Hi everyone:
I am brand new to the site (This is my first post) and I am going to an informational session in the Med Center for band and Roux-en-y tomorrow night. I work have worked for surgeons for 15 years and just never made a decision to have anything done beecause I didn't want to do anything so extreme as the Roux-en-y procedure. I was so excited when I learned about the lap band procedure. I have BC/BS and so I have to start the 6 month diet before they will pay for it but I am so excited. I live in the Crosby area and drive to the med center every day for work (Crazy, huh?). LOL I am 32, am married to a wonderful man and have 2 kids, a son that is 3 1/2 and a 9 month old daughter. I am so ready to start on this road to getting thinner.
I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I am excited there is a group in our area that meets for support, etc. since that will be so key in keeping on the straight and narrow. <Grin>