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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    verysoon reacted to wishes in Wishes At 6 Months! How Time Flies.   
    Yesterday, was my six month surgiversary from my surgery on September 1, 2011. I can’t believe how much has changed in six months. I am in a loose size 12 jeans. I can fit into 10s, but I am not ready to purchase another pair so soon. I started my journey at my highest weight of 271 and lost 41 lbs before surgery. I can’t believe I have gone from 230 lbs to 169.8 lbs, 60.2 lbs in 6 months! That is an average of 10 lbs a month! I may not be the fastest loser, but I know I will get to my goal of 120 lbs. Less than 50 lbs to go!
    I will definitely say don’t get discouraged if the scale is not moving as fast as you want. Keep to the plan. I don’t exercise as much as I should, but I am still losing. I live low carb, trying to keep my carbs under 40g per day. It works for me and my boyfriend who has lost 18 lbs since I have started my journey. I am so proud of him.
    I won’t say it is all a bed roses though. I definitely have loose skin issues that will not be going away, so I am considering plastics in the future after I start maintenance. I am 22, but I was morbidly obese for more than half of my life. I have learned this is not easy. It requires me to make food plans each day to make sure I am getting my Vitamins and the Protein I need. Following your surgeon’s guidelines is really important to lose weight and make sure you are getting your nutrients.
    I will and have totally recommended this surgery. My mother had her VSG on November 3, 2011 and is doing great! This surgery will change your life.

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    verysoon reacted to LacieMC in 8 Weeks Today   
    It's been one heck of a roller coaster ride! I have felt every emotion from pure happiness to complete failure. I have stepped on the scale feeling on top of the world, and at other times thought my week 3 stall would never end. I have mourned food and celebrated SF pudding...sometimes in the same half hour!
    I would do it again in an instant! For the pre-oppers out there...it's not butterflies and sunshine all the time, but it IS worth every second. I travel a lot for work and eating out in Hotels is really tough, but I love cooking when I get home. So far I am down officially 42 pounds this morning. I'm even wearing my hubby's Levi's today! (He is a tall skinny guy with the metabolism of a fruit fly!).
    I just feel really good and really positive and just very happy!
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    verysoon reacted to Forensikchic in Good Way To Get Protein In... Just Fyi..   
    I saw that in the HEB store here in San Antonio but I didnt check the label.. Wow. I will definately give it a try!
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    verysoon reacted to Sunshine Girl in Good Way To Get Protein In... Just Fyi..   
    I don't know if you guys have this where you live, but we have a lactose free milk called 'Mootopia' & it has 12 g of Protein per 8 oz!
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    verysoon reacted to Shoppingbeemom in Normal Bites   
    I don't know what a normal bite is to you, but my mom told me that a polite bite should never be bigger than the end of a fork. That you will be able to do, but you may want to rethink about loading up each bite. If you take smaller bites and wait between bites you will get more of different foods and it is less obvious to others. If you take a large bite, your done, people will ask if your food is good, or if you like it and you will draw attention to yourself. The smaller bites also get you into better habits. A year from your sleeve surgery you will feel a lot less restriction. If you keep habits of eating large, you could risk stretching your sleeve. This is a fresh start and that means a change to make sure we don't get back to old ways. Best wishes
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    verysoon reacted to GonnaLoseIt in First 5K Completed :)   
    Hey everyone!
    Just wanted to share with my favourite nsv with everyone, my first 5k walk is officially under my belt. I came in in under 50 minutes I am very happy with my time, I was actually anticipating being well over an hour but determination kept me going.
    Its amazing to see from this end how much weight was holding me back.
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    verysoon reacted to Dooter in Diet Coke   
    NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Don't do it girl. You're off the junk, stay off. Aside from the differing opinions of various surgeons-some say it will stretch your sleeve slowly over time (like mine) and some say it doesn't at all. ( I am NOT going to take that chance under any circumstances!)- aside from that- That crap is no earthly good for you. The phosphorus acid will rot your guts and the sweeteners still contribute to weight gain like real sugar. It's just not a nutritionally sound decision. Try to replace that craving with something else. I don't know what, but my opinion is don't do it!! (not that I feel strongly about it or anything
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    verysoon reacted to Lisa :) in Stall...   
    Don't step on the scale!! You technically need to go without any weight loss for three weeks in order to be in a true stall.
