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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from MusicMom1384 in Did Everyone Here Go On A Liquid Diet Before Surgery?   
    I was just sleeved a week ago. My surgeon did not require a 2 week liquid diet. I had my pre surgery consult with him a week prior and he asked that I cut back on my intake for the remaining days before surgery. I was still allowed to eat regular food. Honestly, I ate what I wanted up until the few days before he told me that. Then I avoided really fattening foods and was 5 lbs lighter the day of surgery. They didn't do any type of test on the liver before. I had no complications; he called my surgery "very boring". LOL! I told him that's how I'd like it to be!
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from mzkd2011 in African American Sleevers   
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to brownsista in African American Sleevers   
    Im about to get discharged.....
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from mzkd2011 in African American Sleevers   
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !   
    And people.. Please stop insinuating that we are embarrassed, selfish, ashamed or worse.. We don't have close friends!?! Seriously? ... Really?!?
    My WLS does not dominate my daily life. I am (we) are not LYING about anything and not telling others is not selfish, fact, (sorry if i step on toes or egos) I think it's more self centered to think everyone wants to know all about you and your WLS.
    I agree, PdxMan.. the topic is well covered.
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to PdxMan in Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !   
    Wow ... this topic ... again ...
    Outside of the 3rd week stall thread, this has to be one of the most oft discussed thing here. HERE is the last one if anyone cares to read some history.
    I don't understand why people, both sleeved and those not sleeved, can't understand why this is a personal decision and if I choose to keep it personal, that is my choice.
    Please respect that.
    I don't directly lie to people about it, telling people I do Water aerobics or something, but for the most part, I tell them I have decreased my portion sizes and exercise more. All of which is true. I started out having a similar attitude as the OP, but after being knocked down a couple times, I was like, "What business is it of theirs anyway?"
    If I noticed a woman's bust line being different, would I ask them if they had a reduction or enhancement?
    Why am I obligated to divulge my life?
    As I have posted on this topic numerous times, I will copy and paste my theory on this:

    It's like we are supposed to have some obligation to society about our lives. As I explained in another thread along this very topic, I:
    Didn't tell anyone I was having a vasectomy to help me control my family size

    Didn't tell anyone I had lasik surgery to help me control my eyesight

    Didn't tell anyone I had hemorrhoidectomy to help my ... well, ya know ...

    Why do I have to tell them my life story? This is my life, gosh darn it!
  7. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !   
    Everyone has their own feeling and strong opinions about who needs to know what about themselves. I didn't tell and don't plan on disclosing my personal issues with others. Just like I didn't tell others (even though very proud of him), I don't go around telling others about my husband vasectomy. Nor do I tell others about my surgery for a prolasped uterus due to (proudly), having 3 ten pound babies. I also didn't tell others about a wart I had removed from my butt when I was in jr high.. Oh and I don't tell people my front tooth is fake, due to a friend pushing my face into a Water fountain when I was in fourth grade. I'm not ashamed of anything I do or have. I just think its no ones business or for the fact... others probably don't give a $ H I T anyway!
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from mzkd2011 in African American Sleevers   
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Not Losing Any Weight! Upset And Fustrated!   
    Everyone has already given you great advice. I just want to advise you to mentally prepare for stalls and possible slight gains from time to time on this journey. I started at 406 lbs so I had over 200 lbs to lose. I lost 35 in the first month so 40 would have been so unrealistic for you. After my first month, I didn't lose anything else for an entire month. Was I crazy? Yes!! About to lose my mind! But reading that it has happened to others who were very successful sleevers was very reassuring. I am now 8 months out and down almost 110!
    I had surgery in January and didn't lose weight in February or July. I pretty much just bounced around during these months. Did I lose inches? Yes! Did I go down a pant size? You bet! They'll happen; just stay the course and enjoy the ride. Good luck to you!
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Dooter in Not Losing Any Weight! Upset And Fustrated!   
    Ok....STEP AWAY FROM THE LEDGE....Get back inside the building and let's talk about this!!!
    When was the last time you lost 25 lbs in one month???? HHHMMMMMMM?????? You say "only" 25 lbs. Unless you have 200 or more lbs to lose, then you have lost just about the right amount of weight for the first month. It's FANTASTIC!!! YOU ARE DOING FIIIIIINE!!! Keep on doing what you are doing and the weight WILL come off, I promise! Your body has been through a trauma from which it is still trying to recover and figure out what you did to it. This is right about the time when we all hit a point where we don't lose for a few days or a week or two (or for me...SIX). I did not lose a pound for over six weeks when I was at your stage. Talk about freaking out. It did start up again as I continued on my planned course of eating and exercise. Don't worry, don't freak out. You're doing GREAT!!!!
    (BTW- I DID have 200 lbs to lose and i STILL did not lose 40 lbs in the first month! )
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to PEvette in African American Sleevers   
    Just love reading the responses to that ignorant comment made by her....kept it informational and classy...
    well done ladies...
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Kalimomof3 in MyFitnessPal.com Members   
    I couldn't find her either....
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to scubadottie in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to NOT have to ask for a self belt extender on a plane.
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Newlady in New Here And New To Sleeve Surgery   
    Hey there! I live an hour and a half from Raleigh but had my surgery in Durham. I am not as familiar with weight loss centers in the area, however, my office offers a monthly support group. I went through the Duke Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery clinic in Durham. The support group schedule for Durham and Raleigh is on the Duke website. I know it's free to patients, but I would call and see if there is a fee for others - 1-866-637-0711. Let me know if I can help you with anything else. Your weight loss so far is awesome!
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to ashleyxx in 9 Months Post-Op Progress Picture   
    Hey everyone, I found a old picture today and wanted to show the progress I have made so far. The first picture is from 4 years ago (I dont know how much I weighed in it) and the second is from this past Saturday. My highest weight was 360lbs, day of surgery I was 338lbs and I am currently 237lbs, I have been in ANOTHER stall which seems like FOREVER but I hope I will be able to get down to my goal weight.

