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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Smithagkv

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    Office manager
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  1. i am so frustrated. I was loosing really good, I lost 9 lbs on pre op diet, then 18 lbs one week into the surgery. I haven't lost a single pound after that. I started eating enough protein n drink enough water but I'm not loosing. I'm on the puree phase right now. For breakfast I will have 2 egg whites, lunch I will have tuna n dinner I will have some type of soup( blenderized). Can someone please help me?
  2. Smithagkv

    1 Week Out

    I'm 5 days out and my pants are still the same size. I can get liquids down but not protein shakes.
  3. Smithagkv

    No Coffee + Preop Diet = Headache

    Pre op diet is pretty much done to shrink your liver and to adjust to a new lifestyle after surgery. I was a heavy coffee drinker( 10 cups per day). I just ended it cold turkey. Next day I had a headache all day cas of withdrawal. I went to the store next day and bought some caffeine free tea, sugar free jello, chicken broth and cream of mushroom soup. My doctor didn't allow decaf coffee either so tea it was and my favorite was apple n cinnamon flavored. The pre op diet will also teach you to look at the back of the labels as well. I was allowed to eat one meal which was 4oz of chicken or your choice of meat but broiled or grilled and one side of green veggies only. It was very hard at times and I sorta cheated the first two days by adding crackers to my cream of soups and at one point eating out of my kids plate. That's when I realized how much of an emotional eater I was. I Reset my mind n started all over again the 4th day. I held up the pre op diet till day of my surgery. Now here's the kicker, the day before my surgery they said nothing to eat or drink after 11 pm. The day of surgery they hook u up to an iv machine and then they gave me the good stuff and the next I remember was waking up 5 hrs later and throat hurt, dry mouth and people telling me to get up n walk. I buzzed for the nurse n asked her if I can have crystal lite or some ice chips. She said nothing to drink till next day after the leak test. That was the moment I freaked and started asking myself what did I get myself into. I had to call the doctor and he had to tell the nurses to up my iv fluids. Then I calmed down after a while and just told them keep giving me the pain meds so I will fall asleep just so I won't think abt food or drinks. I passed my leak test and they brought a lot of liquids. Anyways I'm four days post op and today was my best day, no pain, no pain meds. For the next 3 months I have to take an acid blocker and 2 multi vitamins, calcium and b12. There is an initial disappointment cas u want to eat everything but once your mind is set for all the positive outcomes you both will be ok.
  4. Today I went for my EGD and it went pretty well. I was really uncomfortable initially cas my nurses were male, my anasthesiologist were male. They made me feel very comfortable. I have a new outlook towards male clinicians. My anasthesiolgist only poked me once to get an IV. They rolled me in explained everything step by step. Next all I remember was waking up in the ER. I will update u after my surgery on Friday.
  5. My surgery is this Friday, I'm getting an EGD done today. I'm a little stressed cas initially I though I didn't have to get the sleep study or stress test and all I needed to do was my blood work n x rays but last week when I went they threw all of this at me. On top of getting all these things none of them told me what the results were. So probably before my EGD if I get to see Dr C I'll probably ask what's going on. I've been lugging my weight for 15 years now so it's time to take it off.
  6. Oh wow!!! I am scheduled for this Friday. I am guessing you haven't started the pre op diet yet. I currently did the Sleep study, blood work and x rays. I really liked the fact that he spent abt an hour w me for my consultation and last Friday we had a pre op visit and he spent another hour explaining everything to me.
  7. I'm having surgery w dr frenzel on 27 th. I was very impressed at the time of consultation, he spent an hour n half w me explaining everything. Anybody else have pre op or post op suggestions for me?
  8. My doctor had called and wanted me to.have a sleep study done before my surgery. Why do I need this done? What r they looking for? Does anybody else's doctor reqd this?
  9. My parents live around the corner, my mom might live with us the first week after surgery. I have a big goal to meet, loosing 151 lbs and my doctor thinks best results are achieved in first 9 months. Thanks for all the great support, it makes me feel better knowing m not alone.
  10. What do u think abt dr Kim?
  11. My surgery is on 27th with dr Clayton Frenzel. My husband is really good supporter(sometimes) before I decided to do this we were both biig coffee drinkers. Now since I can't have any, he cut down a lot as well. Meals are tuff, my kids are eating fried chicken, rice, noodles, eggs, sausage and since I'm making it, I smell it and when I smell it, I wanna taste it. Ughhh! My daughter asked me " mommy u wanna Oreo, u didn't even eat one yet, it's ur favorite" I told her that I can't right now. I felt good that I haven't eaten one yet. Weekends are harder cas I'm w the kids most of the time and weekdays I'm at work so it doesn't bother me. I guess as days go by it will get easier. Whose ur doc?
  12. I won't re think the surgery cause I know this will only make me better. I did the same thing for my marriage, looking for signs that I'm doing the right thing lol. My kids are already asking, mommy how come your only drinking chocolate milk( she means protein shakes). Thanks for the support!!!
  13. I thought abt getting the sleeve done two years ago but my parents talked me out of it but this time I feel like I researched a lot and I'm ready. I'm on the fourth day of my pre op diet, not really hungry which is a good thing. My doctor allows protein shakes for breakfast n dinner and decent lunch which can be fish or chicken w veggies. But last night when my kids were eating I took a couple of crackers out of their plates w/o realizing it. Once I was on the third bite I was like "I'm not supposed eat this". Now I have this fear that I might do this after surgery as well and just regain or not even loose any weight at all. Another one of my fears is after surgery I have to come home to 3 kids which are 5, 2 and 10 months. Not seeing me for two days, they're going to jump on me and expect me to pick em up and love on em. Which the fear is if I might pop an incision or leakage might happen? On top of all this I saw the grim reaper in my dream this morning. Ughhh

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