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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from JennJ.RN in 3 Months Out With Pics! I Can Finally See The Changes!   
    Thanks guys!! I love the support here! I was so frustrated and then I looked at some old pics. It helped put things into perspective. I didn't put it on overnight. Plus, the stress is making me crazy! LOL!!
  2. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from 2BThinAlways in 3 Months Out With Pics! I Can Finally See The Changes!   
    Hey everyone! I had my 3 month follow up yesterday and am happy to report that I'm down 53 lbs since surgery! For one, I can't believe that 3 months have already passed. I was hoping to be down more than that by now but I am beginning to let that go. I stalled for almost my entire 2nd month and was just glad to see progress during the 3rd month.
    I have become obsessed with counting - carbs, Protein, fat grams, ounces of Water, etc. I started feeling like I was on the hardest diet ever! I was the baby in my support group yesterday, all others were 8-12 months post op. It was hard expressing my frustrations because they all had a been there, done that attitude about plateaus and weighing daily. My NUT told me that I need to eat more and stop worrying so much about carbs. She said that 600-700 calories are not enough. I left wondering how anorexic people remain thin. I know I'm eating more than an anorexic, but still....
    Even though I don't really see it when I look in the mirror, this side by side comparison really shows the difference. The before was August of 2011 and after picture was taken this week. Surgery was January 10. I can't wait for the next 50 to come off!!

