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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chris45

  1. Welcome and congrats on your upcoming lapband surgery. I have a long way to go but I already feel ten years younger and am so glad I had it done. Good luck!
  2. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Thanks for the comments re my 12k hospital bill. I spoke with the hospital and they said I was turned down by BCBS due to not having a pre-approval. The hospital has already appealed since I have a written pre-approval. I think it will work it self out. Bruce congrats on your loss. I cannot wait to get to 200! I already feel 10 years younger (my wife has noticed too :heh:)! Good luck guys.
  3. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello All, Phyl - making better choices does feel good doesn't it. I spoke with the hospital re my 12k bill and they are appealing it to the insurance co. since it was turned down due to "no pre-approval" and since we have a written pre-approval I feel like it will work itself out. Chim- Congrats on your fill. Jackie - My port is sore also. I notice it mostly at night when rolling over and I too wondered if my port is turning side ways. My step mother of 42 years died last week. Lots of stress helping Dad and all that goes with such events. In true southern style there was fried chicken, sweet potatos, pecan and chess pie etc as far as the eye could see mostly home made. Food has been delivered daily from Thur to Sun. Like Phyl I made good choices and stuck to turkey, green beans and english peas. I lost 3 pounds last week and feel good about my choices. In times past under the same conditions any diet I would have been on (and I have been on them all) would have failed. So after the sadness and stress I found a victory! I hope everyone has a great week.
  4. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello All, I got my first fill last week and it went great. 1.8 cc and feels just right. I eat about 1 cup of food per meal. NSVs - Took three large garbage bags of "large" clothes to GoodWill. Got off of that CPAP machine and I have eliminated my blood presssure meds. Feeling great. UNTIL TODAY - I got a bill from the hospital today for $12,849.00 for the surgery. It seems that even after jumping thru hoops from Jan to July and getting a pre-approval letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield they denied my claim anyway. I MAY HAVE TO GET BACK ON MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED. Thanks for allowing me to vent. Kathy - Congrats on the adoption!
  5. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Hello Guys, I got my first fill last week. It feels just right. I am eating about a cup of food per meal. I am so happy about my band. NSV- Took three large garbage bags of "large" clothes to goodwill. Got off of the CPAP machine. Got off of blood pressure meds!. Feeling great. UNTIL TODAY - I got a bill from the hospital for $12,849.00 for the surgery. It seems even after jumping thru hoops from Jan to July and getting a written pre-approval from my insurance company (Blue Cross Blue Shield) they denied payment. I MAY HAVE TO GET BACK ON MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED. Thanks for allowing me to vent!
  6. Chris45

    Increased Burping??

