Well, other than the horrible acid (yes I have a daily rx), and the severe nausea from Vitamins (which dr said I could stop for a few weeks &he gave me a b12 shot to hold me over), and the insomnia which cause severe tiredness around dinner time... After all that... I would not know I've had a sleeve surgery.
Sure I'm full faster but eating a few ounces several times a day is way harder than three meals a day. It's hard to go anywhere and manage the right foods.
I lost 8lbs the first week, 3 the next Rhein gained 3 the third week. Lost two if those the 4th and one the 5th. So overall I'm back to the -11lb lost I had on my ten day post op.
It's a frustrating thing.
I'm eating what my nut says and exercising (not weights tip cause I had a stran in my stomach from my muscle that was cut and not healing correctly, do was told to wait 8weeks for strenuous or weight exercise).
I'm getting in my Protein and drOwning in my Water... So I'm doing what I need to.... But my body isn't.
Over a long (long long) stretch I do feel that I'll loose. But it's hard to be seeing and reading all the fast and over wheeling success everyone has and I see that I'm $20 thousand dollars (cash) in the hole and feel like crap everytime I eat and I'm not enjoying eating out and miss my Friday night drinks with my hubby.
I hear everyone say they have total New found energy And the lack of energy I have makes me feel broken.
Ok ok ok ... I'm done venting.... Just really need to see if anyone else isn't making big strides either? Or am I just doing it all wrong?