  3. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to jasleeve in I Definitely Regret Surgery.... So Far!   
    hey guys! i hope all is well. im here to report that i am officially in onderland!! today i weighed in at 199! i started at 273! i cant believe it.
    ill keep everyone posted.
  4. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Paula Spurlock Butts in Truth Moment: Does It Piss Anyone Else Off To Hear People Say The Surgery Is The Easy Way Out? Or You Could Just Stop Eating.   
    I always wanted to tell them, "No, It isn't an easy out, just like your learning to mind your own business isn't easy, either."
  5. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from PdxMan in Protein Shakes Making Me Sick   
    Ditto on the Premier shakes. I had a difficult time getting various shakes in during the first 3 weeks after surgery. These were the only ones I tolerated. I still have one most days for Breakfast or after exercise. They have 30 grams of Protein.< /p>
  6. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to esheldon76 in Just Saw My Post-Op Diet   
    I think that's the sound we make when we hurl. GHRELIN!
    Hey all, don't worry about me...I'm totally on board with it, because I NEED this more than I need my love for favorite foods. I "was" joking in my original post, and was hoping that everyone saw it that way, but I'm sorry I didn't make it more obvious. Yes, some of the comments seemed quite a bit harsh if I wasn't as thick-skinned as I am, but that's just the internet. I'm a big dude, I doubt anyone would say much if they saw me in person. HA! (<--JOKE). Seriously though, it's nice to meet ALL of you, and am looking for to only hopefully sharing good news about my journey. My pre-op meals aren't liquids like it seems that a lot of you are or had to deal with. I just have to do straight liquids the last two days, and then for the next month afterwards, but I know I won't want to each much at least for a little while. Thanks for talking it up with me. I'm not scared except for the whole losing most of your stomach thing, and hating that I couldn't do it by myself, but as a friend told me "Sometimes you need to let people help you." Enough said.
  7. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Gallbladder Removal   
    Afro_Cyster it is my belief that God gave us our bodies as vessels. We are the keepers of them however, and it is our duty to do whatever is necessary to keep them healthy.
    I had Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy to remove most of my stomach because I had to try to save my life. God supplied the means to have it done, all I needed to do was accept it and go forth by my Faith that God will see me through. His Promise to always provide is still True today.
    Please understand that not having your gallbladder removed can be as serious as being fatal. Do what you have to, to save your life. You have the means. I'm praying for you, both that God will see you through this, as well as doing what you have to, to maintain a healthy body.
  8. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from lisalalani in Where Are You 200+Er's?   
    Hey!! I'm here *waving*
    I will be 3 months out next Tuesday and am now down 51 lbs. It has truly been a roller coaster for me so far. I lost 38 in the first month and then stalled for the rest of February, right after introducing solid food. That was SO frustrating to me! I was doing everything but exercising and NOTHING. I felt like I was on the hardest diet ever if that makes sense. I was counting everything, being sure to get enough Protein and Water, avoiding things that I shouldn't, etc. And no scale movement! I'd hoped to be down 60 lbs by my 3 month follow up, which is next week.
    By the first week of March, I had enough energy to begin going to the gym. I am now up to walking around 3.5 miles in one hour. That may seem like nothing to all of the true gym rats, but it means the world to me! I haven't exercised regularly since before my wedding in 2008.
    I also think I was not eating enough calories. I noticed on a week that I would "cheat" a little with some things that I shouldn't have (chips and cake at a baby shower, a little Peanut Butter, half of a hot dog), I lost 3 - 4 pounds. I'm not saying that we should eat these things regularly, but I believe the extra calories helped with the weight loss. I was only getting in 500-600 calories. I have upped my calories and lost something each week since. It's not going as fast as I'd hoped, but I am thankful for what I've lost. For some people it's just effortless! I feel like I wasted some of my honeymoon period with the stalls. UGH! But my pants are REAAAALLLYYY bagging and I have more energy. As of the 2 month mark I was down over 17 inches all over with 6 of those being from my hips.
    My best NSV was receiving some recent test results. I had some renal issues in 2009 which left me with insufficient kidney function. Nothing that was near dialysis level, but still very concerning. Well guess what?! My kidney function was actually in the NORMAL range for the first time in almost 3 years! My Nephrologist couldn't make any guarantees but thought the weight loss could improve things. Just 50 lbs and the change in what I am eating has made this SO worth it so far! I cried when I received those results!
    It sounds like everyone is doing great! I am sorry to be so long winded but I know that you all truly understand what it's like with having so much to lose. We got this!!
  9. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Liliana Arleen in When Do I Feel Normal Again   
    I really didn't start to feel energized again until almost 2 months out and I was taking my Vitamins the entire time. I returned back to work after 2 weeks but I was dragging each day. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other at times. I would get dizzy in the shower, also. I felt like I needed a nap daily and it didn't help that I returned to an 8:30 am to 8 pm work schedule. But close to the 2 month mark it started to improve tremendously. I started working out 3 weeks ago. I am up to a little over 3 miles in an hour which is FABULOUS for for me. I am hoping to push it to 3.5 miles today .
    It will get better. I felt COMPLETELY wiped out for the longest time.
  10. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Liliana Arleen in When Do I Feel Normal Again   
    I really didn't start to feel energized again until almost 2 months out and I was taking my Vitamins the entire time. I returned back to work after 2 weeks but I was dragging each day. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other at times. I would get dizzy in the shower, also. I felt like I needed a nap daily and it didn't help that I returned to an 8:30 am to 8 pm work schedule. But close to the 2 month mark it started to improve tremendously. I started working out 3 weeks ago. I am up to a little over 3 miles in an hour which is FABULOUS for for me. I am hoping to push it to 3.5 miles today .
    It will get better. I felt COMPLETELY wiped out for the longest time.
  11. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Capt Derel in What Are Some Things You Can't Wait For Once You Loose Weight?   
    Thats like WHOA!!!
  12. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Priscilla Johnson Wright in Beyonce Has Pushed Me Over The Top! (Sorry Its So Long!   
    I am less than 20 hours away from starting the walk from here to losers bench. While driving to work the skinny me in my head that is trying to get out said "Play Beyonce, Love on Top!" So of course I listened.
    As I was driving and singing to the top of my lungs I started to realized that I have finally put my love for my self on top! I am 35 years old and at my heaviest weighed 280 something. I have put my husband, mother and kids in front of me for years!!!!
    Tomorrow I am dropping everything and putting myself in place for my own success. That is AWESOME !
    So as I drove with tears burning my face I found that the lyrics to this song are not meant for just a man. They were written to for me and you! This is apart of my journey a[art of what i need to do for my own success.

    Do you find the truth in these lyrics?
    Honey, honey

    I can see the stars all the way from here

    Can't you see the glow on the window pane?

    I can feel the sun whenever you're near

    Every time you touch me I just melt away

    Now everybody asks me why I'm smiling out from ear to ear

    (They say love hurts)

    But I know

    (It's gonna take a little work)

    Nothing's perfect, but it's worth it after fighting through my tears

    And finally you put me first

    Baby it's you.

    You're the one I love.

    You're the one I need.

    You're the only one I see.

    Come on baby it's you.

    You're the one that gives your all.

    You're the one I can always call.

    When I need you make everything stop.

    Finally you put my love on top.

