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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carbgrl

  1. MrsSweny please, please don't risk your health by jumping ahead of your diet. I know it's hard. I have head hunger too. Everything smells better. My husband bought this huge cookie frosting thing and ate it right next to me. You may not know if you'll react to the foods you've eaten yet. The liquid /mushy diet is to prevent the stomach from working to hard to digest food so that it can heal. I would think popcorn kerns could get stuck in the staples. I'm only 3 days post op so I'm definitely no pro but, I've read on here that the acid in the stomach makes us feel hungry soon after surgery. Many posters have said taking an anti-acid helps with the feelings of hunger. In the meantime go crazy with sf popicles and sf Jello. We'll get to eat real food soon. Get on here and type away to keep your hands and head busy. Don't risk complications. Take care. We're in this together.
  2. carbgrl


    Coughing again. Oh mother, this might be the worst part of the surgery yet. Hurts like hades! I hope there's no damage.
  3. I believe the risk for leaks / complications is 1-2%. I'd take those odds in Vegas any day. Of course, our health is nothing to gamble with. As someone else on here said, 1% isn't bad until it's you then it's a 100% (sorry I don't remember who said that) which is very true. I think it's a very personal decision, it's up to you to weigh the good against the risks. Do you have other health conditions that increase your risks for health problems in the future (diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea..) that shorten your life expectancy?. How about your general happiness? I'm miserable being overweight. I lost weight with the band and then gained it all back. I was within 7 lbs from my goal when I started gaining it back. I avoid friends and family. This gives me the motivation to exercise because I don't feel iike it's useless and wasting my time. I hate feeling like I can't comfortably tie my shoes. Forget about shaving my legs or bikini area. I hated wasting money on quick weightloss scams that never worked clothes in 10 different sizes. I'm rambling but, it's completely normal to be scared and have second thoughts. It is a major surgery. It has very real risks. I chose the one of the best surgeons I could find. It's a "Center of Excellence". I plan on following my Doctor's instructions to a T. I know my doctor has made every attempt to be cautious and avoid complications. Diagnostics, labwork, pre-op diet to "shrink" the stomach. In the end, I think all we can do is our homework, comply with our doctor's orders and pray.
  4. carbgrl


    Ouch Punky. I'm sorry to hear that. I was having severe acid reflux since last night I'm sure it probably caused the acid-y irritation in my throat.
  5. carbgrl


    I think my cough was more of a dry irritated cough. I even think the brusinig looks worse on one of my incisions. Maybe it's just my head messing with me. I hope so.
  6. Is sugar free jello ok the day after surgery? It's not specifically listed on the post op diet.
  7. Wow. I had surgery on 02/09/12. Does that include your pre-op diet weightloss?
  8. carbgrl

    Acid/ Heartburn

    Thanks for all of the responses. Dreamer, I understand gas x is for gas but in the middle of the night in my sleep deprived pain fog it wasn't sinking in. I got some prilosec but it takes a few days/ wks for it to kick in. What can I use right now? I have heartburn really bad. Oh, I also had a coughing fit and it felt like I was going to bust a stitch or God forbid pop a staple. Anyone have damage due to coughing.
  9. I feel like I can drink to much to fast too. I try to take baby sips but, it's habit. It just goes down so quick. I scare to spring a leak too. At the hospital they gave me a bunch of 1 oz cups (like you use to measure medicine) to use to measure water. I guess I better start using them. They use them to make sure you get enough in but, maybe it's to keep from driinking to much to fast too.
  10. carbgrl


    What brand are the chewable biotin?
  11. I had surgery yesterday. It was scheuled for 7:15 am and I ended up having it about 12:30. Dr. Had an emergency. Had the test. Dr. said no leaks but liquid not going down due to swelling I. Im waiting for more results b4 I drink anything. Two days without anything to eat or drink.
  12. The liquid lortab tastes so bitter to me. It's hard for me to get down.
  13. carbgrl

    I'm Alive.

    Thank you everyone. Day two is much better. Sipping & walking they will let me go home today. Thanks again for your prayers. I needed it.
  14. carbgrl

    I'm Alive.

    Thanks worm. Dr./hospital wont let me drink until test results. I have IV tho.
  15. carbgrl


    What kind of jeans are you going to buy to reward yourself when you reach goal?
  16. I'm scheduled for surgery for tomorrow @ 7:15 am. I'm terrified of complications and surgery in general. I keep having the crazy thoughts going through my head...is ths to drastic... Keep me in your prayers. Any kind words are welcome!
  17. carbgrl

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    PeaceQueen I was aware of leaks and complications. I agree this was a great topic and it's much better to be aware than blindsided. Dooter, I'm in day 1 pre-op freal ,mode.
  18. carbgrl

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    I'd also like to add that the complications posts are freaking me out too. Thank you for sharing but, it's scaring the ^%$(*&^ out of me. If I have to miss work more than I'm scheduled to, it'd be extremely awkard. I told my boss I was having my gallbladder taken out. Not to mention they'd have to hire a temp to do my work. They would not be happy about that.
  19. carbgrl

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    What the heck? If I wake up with a tube down my throat I will freak out and I know I'd yank it out
  20. carbgrl

    Lasagna Cupcakes!

    Sounds sooo good. I'm on my pre-op liquid diet but maybe in few weeks or months. I'll get to try it. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Well, I have the band and having a revision on Thursday 02/09/12. I choose the band instead of the sleeve initially because was (still am) terrified of having any organ cut. I had so many problems with the band. I couldn't eat chicken, tuna, salads, most vegetables, some fruits. I was constantly voimiting and "sliming" aka drooling. I did lose about 80 lbs but then I just gained it all back. The reason alot of the bandsters "cheat" is because the only foods that the band can tolerate are junk food. It works for some people but doesn't for a lot of people. Even though I was physically unable to eat, I was hungry all the time. Losing the hunger horomone is a huge plus for me. If I had known having the band would make my risks higher than a "virgin" sleeve. I might have choosen the sleeve. I'm just ready to get the band out. I know I can't live the rest of my life vomiting on almost daily basis. The band was a total waste of time and money.
  22. It's almost like my band knows it's coming out soon. May be I had to much liquid today. I'm not the pre-op liquid diet. It's very weird.
  23. carbgrl

    Can't Eat Or Drink From Nausea

    I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't have any advise to offer but I hope you get some answers soon and get to feeling better. I'll be thinking about you. Let us know jow you're doing.
  24. When you go to Vitamin Shoppe check out their website first and ask for the online sales price. I get 4lb container of Designer Whey for about $37 and the store price is usually about $50+ and no shipping!
  25. My surgery is a week after yours. I'm really nervous too so, let me know how you're doing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
