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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SecondChance

  1. 1 full week of my diet and I am loving it! I feel better, pants are fitting better already and I have to say, I have enjoyed what I've been eating!

  2. SecondChance

    Half Marathon Training

    That is awesome! I hope to be able to complete a tri-athelon after my surgery/recovery and training.
  3. Got my date today, it is 2/27..excited and nervous!

  4. Got my date today, it is 2/27..excited and nervous!

  5. SecondChance

    Negative Calorie Food

    Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get a jump start on losing weight before I start the liquid diet on 2/7. So soon I wont be able to enjoy them for a while. Thanks again for the tips! I am will take all the help I can get!
  6. SecondChance

    Negative Calorie Food

    I just found out about Negative Carolie foods this weekend. If you don't know what these are, they are foods that contain less calories than it takes your body to digest them. I was amazed to find this out! I rushed to the store and got some of these. I know some of them, but was wondering if anyone knew of anyothers? Here are some I know of: Berries of any kind Kiwi Apples Pomaganets Kale Celery Carrots Any one know of some others?
  7. Day 5 and so far so good! I am feeling more energized and the healthy foods are delicious!

  8. SecondChance

    Step 1

    I am right with you. I have been for the consulation and did the Barium Swallow. Also got cleared by my cardiologist to go off my coumadin and use Lovanox when I am preparing for Surgery. My insurance won't cover it so the Doc says. I am going to contact them to see if I have special circumstances that would allow it. If not, I have to come up with financing. I have started exercising daily (just cardio) as well as eating healthy (High protein, high fiber, low fat, low sugar, and low carbs). I have been reading about how you cannot eat and drink at the same time which is something I will have to work hard at (I am drinking water all day every day!). Hope we can motivate each other.
  9. SecondChance

    Day 3 - Going Strong

    I went to the Doctor last week for a consultaion about the GSV surgery. At age 27, my BMI is 62 with a height of only 5'7". Doc said if I do not do something drastic, I will not live to see 40. That not only scred the crap out of me, it has acted as a super motivator. Exercise = life! I am on day 3 of my new diet, hight protien, high fiber, low fat, low sugar, low carb and exercise daily. All is going well, even though I have been tempted, I have to think of my ulimate goal which is to get healthy and live as long as I am ment to. I want to be a motivating factor for my family and give my nieces someone to look up to! My dad told me a good quote the other day that has stuck with me. "A body in motion tends to stay in motion, while a body at rest tends to stay at rest" - Newton So I know if I get home and sit down to relax, thats it, I'm done for the day. So instead, as soon as I get home I hop on my eliptical and knock it out! This seems to really help me. I am always exhausted and sore afterwards, but a little time goes by and I get a big energy boost. Aside for the energy, exercise makes you happier in general! Ah the wonders of the chemistry that makes up our bodies - amazes me sometimes. I am still working on financing for my GSV procedure and hope to finsh this up Monday so I can get a date. I thought I might as well get a jump start while I am waiting so I am eating right and doing my best to exercise and stay motivate. I love the support the members on here have given me in the last few days and find it contagious, I want to help motivate others as well. I think this will help me stay motivated as well. Hope to here some of your stories soon. More to come....
  10. SecondChance

    Tough Days

    A body in motion tends to stay in motion, while a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Get up and get motivated! You can do it! I just started back working out 3 days ago and I know if I sit down when I get home before working out, I'm done and it won't happen. First thing when I get home, I hop on the elipical and knock it out. I know if sounds crazy, but when you work out, you have more natural energy. My doc told me I would not live to see 40 if I did not turn my life around, so I had some good motivation seeing as I am only 28. After a few days, it gets to where you want to exercise because you start feeling better and begin to like "the burn" it gives you. I will help encourage you in any way I can!
  11. Day 3 of the the diet! Walked and jogged on the eliptical this moring after a breakfast of egg whites. Plan to go again tonight!

  12. Day 2 of my diet. Staing strong and it's going good so far!

  13. Day 2 of my diet. Staing strong and it's going good so far!

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