    Baby Baby

    I can hear the wind whipping past my face

    As we dance the night away

    Boy your lips taste like a night of champagne

    As I kiss you again and again and again and again

    Now everybody asks me why I'm smiling out from ear to ear.

    (They say love hurts)

    But I know

    (It's gonna take a little work)

    Nothing's perfect, but it's worth it after fighting through my tears

    And finally you put me first

    Baby it's you.

    You're the one I love.

    You're the one I need.

    You're the only one I see.

    Come on baby it's you.

  13. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from WhoozisAnyway in What Are Some Things You Can't Wait For Once You Loose Weight?   
    I LOVE this thread! I can't wait to....
    Have a child.
    Be able to cross my legs.
    Wear a sexy, black, above the knee dress.
    Have someone I haven't seen in a while not recognize me.
    Walk in ANY store and be able to shop.
    Weigh less than my husband.
    Get my swagger back with sexy pumps and strappy sandals.
    Trade clothes with my sister.
    Not have to question whether I'll be comfortable in a chair with arms.
    Say goodbye to my chronic knee pain.
    I could do this all night! My imagination is running wild!
  14. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Dooter in Diet Coke   
    NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Don't do it girl. You're off the junk, stay off. Aside from the differing opinions of various surgeons-some say it will stretch your sleeve slowly over time (like mine) and some say it doesn't at all. ( I am NOT going to take that chance under any circumstances!)- aside from that- That crap is no earthly good for you. The phosphorus acid will rot your guts and the sweeteners still contribute to weight gain like real sugar. It's just not a nutritionally sound decision. Try to replace that craving with something else. I don't know what, but my opinion is don't do it!! (not that I feel strongly about it or anything
  15. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from WhoozisAnyway in What Are Some Things You Can't Wait For Once You Loose Weight?   
    I LOVE this thread! I can't wait to....
    Have a child.
    Be able to cross my legs.
    Wear a sexy, black, above the knee dress.
    Have someone I haven't seen in a while not recognize me.
    Walk in ANY store and be able to shop.
    Weigh less than my husband.
    Get my swagger back with sexy pumps and strappy sandals.
    Trade clothes with my sister.
    Not have to question whether I'll be comfortable in a chair with arms.
    Say goodbye to my chronic knee pain.
    I could do this all night! My imagination is running wild!
  16. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to thebionicbroad in Dont Wanna Lose Too Much.....   
    PLEASE let me have that problem!!!
  17. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Jesusislove in One Year Out   
    I see you, Diva! You look AMAZING!! I can't wait to say I've lost 100 pounds!
  18. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Shemy-away in I Can Post Here Now!   
    YAY! Making room on the loser's bench for you!!
  19. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from AllForMy4 in Dying My Hair After The Sleeve? Will It Make Hair Loss Worse?   
    I was told in my first post op group to not color our hair during the first 6-8 months after surgery. We were advised to avoid any stress on the hair at this time. I don't plan on doing anything but washing and conditioning it. I'm avoiding all heat and letting it air dry after washing. Just what I'm doing. Hair loss scares me terribly because my hair is already fine.
  20. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Dooter in Need Comebacks For "easy Way Out" Crack   
    I've already stated in another post that i'm not a violent person, but the first one that says that to me is gonna get punched dead in the face!!
  21. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Lissa in Need Comebacks For "easy Way Out" Crack   
    I haven't had anyone actually make that crack to me, but my comeback would be "Sure, it's the easy way out. Much easier than dying from the complications of obesity I was experiencing!"
  22. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from ldmendoza in What's For Lunch?   
    I had baked Beans with a little lean ground beef mixed in.
    I'm more excited about dinner. I made lemon pepper salmon last night and will eat the other half tonight. YUM!
  23. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from ldmendoza in What's For Lunch?   
    I had baked Beans with a little lean ground beef mixed in.
    I'm more excited about dinner. I made lemon pepper salmon last night and will eat the other half tonight. YUM!
  24. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from ldmendoza in What's For Lunch?   
    I had baked Beans with a little lean ground beef mixed in.
    I'm more excited about dinner. I made lemon pepper salmon last night and will eat the other half tonight. YUM!
  25. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Wheetsin in I Have A Lot To Lose!   
    On the AGB counterpart to this board, I was once asked why "super sized" members felt they needed a separate area than "regular" members, because aren't we all after the same goal?
    My response was something to the effect of, "When my GOAL weight is your STARTING weight, no, we aren't after the same goal."

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