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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About teambrown4

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    Expert Member

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    redondo beach
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  1. teambrown4

    At The Airport Now....

    Good luck! You'll go through so much this next week and will need lots of support so be sure to share often and ask lots of questions here cause you'll always find good answers from this site as we've all Been where u are.
  2. I'm at Mini Wrigley Park (Long Beach, CA) http://t.co/hbiwvlte

  3. I'm at BROWNDES CASA (Redondo Beach, Ca) http://t.co/n3mB1wCy

  4. I'm at Torrid (Culver City, CA) http://t.co/4fJlRaMd

  5. Chivas USA celebration!! (@ Westfield Culver City w/ 6 others) http://t.co/HGautZdc

  6. I'm at Elephant Bar (Torrance, CA) http://t.co/3H020ZsI

  7. I'm at Alpine Electronics Of America (Torrance, CA) http://t.co/VbMPzL5o

  8. I'm at Shell Gas Station (Torrance, CA) http://t.co/ETcTWl3w

  9. I'm at BROWNDES CASA (Redondo Beach, Ca) http://t.co/6pl1DyOc

  10. I'm at Kens Market Liquor (Redondo Beach, California) http://t.co/f5fBXTFU

  11. I'm at BROWNDES CASA (Redondo Beach, Ca) http://t.co/AioZgJ0S

  12. Today marks 11 weeks. My loss is slower than a turtle and yet is going up and down too.???? My major issue is the acid reflux and heartburn. I'd hoped it would be gone by now. The dr says just keep trying new RX and OTC meds until one works. Ughhhhhh ???? I weigh on Monday's and today I'm up two pounds. I'm following diet and exercise and calorie suggestions but obviously need to do better. I've gained on other weeks too and then lost the same week. It's All an emotional roller coaster. Even tho as of date im only -21lbs, I'm just trying to stay positive in looking towards a year from now and hope I'll meet my goal of -90lbs. (I know i know I'm in lala land-lol, but can dream right?)!!!! It's a slow painful learning process but hopefully it'll all be worth it someday!!!
  13. teambrown4

    Why Am I Not Losing?

    Angela- Use myfitnesspal. Add people from this forum and loTs will have diaries u can see so u can look at recipes or food people eat too! It's a wonderful wonderful way to track diet and exercise and progress
  14. teambrown4

    Why Am I Not Losing?

    Angela- Use myfitnesspal. Add people from this forum and lost have diaries u can see so u can look at recipes or food people eat too! It's a wonderful wonderful way to track diet and exercise and progress
  15. teambrown4

    Not Dropping!

    I gained too. Like 10lbs and it took a out two weeks before I started seeing a loss then I stalled for two weeks and lost again then gained during my period (always normal for me) then lost. Overall during my almost ten weeks I've yo yo'd and that's been frustrating an I've only lost -18 so far but c'mon two pounds a week loss is still more than I was doing alone so I'm confident eventually that will be a steady loss and in a year it'll all be worth it

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
