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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by southerngirl

  1. Hey! Just wondering how everyone is doing? I am almost at goal! I feel so great! Energy to play with my kids, and I love to wear clothes and go places now!!! I've lost 70 lbs so far!
  2. southerngirl


    He does not use a catheter. As soon as I was taken in my room from surgery I was assisted to the bathroom. That was a concern for me too! He was great! The surgery went smooth and the nurses are so sweet.
  3. It was the best decision I ever made! I thought the same as you and believe me it works and is worth it! I've lost 50lbs since my surgery in April. I don't deprive myself of anything but I eat healthy. Like if I want to order a dessert then I do because I know I will only eat one bite. My friends and family have developed the same habit. We order one dessert and we all get a bite. But you will crave healthy food as you start to see the results! Good luck to you!!
  4. I felt bloated for the first few days but walking immediately after surgery helped me. I went back to work within 4 days and was fine. I was a little tired by the end of the day. As long as you sip all day and walk around some you'll be fine.
  5. I too have had problems with getting in enough fluids. Now I have developed a kidney stone for the first time in my life from being dehydrated!!
  6. Hat can I eat? I'm having a hard time.
  7. The surgery went great but I am having some anxiety wondering what have I done! Anyone else feel like this after the surgery?
  8. Does anyone remember the thread about the ricotta and tomatoe sauce. Looking for that recipe.
  9. southerngirl


    Today is post op day two. My belly seems so bloated. Not hurting though! Hoping this will go down soon. Besides the bloated belly...I don't feel like I had surgery. I can't quite choke down the antacid stuff they gave me.
  10. You described it perfectly! The anesthesiologist is also a cardiologist. He looks like a kid but is highly skilled and when I heard that I was instantly impressed and at ease.
  11. southerngirl

    Ramekin With Ricotta Recipe

    Hey! I think we can do cottage cheese next. It makes my mouth water!! I just started creamy soups. It takes me about a half an hour or more to eat 1/2c! Lol I've also lost 20!!!! It hurts when I eat too big of bites or when I'm done. But not hungry. My head just tells me I want stuff. Beans are gonna be so good!! Glad you are doing so great!
  12. southerngirl

    Anyone Freak Out After Surgery

    I totally just had a freak out for that moment thinking holy crap I just cut off half my stomach. But I feel confident and great!!! It was just a minute freak out. Haha! I feel like this is the best decision I've made.
  13. southerngirl

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Praying for all those starting their new journey of recovery and all those going into surgery! April is time of renewal and fresh beginnings! All of us April sleevers will be successful and healthy! Stay strong!!
  14. M trying to figure our if the big tight feeling or sharp rumble feeling kind of like a big bubble caught is the feeling of being full. Otherwise how do you know? I'm never hungry so I'm not sure if that's eat? If so I am on my 5th day post op and can only have two small bites of soup. Then wait about 15 to thirty and have two more bites of soup(broth). Does that sound normal?
  15. southerngirl

    2.5 Weeks Out, Is This Normal?

    Wow! It's been a month already for you? I remember when you went!
  16. southerngirl

    I'm Sleeved!

    Congratulations!!! I knew you would have a great recovery!!
  17. Good luck! It will all be fine remember to cough and deep breath after surgery even if you have to brace a pillow! You'll be great!
  18. southerngirl

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Argue of your own recovery!!! Walk make yourself! You will be sleepy from the meds so sleep then wake up pee and walk. You will be grateful. Gets the gas moving and you feel better! I never had any pain just very uncomfortable where the drain was at. Nagging really. But don't forget to drink once you are able. Small sips. I feel a tight almost like a bubble is moving when I drink too much. I'm still on clear liquids and have not been hungry once!! I had no problems at the airport. All my flights were full so they were offering to check luggage for free! So I let them and only had my purse to worry about. Found broth at a restaurant in Denver called its a wrap! I have to remember to drink! But I am home now and the gas is coming out great and my bloating is going down! You all will do great!!!! Good luck to everyone!! I'll keep you posted!!
  19. southerngirl

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Congrats to all April sleeves!! Well I am finally home and 4 days post op. I saw dr garcia in TJ. The hospital was very clean. The entire staff is really nice. The day I arrived I went to the hospital and had blood work and EKG. Then to the hotel. The Marriott is so nice and the beds are really comfy!! The broth is delicious! 700am off to the hospital. I get to the hosp. In goes the iv and off to surgery! I was talking to the doctors then next thing I know I was hearing my name in recovery. I wasn't in any pain but had to pee really bad. I got to my room and as I started to switch beds I had a little nausea. I was so afraid of throwing up! But a little spit came out and when I went to the bathroom I felt better. I asked how soon I could walk and they said whenever I wanted. So I hit the halls immediately!!! I think that is the best advice I could give is to don't wait for them to tell you to walk you must to ch
  20. southerngirl

    Anyone Freak Out After Surgery

    That is true. Thanks girl!
  21. southerngirl

    Anyone Freak Out After Surgery

    I just feel like I could have a panic attack or something. I don't have any pain or anything I guess I'm just afraid I'll forget to drink or do something wrong. The surgery went fine. You have nothing to worry about! It really is easy I guess I'm just ready to go home. Getting stir crazy.
  22. southerngirl

    Anyone Freak Out After Surgery

    That's kind of how I've been feeling today. I don't think I can force myself to drink that stuff. Can't I just take gasx strips or is that necessary? I'm afraid to take a nap even! Lol
  23. I'm in Memphis about to go to San Diego!! The journey begins!!!!! Butterflies in my stomach! Very excited! Talk to you at the border!!
  24. southerngirl

    At The Airport!

    I'm here in Tijuana! I just had my preop at the hospital. Wow! You all are going to be so surprised how easy it is. The hospital is right by the border. The nurses are great. Very clean and nice! The Marriott is sooooo nice! Nicest hotel I've been at in a while. The rooms are awesome. I do not feel scared or unsafe at all. Tijuana looks like a lot of places I've seen in California. Really looking forward to the morning!! Can't wait.
  25. southerngirl

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Jen!! I'm in the Houston airport waiting for my flight to San Diego!! We will be there together with dr Garcia!! Can't wait to meet you!!

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