    I burp a lot more that preband. They are small burps all during the day. I also seem to burp when I am filling up. I have not pb'd yet, however I did slim once. It was really bad and happened after eating some peanuts which I chewed really well, but I think I ate too many. Thank god for promethazine.
  7. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl - So glad you got your fill date moved up. Good luck with it.
  8. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kathy - Congratulations on your fill. Sounds like things went great.
  9. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl - I agree its time to go off on them. I am always too patient and put up with bad service too long and hold it in then if it gets bad enough I blow up. This has only happened 8 or 10 times in my life but it is not pretty when it does happen. I would let them have it. What about going to another doctor? My dw was having pizza as I was reading your post regarding pizza. I am soooo hungry. Laurend - I am going to try alternating my calorie intake weekly at least until my fill. I have no problem increasing it, I don't know about reducing it. Chim - Yes we are going to make it. On a positive note - NSV - I donated 3 large garbage bags of clothes to Goodwill las week. I hope I don't need them again before I get my fill. Indiogirl - Thanks for the info re: onederland. It will be a while for me, is there a twoderland ? What is motivating me to lose weight? Two Things: 1. Health. I have a serious back problem and could loose control of my bowls, bladder or leg(s) at any time. I was told that two years ago after an MRI. I was sent to a surgeon who said I was too fat to have back surgery and that if I lost use of my bladder, bowls or leg(s) to go directly to the emergency room. Also he said if I lost weight I could come back an he would operate. Nuts to him. I am going to loose weight and hopefully after losing half of my body mass my back issues will be manageable without back surgery. Thats my plan. 2. Not to sound corny, but I would like to be a better husband and father. My dw has said I have already stooped snoring! Its a start.
  10. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello all, Glad to see everyone is getting a fill. I was banded on July 31 and I'm also going be among the last to get a fill, except for Chim. Chim what are we to do? I was making it ok averaging about 850-950 calories per day (my doctor wants 600-800 per day) eating chicken, fish, turkey and a few vegies. Until two weeks ago when I had to go out of town for a family medical emergency with only about one hours notice. No time to plan or shop. I did pick up some peanut butter and crackers and munched on them during the 9 hour drive and two days later on the drive back (I also did not get in all of my water). My average calorie intake per day went to 1200-1300 per day that week. The odd thing is the week prior to my trip (at 850-950 calories) my weight loss was "0". When my calories went to 1200-1300 I lost 4 pounds that week. I do not understand this so I have stoped trying to understand it. I just get up every morning and "ride my mule" one day at a time. But my "mule" is getting difficult. I think when I increased my carbs it made me crave more carbs and I cannot break the cycle. I NEED MY FILL.:help: Question - What is onderland? What causes me to eat? Stress and munching associated with some activities such as watching TV. Speaking of stress, my 11 year old daughter was asked out for a date today (where are the oreos?). I was proud of her as she told the booooooy she was not ready to date yet. Phy - My dr does the fluor(sp) fill and says it is much better and gets you to the sweet spot much quicker. I hope you get your apt and things go well. Good luck all
  11. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello All So this is Bandster Hell.. No fun at all. As the saying goes "I could eat a sow and nine pigs and give the boar hog a good chase".:help: But that being said I have been pretty good. My doctor wants all fish and chicken, a small amount of vegetables totaling 600 to 800 calories per day. I have been trying to maintain 600 calories on weekdays and 800 on the weekend. My actual daily calories range from 550 to 900 but the average is about 690. I HAVE NO RESTRICTION. The chicken salad has been a life saver. My typical meal is 4 oz of chicken salad or tuna salad and 1/2 cup of carrots or green beans. GREEN BEANS - While my parents never consistently made me clean my plate (they talked the talk sometimes) there were a few vegetables I did not like (mainly the green ones) and when we would have them my mother would put two (as in two green beans) on my plate. I had to eat them before I finished my meal. I think it worked because I love all green vegetables now. Forcing a child (or anyone else for that matter) to eat liver should be considered abuse! This past weekend the hunger demons showed up like atomic demons from Hell. Sunday was really hard as it was too hot (103) to do anything outside. My (D?)W popped pop corn (the old movie kind cooked in butter flavored coconut oil) and smelled up the entire house. I did not touch one piece! Then later that night she munched on a large bag of ruffles. I did not touch one chip! I notice these habits more now. My first fill is not until Sept 19th as my doctor was booked up. It is going to be a long hot month! Kathy - I also have a loose BM every so often. After solid food I thought that would be over. Maybe it is just a matter of time. Caolin - Congrats on the "under 300" weight. That is an intermediate goal of mine also. I bet it feels great and will only get better. Bandster Hell aside, I do already feel better and have cut my blood pressure meds in half. I hope to eliminate them at that 300 mark. Congrats to everyone who has gotten their first fill. I look forward to reading of your successes.
  12. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Had my post op check up today. Everything is great, moved to mushies. Lost 30 lbs:clap2::whoo: Pronetus - Kick his ass for me too. He did not do mine, but the catheter was the worst part of the experience. After surgery the nurse (she was great) said if I did not clear my bladder in an hour she would have to insert a catheter to drain it. I was so swollen from the first one I could not pass urine, how were they going to insert a second catheter? And even four or five hours after surgery how were they going to catch me to do it! Luckily just as she came in I was able to pee. Like pissing razor blades. Good luck on your recovery - Keep walking. I had my surgery on Tuesday and went back to work on Friday, so I am sure your will be feeling much better in no time.
  13. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Day 3 Still a little sore and some shoulder pain (not too bad). Went back to work today. It is nice to be back into a routine. The scales say I have lost 24 lbs (including pre-opt diet):clap2: I will catch up on posts tonight, I was just excited about the kindness of the scales this morning!
  14. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Hey Guys Day three. Feeling much better today, still a little sore and have a little shoulder pain. I went back to work today. Feels good to be back in a routine. Scales this morning said I've lost 24 lbs (including pre-opt diet) So far I am so glad I had this done. Glad to be a looser:clap2:.
  15. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Well I just got home from being banded. Sore, a little shoulder pain but overall it went great. Glad it is over. I had 1/2 of my broth with protein powder and felt like I had had a 16 oz steak. This is going to be great.:whoo:
  16. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm back home and I am Banded:clap2: Everything went very smooth. I am sore and have some shoulder pain but not too bad. I find moving around often is important to mitigate the soreness and stiffness. The only problem I had was urinating after surgery. Apparently after I was asleep a catheter was installed and removed before I woke up. It left the urinary track swollen and sore. I kept trying to go and it was like passing razor blades. The nurse gave me a time limit to empty my bladder after which if it was not empty she would have to insert a catheter. Now if it is swollen so tight it would not pass urine and felt full of razer blades ...well it got my blood pressure up. Luckily just as my time was up things began to flow - very painfully - but flow non the less. I have never been so happy to pee. So was the nurse. Had it not worked out I think even as sore as I was I could have out run that nurse:car: Speaking of the nurses, they were OUTSTANDING at Centennial. I felt so well cared for. It was obvious nursing was their calling and not just a job. I was amazed that after 1/2 my broth (with protein mix) I felt full. Keep those recipes coming. I can't wait to try some when I am ready. My DW (gastric bypass 2002) has been so helpful, she is a saint. Glade to read everyone seems to be doing so well not withstanding over doing it a bit. Thanks to all for your shared experiences which allow me to go through this with much more confidence.
  17. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Well tomorrow is the big day! I am leaving in a few minutes for Nashville since I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am tomorrow. A little nervous as I have never even been in the hospital before. By tomorrow at this time I will be BANDED.
  18. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    <p>Well tomorrow is the day! </p> <p> I am a bit nervous since I have never even stayed in a hospital. I am at work now and will be leaving around 3:00 pm for Nashville since I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am in the morning.</p> <p>I don't post often (hard enough to keep up) but I am amazed at how often I find myself online to see how everyone is doing. I thought I was going to have to throw some cold water on you ladies the other night, but then that would be against my nature wouldn't it?</p> <p>I wasn't much interested in the "Aunt Flo" thing until yesterday when she made a visit to my DW and the DW was complaining about having to travel (with me to the hospital) with Aunt Flo. I just smiled inside and said "sorry honey".</p> <p>As men do I had this whole thing worked out logistically, DW would go with me, my daughter would stay with my parents and all the arrangements were made (reservations etc.). Well apparently this had been festering with my Mom for some time as my Dad informed me they will be going with us. He put it into perspective yesterday by asking if it were my daughter would I be there. What could I say to that? The fact that I am 45 doesn't seem to matter. I feel uncomfortable having a crowd go with me. Soon we will need to rent a bus! Had to change hotels as there were not any additional rooms in the original hotel. </p> <p> </p> <p> It is nice to have people who care.</p> <p> </p> <p>Glad everyone is doing well. Sorry Cee is having trouble.</p> <p> </p> <p>Good luck to everyone else up at the plate tomorrow.</p>
  19. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Great weight loss NJWHITETAL. Congratulations! What is you typical daily menu?
  20. Chris45

