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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by readyforachange

  1. readyforachange

    6 Days Post-Op, 17 Pounds Lighter

    I had surgery Feb 6th, too. I'm down 11 lbs.!!!! That's from what I weighed before 2 days of pre-op liquid. Like my daughter said, "Those are 11 lbs. you'll never see again!
  2. I'm listening. I pray for you and all of us going through this. Be strong!
  3. readyforachange

    Under Went Gastic Sleeve On 2/8/12

    I'm on my 7th day out and I can't tell how every day it gets a little better. This is the first day that I haven't had to hold my stomach every min. that I walk. Like what is written above....just keep breathing!
  4. readyforachange

    Help Desired, Please

    Kathy, you sound like a wonderful marriage partner. 42 years of marriage! What an accomplishment. You two will make it........I think you just need to try everything you can........ like what has been mentioned here on this board. You and your hubby have gone through an amazing amount of changes in your lives. Just hold on tight......you'll make it!
  5. readyforachange

    My Story If Just Starting

    Welcome! Your surgery was 2 days before mine. I still have pain on my left side.....getting less and less every day. How is your pain?
  6. I'm day 6 and found that Campbell's beef broth was really satisfying. I liked the salty taste. I'm so sick of all the sweet tastes. Isopure is going down better today. Found it needs to be really cold. I alternate w two bottles in my frig.
  7. readyforachange

    Preop Starts Tomorrow!

    Congrats on your decision!
  8. readyforachange

    Newbie to Verticle Sleeve

    If this is encouraging, I always have had "sadness & emotions" after any surgery. I've done great since my new sleeve (2/6/12). Praying the same for you.
  9. I was also sleeved on Feb 6th. I'm having the hardest time drinking anything but Water. I can't stand the sweet taste in everything. I think I'll try some herbal tea. From what I'm reading here, I think if we can keep up as much as possible w water, the rest will follow. I keep thinking, next week will be better. It's so wonderful to hear what everyone has to say. The board is a real comfort!
  10. I was sleeved Monday, Feb 6th and spent two nights in the hospital. My belly is sore and I came home w the drain. It was so good to be home and get in the shower! It made me feel immediately better! I keep getting rid of gas...which is a relief. I'm having a hard time w drinking my Isopure. Just small sips. I get a bit of a heartburn. I'll be so glad when the weekend gets here. I know I'll feel so much better by then. I see my doc on Monday to get the drain pulled out. In the hospital, I never worn anything but the hospital gowns. I got up and started walking right away. But go at your own level. I worn a nightgown and robe home. I couldn't have put on a bra. You just don't need a bunch of stuff at the hospital. The hardest part of this is the pain when you get up and down. Once that goes away, I'll be good to go! Oh! and definitely use a pillow against yourself to put counter pressure on your belly when you move around. It really helps. Also, I went into the hospital weighing 220 and weighed 225.5 this morning! What's with that!????? (( -: (I can't figure out how to put my ticker or facts on the bottom of this).
  11. readyforachange

    Just Got Home Today From Surgery

    Well, it's my fourth day out from surgery. Just got pain meds from pharmacy. Big mistake not getting them first day home. I'm using the best pillow for my tummy. It's off my sofa, about 8" x 24" and very firm. It's just the right size to hold close and tight. Diarrhea has stopped, but then, I'm hardly taking in anything. I'll try Isopure again. If I have problems, I'll switch to something else. Popsicles are great. Just had one. I felt like hot knives were sticking in my left side while walking. But that has totally stopped. I'll be so happy to be out of this phase. Also, so glad to have pain meds in case I need them. There is no reason to be in pain. Thank you all for your encouraging words. xoxo
  12. readyforachange

    No Pre Op Diet?

    My surgery is tomorrow morning! I've been on a two-day pre-op diet of liquids only. I do agree that it got my mindset ready for the future. Isopure aren't that bad. This is my first post, so thanks for all the info everyone is so willing to share.
  13. readyforachange

    Day 15 Post-Op - Icky Vitamins And Calcium Citrate...

    I'm getting sleeved on Monday, Feb 6th. Thank you for this vitamin info. I have a question for CASleeve......will you be able to get enough protein through a plant based diet? I've been thinking of going that route, too. eventually.
  14. readyforachange

    5 Days After Surgery!

    I'm so happy to read your posts. My surgery will be this Monday, Feb 6th. I can hardly wait to get this weight off! Thank you for sharing your stories.

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