    I've found that my body needs time to adjust before I start losing again. I am four months out and I will typically lose a pound a day for 5 days and then nothing for 7 to 10 days. I have a rule I've established for myself. If I step on the scale and my weight has not changed then I put my scale away for 7 days!!! I also take my measurements every month....Something I started doing at week 3 due to the dreaded week 3 stall.
    The other thing I do when I'm frustrated with lack of weight loss is I pull clothes out of my closet and drawers that are too small (or that I THINK are too small) and try them on.....it always makes me feel good!!!
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    verysoon reacted to Purdy in Pink in 13 Months Post Surgery (Sleeve) And Gaining Weight! Help! Am I Alone?   
    I think u need to look at what u r eating........u may need to go back to all liquid Protein for about 3-4 days to jump start ur weight loss again.
    If you're eating what u are supposed to be eating, I'm not sure how a person can actually gain weight.
    I've seen some posts here where some ppl say, I'm eating anything i want, just in smaller portions now.....I'm not so sure that's gonna help them to lose weight, your body still needs 70-90 grams of Protein per day, and at least 80 ounces of Water. That's hard to do daily with the small amount of food our stomach's will hold, so I can't see how eating anything will help to lose weight. The more protein you consume, the more weight you will lose, so, don't waste your time eating foods that don't help you in your weight loss goal. Make wise choices........
    If your snacking, stop! eat at only the times you were instructed to by your Dr.....
    Get out your instructions you got from your Dr. on what you can and can't eat, go back to the basic's......it's not too late......never too late, just have to get back on track
    good luck
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    verysoon reacted to vampsy in 1St Goal Reached!   
    So today I get on the scale and realized my weight loss so far is 26 pounds. In one month!!! Can you believe it??? In one month I lossed 26 pounds!!! So out of curiosity I check my BMI. Holy monkeys!!! Im no longer morbidly obese. Yeah, Im still obese but Im no longer "morbid". I hate that word. So my daughter takes me shopping to Celebrate, and as Im grabbing all the XL's, since Ive been wearing a 2X, she convinces me to try on a Large... and it went on!!!! It was snug but it went on! OMG!!! I am on my way! Feeling great
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    verysoon got a reaction from strawberryblue in Pre-Op Two Week Liquid Diet   
    Interesting, that is the same diet I have been on since my surgery three weeks ago. I still want a burger. Soon, very soon, I should be able to have at least a piece of one. It is all for the good and the weight does fall off... so do your clothes. Been a long while since I needed a belt. It's all good.
    Keep up the good work, it is really worth it.
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    verysoon reacted to strawberryblue in Pre-Op Two Week Liquid Diet   
    I'm on Day 4 of two weeks of liquids. Technically mine will be It's getting easier thank goodness. The 2nd day, I was in a foul mood and angry at anyone & everything! It felt like every cell in my body was screaming for food. It took every ounce of willpower I had to not run screaming from work and go get a cheeseburger from Burger King. I drank lots and lots of Water on Day 2 and when I woke up on Day 3, I felt much better. It must really be like a detox, isn't it?
    I am allowed to have Carnation Instant Breakfast packets, Protein shakes, broth, sugar free Jello and limited amounts of sugar free pudding & cottage cheese.
    I hope I can keep this up. I will, because it means a safer surgery.
    Sent from my iPhone
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    verysoon got a reaction from gmanbat in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Everything is good and on track. I had my staples taken out on Friday. Healing well and losing well. Cleared to fly, which is good cause I'm flying to CO. for a few days in the morning. I am still on clear (somewhat clear) foods. I go to puree at the end of next week. Another then a larger then planned scar the beginning of the event is almost out of my mind. Other then the need sometime during Lent, I would like to take the time to sit down and reflect on what I learned from almost losing my life. The surgeon said it has never happened to her before. She also said that if I hadn't been stuck in recovery waiting for a room (for a long time) that it might have cost me my life. Once on the upper floors, they treat you more like someone in good health waiting to go home. Anyway, the story ended well and I am on the right path.
    Went out to a resturant for my sons birthday last night. Called several restaurants to find out who had the best Soup of the day and found someone having Lentil Soup (not exactly clear) but I asked them if they could blend it. It was great, lots of Fiber and taste. Strangely enough, I felt like I was going to weigh more today, just because of fancy soup. ;0) Didn't gain an ounce, lost a few.
