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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Smoggy in I Have Told Everyone I Know? Am I In The Minority?   
    I have told a very small group, some close friends, new friends in a sleeve support group, and my brother. Almost all of them have been supportive.
    I know my stepmother would disapprove, gossip negatively about it and influence my Dad into being negative too so I haven't told him. Likewise some acquaintances would definitely be negative so I am not informing them.
    I do not really want people in my workplace to know, as there is a lot of judgemental negativity there in a lot of respects, and I am sure I would be the butt of jokes etc with some people if it came out. I am naturally quite a discreet person about my private life and I think there is nothing wrong with being reserved about the details of my life except with close friends and family.
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from 100%Sleeved in My Nosy Boss.....   
    I work in a high school. We returned on Jan. 3 from Winter Break. My surgery was scheduled for Jan. 10. I started telling people I would be out for 2 weeks with surgery on the 4th. No one asked, not even my principal and assistant principals. My doctor wrote a note on plain letterhead versus the Weight Loss Surgery Center letterhead, by my request. I didn't need to complete FMLA since it was only 2 weeks. I just used my leave.
    While I was out, several people texted and emailed with well wishes and asking if they could do anything. When I returned, a few people asked what I had done. I told them that I had a hiatal hernia repaired, which was true. They were mainly glad that I was back and ok. I was really weak that first week back. The first day I overdid it and stayed home the next day. My principal was very supportive and told me I should never have pushed myself so soon. But he's respected my privacy.
    It's no one's business IMO.
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to chigga77 in I'm Having Mixed Feelings About Bariatric Surgery   
    I was sleeved on 01-30-2012. It took me along time to commit to this. Unlike some I am 34 married no children. I had four failed pregnancies. High blood pressure, diabetes, a half functioning heart and a list of other issues. I tried everything. They would work in the beginning and then they would stop working. I realized that my life was important to me and if I ever wanted to have children I needed to have a life altering change. This was my last result and I do not regret it. It is very hard and I was a little mad at myself after the surgery. But I do not regret my decision and I would say Research research and research. Everyone recovers and loses differetly but having your own knowledge and seeing different people experiences helps alot. I did a lot of research, even down to watching the videos on how the procedure is done. hopes this helps
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from ShouldBlittler in Nervous About Test Results   
    I am not on a CPAP but one lady in my pre-op group was. She was instructed to bring her own machine to the hospital since it was already configured for her. They told her that her surgery would be postponed if she did not have it.
    Hope this helps.
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from PEvette in Where Are You 200+Er's?   
    This always makes me nervous when I fly. I've never had to purchase 2 seats and I've always flown Delta or US Air. I go through a ritual of selecting seats. Some have more leg room. The last time I flew was in August to Los Angeles from NC. My sister and I were traveling together, so we left our shared armrest up to give me more room (she's an average size and doesn't have to worry). But I've flown with strangers and not had a problem with the armrest down. Just wasn't as comfortable.
    I have always needed a seatbelt extender. I can't WAIT for that NSV!
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Dooter in Scheduled....but Lingering Question Is 'am I Messing With God's Work'.   
    You know, I did not struggle with whether or not I would lose favor with God. I had my gallbladder removed in 2002 because it was causing me a great deal of pain and poor quality of life. My mother and her two sisters underwent mastectomies due to breast cancer. God has put things in place to help us live a longer, better, healthier life. And I knew that His will would be done.
    Now I did struggle with self disappointment, wondering why can't I just do this myself? And I was initially concerned about the permanency of it. But every time I got winded walking a great distance or could barely get out of my bed due to my knees hurting or thought about the child I want to be healthy enough to bare, those feelings went away.
    I knew God was leading the way. The surgeon, nurses were just vessels for His work. Even in my last moments of consciousness, when my nerves were really on edge and I was being strapped to the table, I prayed silently. One of the Nurses tapped me on the arm and asked if I was ok. I nodded. He squeezed and said "No worries. God is in control". Confirmation! I will never forget that.
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in How Do You Stop The Anxiety?   
    Hi Michele, I'll just cut to the chase and answer your questions:

    I am my son's only parent! -- Which is a perfect reason to do EVERYTHING in your power to give him the best Mom you can be. Wouldn't you like to run with him? Play with him? Feel confident around his friends? Have his little arms be able to reach all the way around you? Live as long as you possibly can, without worrying if you won't be able to see him grow up, get married, graduate college... etc.?? Sorry to be so blunt, but when I was Super Obese, I may have been ALIVE but I didn't TRULY LIVE until I took my life back, and took control of my disease.
    What if it doesn't work, just like the band? -- I was revised from band to sleeve on 9.15.10 and I went in wondering the same thing. I had many of the same issues you did... I simply never was able to find that sweet spot and I was constantly in pain, especially in my port area. I was banded on 2.11.08. It took me over a year to finally take that step to have a second WLS once I'd heard of the sleeve and how wonderful it was. I can say today that it DID work and the sleeve for me was EVERYTHING that I was always hoping my band could be.