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello everyone, I got my Band date yesterday, it is July 31. Pre-opt is the 25th. I can't wait and yet I am a little nervous. I have never had any surgery before. You ladies know we guys are great at killing spiders, snakes and various other manly duties but we are real wimps when it comes to being sick (or having surgery). My Doctor is Dr Olsen at Centennial in Nashville. My wife had gastric bypass in 2002 by Dr Olsen and she is doing great. While my wife never suggested I have any surgery once I did my research and decided to have it she insisted on Dr. Olsen and Centennial. I start my pre-opt liquid diet tomorrow. 600 cal. per day. I think my daughter feeds her gold fish more calories per day. Wrangler054 Glad to here you are doing well. Am I the only guy getting banded in July? Thanks, Good luck to all!
  21. Chris45

    July 2007 Bandsters

    How did your surgery go. I had my consult with Dr Olsen yesterday. My date is july 31. Dr Olsen operated on my wife in 2002. Hope you are doing well.
  22. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    <p>Guys,</p> <p> </p> <p>I got my Band date today, it is July 31. I start my 10 day liquid diet this weekend. Pre-opt testing on the 25th. I can't wait and yet I am nervous too. </p> <p>This 10 day liquid diet looks tough. I did OptiFast in the late eighties so maybe I will survive it. The doctor said I would be on a 600 cal diet until I loose about 75% of my weight. Never been on one quite like that before.</p> <p> </p> <p>The scales creaked out a 374 lb weight at the doctors office so I guess that will be my official start weight. Only 200 lbs to loose. Wow, I just noticed that is more than half of me!</p> <p> </p> <p>It's taken 7 months to get here, Rome was not built in a day I guess.</p> <p> </p> <p>Reading these postings has made me very confident regarding my decision to get this done and I thank all of you for sharing your experiences.</p> <p> </p> <p>Thanks, Chris45</p>
  23. Chris45

    Surgery Date July 18

    I just got my insurance approval today and have my first appointment with Dr. Olsen on July 19th. How long was it from your first Dr appointment until your surgery date? Good luck with your surgery!
  24. Chris45

    For Just Us Guys

    Hello everyone, I am waiting on my PCP to write a letter. The last item I need to submit to my insurance company for approval. I started jumping thru hoops in Jan with a seminar. I can't wait to get my lap band. This thread has gotten me fired up. My wife had Gastric bypass in 2001. She has no regrets and says she would do it again in a heart beat, however I notice the time she spends in bed due to dumping and/or other stomach problems. I have chosen the lap band to avoid these issues and due to the shorter recovery time. Has anyone used Dr. Olson at Centennial Medical Ctr in Nashville?

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