems. But on a "diet" it so easy to stop and overeat. With the sleeve, physically you are limited on your intake. That makes it so much easier. Also you know your body needs XYZ. So you don't spend the limited room you have on ABC very often. Before surgery it was like I had an limited amount of room at anytime... 6 doughnuts easy... now they are so much easier to pass up... Or if I have a family member with me I will have nibble off thiers and be happy.

  3. Okay I am going to admit I have had a few swallows this month of Diet Coke. I used to drink 4-5 cans a day. I did not have any pain or anything. It was only one swallow from fiance's can. But however it tasted NASTY! I would rather have GreatValue Cherry Drink Mix for Water.< /p>

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