    Shouldn't I try Medifast first? -- "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results" ~Albert Einstein
    People tell me it is TOO extreme, and try to help me figure out what else I can do. -- extreme yes... but sometimes that is exactly what it takes to beat a demon. I certainly don't regret doing this extreme surgery, because today I am everything I dreamed I could be, and so much more. I wouldn't give it back for all the tea in China. Besides that, there comes a time in our lives when we have to make our own decisions, be dammed of what anyone else thinks! No one but YOU is walking in your shoes, so no one but YOU should make such a huge decision on what is right and wrong for YOU.
    What if it doesn't work? -- See all above
    Maybe there is a hormonal reason I can't lose? -- Yes there is a possibility that there is a hormonal reason you can't lose. Have them checked, BUT that doesn't mean you still shouldn't take the bull by the horns. Excuses will only keep holding you back.
    What if it doesn't work? -- See all above

    With that, I'd like to formally welcome you to VST. Take a good look around. We have an entire section of Band to Sleeve stories and most if not ALL are successful in some manner or another. I have yet to see one where they weren't glad they did it.
    All the best to you and please let us know how you're doing! Chime in and make yourself home.
  8. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Restriction & Amount Of Food Tolerated   
    I got down a couple of bites of my taco bake, about half of a large meatball, and most of one wingette. But it was all very tasty do I was satisfied. But I looked around at everyone else, especially the guys, and was amazed at the amount of food they were eating! It's hard to believe that I ate like that just a few weeks ago! That made me smile and just savor what I could have. It'll all be worth it in the end.
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to peacequeen in I Definitely Regret Surgery.... So Far!   
    When i was going through my own complications,,I had a leak too..I tried to keep on the down low. I knew at that time that my opinion would be harsh where the sleeve was concerned so I only gave updates instead of giving my opinion of the sleeve. I am slowly beginning to feel better,,still have a few issues but with time, I think it will all pass and I will be very happy with my decision. I didn't want to sway people from making a life changing decision by bashing the surgery. It may have its problems but I think for the most part it is a great thing. It's like if you have cancer,,,chemo has side effects,,horrible ones but one may go through without because of it being a last resort and desperation for healing. I think the sleeve is not the same but similar to certain extent.
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Ms skinniness in Restriction & Amount Of Food Tolerated   
    At first it was a chore, but now it's just life. I have learned to make better choices when eating out and to bring most of it home or give it to my husband or son. Mostly I have baby bel cheese that I put in my purse and I also carry a premier high Protein chocolate drink in my purse. I have also learned to go to some sushi restaurants and order just teriaki chicken. It's about $2 and I did eat the whole thing (cut up in tiny pieces) and I was really stuffed. I sometimes forget I have my sleeve. LOL. I am learning to look at portions in a different light now. I am just thankful to be able to eat everything that I do without any problems. Oh, sugary stuff hurts my stomach. So I do without it.
  11. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Tif 2.0 in January 2012 Sleevers!   
    Hello to all of my January Sleevers!
    I had my 3 week post op visit on yesterday and GUESS WHAT?! I'M DOWN 35 POUNDS!!! It's COMPLETELY amazing to me! I can't remember the last time I lost 35 lbs! :clap2:
    AND yesterday I was able to move to soft foods! OMG! I was so excited! Some of you are so lucky with what you were allowed during the 2-3 weeks post op. I was on strictly liquids! Water, Protein Shakes, Crystal Light, Propel, dilated clear juice, broth, strained low fat Soup, UGH!
    Now the challenge is actually eating the amount they want me to eat.....
  12. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Tif 2.0 in January 2012 Sleevers!   
    Hello to all of my January Sleevers!
    I had my 3 week post op visit on yesterday and GUESS WHAT?! I'M DOWN 35 POUNDS!!! It's COMPLETELY amazing to me! I can't remember the last time I lost 35 lbs! :clap2:
    AND yesterday I was able to move to soft foods! OMG! I was so excited! Some of you are so lucky with what you were allowed during the 2-3 weeks post op. I was on strictly liquids! Water, Protein Shakes, Crystal Light, Propel, dilated clear juice, broth, strained low fat Soup, UGH!
    Now the challenge is actually eating the amount they want me to eat.....
  13. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Tif 2.0 in January 2012 Sleevers!   
    Hello to all of my January Sleevers!
    I had my 3 week post op visit on yesterday and GUESS WHAT?! I'M DOWN 35 POUNDS!!! It's COMPLETELY amazing to me! I can't remember the last time I lost 35 lbs! :clap2:
    AND yesterday I was able to move to soft foods! OMG! I was so excited! Some of you are so lucky with what you were allowed during the 2-3 weeks post op. I was on strictly liquids! Water, Protein Shakes, Crystal Light, Propel, dilated clear juice, broth, strained low fat Soup, UGH!
    Now the challenge is actually eating the amount they want me to eat.....
  14. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from islandmom in January 2012 Sleevers!   
    I've posted on a couple of other threads about this. Mine came 1 week after surgery and it was the period from HELL! :mad2: I wouldn't have wished that one on my worst enemy!
  15. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Randy in Male NSV here (possible TMI)   
    I've lost about 140lbs since March and it was like...."hey old friend..I haven't seen you in a while.
