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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by NcBreez

  1. Surgery date was Sept 1 2011.. highest weight was 285. Day of surgery I was approx 270... as of today down to 204 (and have been here for the past 3 weeks :/) . Nonetheless proud of my progress so far...

    Was wearing women size 20 waist.. now wearing a size 11. My weight is carried in my boobs and stomach. Legs have always been small... body is just catching up LOL.

    I will say ive YET to exercise... I really do eat what i want, when I want. However I do recognize im in the critcal part of my post op... the part where I need to do something (eat better, exercise), in order to keep the scale moving... :)


    *edit: forgot to add the pic initially LOL*

    Do you mind if I ask how tall you are? I'm 285 now, and 5'6". Thanks for sharing this, I love seeing someone with a similar start weight show their success. It gives me hope for the future!

  2. I haven't had surgery yet, but I wanted to let you know I had my sesamoid bone removed from my foot on 2/8 and tendons/ligaments re-routed as well. I'm non-weight bearing until further notice and I understand your concerns. I don't have much advice, just wanted to tell you you're not alone. So far I've only met with a surgeon, so I have a ways to go before being approved and all. I understand where your surgeon said it was possible to do it, but personally I would like to recover from my current surgery issues before moving on to another surgery. It would just ease my mind and make me less nervous to know I'm able to walk, get around, and only dealing with one thing at a time. Best of luck on your journey!

  3. I'm 99% set on having VSG, but I have one major concern. My husband and I desperately want more children. We have a nine year old girl but my weight has caused me to have fertility issues. Having another child is extrememly important to me. It's so important that if I was told I wouldn't be able to try to have another child afterwards, I wouldn't do it.

    I would love to hear from those who have (or know someone who has) had VSG and have had pregnancies after. I wanna know all of the ups, downs and in-betweens of pregnancy after VSG. If you know of risks associated with this I would love to hear those, too.

    Thanks in advance :)

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