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    MzPecanBrown reacted to tlf in 200 Pounds To Lose Is Doable   
    I had my VGS on 4/30/12. I started out at 352 and I am now down to 270! A big 82lbs! My goal is between 150 or 160. Now I have stalled out. I too want to toss the scale out the window! Its good to read everyones stories and know it will pass as long as I stick with it. Good luck to all.
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to *susan* in My Change   
    I would kill to have that "space", lol.
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    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from dar1983 in My Change   
    You better strike a pose, girl! FIERCE! Amazing job!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Debbi Farmer in New Here And New To Sleeve Surgery   
    Wow guys! I did not realize how long it has been since I updated my stats...
    All is well here! I have lost about 55 pounds so far (and my goal is 100 pounds so I am tickled pink!) but I am sorta at the "stall" also. Not sure why, my diet is the same, but my small business that I run is much busier during the months of July and August, so I am not on a regular exercise program at the moment and I think it is that reason and the stress from the job...(even if it is a job I absolutely love)...is the reason I am also stalled on my weight loss...(plus still having trouble balancing a meal)
    My follow-ups with DR's have been great and all is well that way... dietitian says I am slightly dehydrated so I hope to increase my liquids...but still hard to get all the Protein and liquids required into my system in one day...but it is now on a much better schedule since I have documented everything on spreadsheets.
    I am also curious if anyone knows of a good program in the Raleigh/Wake Forest area to get into for a moderate exercise program for weight loss surgery patients...that info would be good to have!
    Thanks again everyone for letting me post, vent and brag!!!
  20. Like
    MzPecanBrown got a reaction from Kalimomof3 in MyFitnessPal.com Members   
    I couldn't find her either....
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  21. Like
    MzPecanBrown reacted to Dooter in Too Small   

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    MzPecanBrown reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Too Small   
    Lunges + Squats = Onion Booty
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to paigep in Too Small   
    I can understand worrying about that. But I seriously want to be one of those girls people look at and tell to eat a cheeseburger :-)
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Dooter in Too Small   
    I'd like to at least see and feel what "too small" may be like! If I don't like it...I'm an expert at gaining weight, I already know that!
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    MzPecanBrown reacted to Dooter in Uggh ! The Nerve Of Some Ppl !   
    If she had to follow one of us around for a week and eat as little as we do and exercise as MUCH as we do....she'd drop DEAD!!!
    I've always said...the first person that tells me this is the "easy way out" is getting punched dead in the face!!
    Ignorance never stops people from spewing garbage.

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