I, too, would love to hear some more on this topic. I'm 21/2 weeks post-op, and I've lost 20 lbs. so far, but I feel like I'm eating a bit too much. I read about how so many of you can eat only tiny amounts, and while it's true that I eat much, much less than before, I have progressed to soft foods (just this week), and I can certainly eat a whole egg or a cup of soup or 3 oz. of chopped meat. I'm following my doctor's instructions carefully, but I do feel I sometimes eat too much or could eat more than I do. I'm having no problems with swallowing foods or keeping them down. I am having some trouble with getting enough Protein in my diet, but that may change now that I can eat some meat.
Thank you all for all of your help--your stories are inspirational, and you are full of good information.