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    verysoon got a reaction from Jswilbur in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and support. I really appreciate it. I am happy to have had this surgery. And I will be extremely happy with the results that will come from it. It was very very hard to have put my life in danger, choosing to have surgery. But like with all things in life, there is much to be learned from it. Just this evening my husband and I were talking about the choice I made not to tell our family. They don't live near us, they won't see me for the next five months. And it will be fun to see them at that point. But if I had died last Thursday... I am excited that tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. I have a whole lot to reflect on. But it is all good. Surrounded by prayers and love, surrounded by Angels in heaven, the outcome was good and the journey will be very productive. I was looking for life changing... now I have a very large scar to remind me - it was life saving, in all ways.
    (...happy to no longer be a diabetic) Let us march on and be glad for the courage and conviction to become who we were created to be. Thanks again.
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    verysoon got a reaction from Jswilbur in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and support. I really appreciate it. I am happy to have had this surgery. And I will be extremely happy with the results that will come from it. It was very very hard to have put my life in danger, choosing to have surgery. But like with all things in life, there is much to be learned from it. Just this evening my husband and I were talking about the choice I made not to tell our family. They don't live near us, they won't see me for the next five months. And it will be fun to see them at that point. But if I had died last Thursday... I am excited that tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. I have a whole lot to reflect on. But it is all good. Surrounded by prayers and love, surrounded by Angels in heaven, the outcome was good and the journey will be very productive. I was looking for life changing... now I have a very large scar to remind me - it was life saving, in all ways.
    (...happy to no longer be a diabetic) Let us march on and be glad for the courage and conviction to become who we were created to be. Thanks again.
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    verysoon reacted to yecats in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Praying for you right now. I admire the way you chose to be optimistic. You will be sure to heal faster with that attitude.
    God Bless you and keep us posted!
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    verysoon reacted to skinnynursebetty in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Wow, that is incredible. Surely not what you had planned for! I'm so glad they took such good care of you and you are home and recovering now. Take it easy, rest and get some fluids in! This will only be but a memory very soon. We are all here for you and praying for a speedy recovery! Take care, Beth
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    verysoon reacted to Pookeyism in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    So sorry you had to go through that - and I remember your posts!
    Focus on yourself but maybe make sure some of your hubbys friends are nearby for him, too.
    That must have been crazy to be able to hear everything - to know something was bad, bad, bad...again so sorry!
    Prayers and strong healing energy headed your way.
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    verysoon reacted to DIAMOND45 in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Glad to here that your trust is in the Lord, continue to hold on to your faith and you will heal and be on your way to a healthier, better you!
  20. Like
    verysoon reacted to Lissa in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    So glad that you are home and doing much better now!! So sorry that you had that experience! (((Hugs))) and good luck from here on out!!
  21. Like
    verysoon reacted to DebiC in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    What a good attitude you are having about this tragedy. I'm sure your faith really helps. Sorry you had such a bad time. Glad you were in a good hospital-and that this didn't happen after you went home!
    Hang in there. You might want to tell a few more friends now so people can come help and visit. Good luck.
  22. Like
    verysoon reacted to Viola in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    WOW. Bless your husband who I can imagin had his whole world turn on its head thinking he may loose you. This experience can only bring a deeper apprciation for the two of you.
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    verysoon reacted to IowaAndy in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    So sorry to hear that you had so many problems but I am glad that you were at a hospital that had an ICU and emergency care and that they could wheel you back into surgery to find out where you were bleeding from. I know that your throat is probably sore from being intubated twice as you had to have 2 surgeries. I know that you will make it through this and this experience will make you stronger. Now you know that there is someone watching over you and has your best interest in his hands. God bless and I hope that you make a speedy recovery and that in a few months this will be a bad memory.
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    verysoon reacted to teambrown4 in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Take it easy! you are truly blessed and time will heal all! Keep posting and sharing here as it is a great source of support, knowledge, comfort and also allows u to give back as u have done already!
    Be well
  25. Like
    verysoon reacted to Beyon Sleeve in Sleeved Thursday 2/16 Did Not Go As Planned, Was In Icu For Three Days. Home Now.   
    Wow! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You truely are blessed. Good things are in your future. Stay positive and focused. Best of Luck!

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