  16. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from rahnava in January 2012 Sleevers!   
    Wonderful! I was sleeved on Jan. 10. I wish a speedy recovery to you! See you on the other side!
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Tif 2.0 in When Can "stella Get Her Groove Back"?   
    My hubs was wanting to know too. I told him when I feel like it. LOL
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from hadouni in Sleeved On Jan 24Th. - Gained Weight   
    That is awesome! I have a high BMI and a lot to lose so I find myself being anxious. But I can't tell you the last time I've lost over 20 lbs on any program, diet, plan, fad, etc that I've tried in the last 3 years. Keep up the good work! We'll encourage each other.
  19. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from rahnava in January 2012 Sleevers!   
    Wonderful! I was sleeved on Jan. 10. I wish a speedy recovery to you! See you on the other side!
  20. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Shalon in What A Difference 18 Months, 20 Thousand Dollars Worth Of Surgery And 130 Lbs Lost Makes...   
    I can say, as silly as it sounds, that attention from males is really bugging me at this point. I'm irritated with the sudden over-helpfulness of male sales associates, the sudden messages from strangers on Facebook, etc. I was always the girl with the "pretty face" AKA FAT ASS BODY, so nowwwwwwwwwwww you want to be nice and attentive?
    I know i'll get past this stage, but right now, I know exactly what you are referencing.
  21. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Lissa in Am I Slow Loser   
    Truthfully, I could care less if I'm a slow loser or a fast loser, so long as I'm a loser (of weight, that is)! I started at a 53 BMI, and I've lost 81 pounds in 4.5 months. IMO, that's the perfect rate of weight loss for ME.
    One thing about losing slowly is that it gives your skin more of an opportunity to rebound so you will hopefully have less loose skin when you get to goal. Losing slowly also means you are probably losing more fat than muscle, which is great! Less muscle to have to rebuild.
    And, numbers on the scale do NOT tell the whole story. I look for the NSVs or non scale victories. Are my pants looser? Can I walk further, do more, do I have more energy? All of those things add up, not just the pounds lost according to the scale. If you look through the gallery, ANY gallery, you'll see people who are 172 pounds that wear a size zero and people who weigh 172 who are a size 10. The differences are in height and muscle tone, usually. So the scale doesn't tell the whole story.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat. Muscle also helps us burn fat, so building strong muscles is important. I stall when I work out, then a few pounds will whoosh off in a day or two. But, when I work out, I lose inches. By doing basic workouts, walking, bicycle, light weight lifting, I have lost two pants sizes in the last three weeks. I also haven't lost an ounce in over a week. Am I worried? Nope. I keep eating my Protein, drinking my Water, and working out. The weight loss will happen, but I want to be a solidly built 170, not a flabby 170.
    The bonus of working out is the energy boost. IMO, everything looks better when you get that serotonin boost from working out and, BELIEVE ME, I can use that energy boost right now!
  22. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from mommy794 in January 2012 Sleevers!   
    Good luck to all who are very newly sleeved and those awaiting upcoming surgeries over the next week! Each day gets better! Tomorrow will be 2 weeks exactly for me and I'm down 20 lbs. I'll be returning to work tomorrow, also.
  23. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Aussiegirl in 4 Months Today And 1/2 Way There   
    Go girl! You look AMAZING! I'm just 13 days post up, but hope I'll have a similar story at 4 months. Rock that sleeve!
  24. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from AllForMy4 in I Feel Like Maybe I Should Cancel My Surgery?   
    I had my surgery on Jan. 10 and my surgeon did not require a pre op diet. I just had to do Clear liquids the day before drink the Mag Citrate. Up until the one day liquid diet, I had the biggest food funeral you can imagine. Went to all my favorite restaurants, had my favorite dishes during the holidays, Desserts, you name it. I had my consult with my surgeon 6 days before surgery and he asked me to cut back on really fatty foods for the final few days. He told me that it doesn't take long to shrink the liver. My surgery went smoothly with no complications. In fact, he called it "nice and boring".
    Now, by all means follow what your doc tells you! I am in no way encouraging anyone to break diets. Just sharing my experience with not being required to do one.
    By the way, I'm 11 days post op and down 18 lbs!! WOOO HOOO!!
  25. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from AllForMy4 in I Feel Like Maybe I Should Cancel My Surgery?   
    I had my surgery on Jan. 10 and my surgeon did not require a pre op diet. I just had to do Clear liquids the day before drink the Mag Citrate. Up until the one day liquid diet, I had the biggest food funeral you can imagine. Went to all my favorite restaurants, had my favorite dishes during the holidays, Desserts, you name it. I had my consult with my surgeon 6 days before surgery and he asked me to cut back on really fatty foods for the final few days. He told me that it doesn't take long to shrink the liver. My surgery went smoothly with no complications. In fact, he called it "nice and boring".
    Now, by all means follow what your doc tells you! I am in no way encouraging anyone to break diets. Just sharing my experience with not being required to do one.
    By the way, I'm 11 days post op and down 18 lbs!! WOOO HOOO!!

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