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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LeLe

  1. I have read alot of these articles before my surgery and thought i would be prepared for it when it was my turn, but it is so much harder than i thought. Watching my kids and hubby or my twin sis go out to eat or even my mom's cooking I miss, it is so hard. Most times I end up crying and breaking down. I know in the long run I will be so happy with my descision, right now it is just hard to see beyond this moment. Only 5 more days and I get to eat solid food. Feels like forever. I dont have the hunger for the foods it is all in my head but I haven't gotten ahold of myself yet. Hopefully eating solid foods again will calm me and make me feel more normal. Just being on all this liquid and watching everyone eat is killing me. And it seems that the more I heal the worst I am sleeping lol I can't sleep on my right side but i can on my left and now making my shoulder hurt. So annoying. And also it seems I am always thirsty, I drink my water and can't get enough of it, but can't drink that fast or that much. I am trying to get all my protein in but I am not reaching my amount but I read alot of people don't get their reccommended amounts in. I hope I am not alone in this. Also just read a post about the spit no swallow lol I did that just recently and it helped sooooo much. One question if any read this.. does anyone ever use ketchup or mayo type stuff on there foods? I was wondering cause I always ate ketchup on my eggs and when I can eat them again i was wondering if i would be able to put just a tiny itty bitty smidgen on them as i eat? just to have a little taste. Ok enuff venting sorry for the long post just having a hard time.
  2. My name on there is lelebug79 plz add. I love that site
  3. I am looking for more friends to add on myfitnesspal.com site. I am new to it and am loving it. Please add me or post your name here for me to add you. My name on there is lelebug79
  4. LeLe


    grats!!! I have about 26 lbs to go to get myself to onederland lol
  5. I have lost 50 /bs so far and right now I really look forward to being able to run and jump. They seem such simple things but It physically hurts to run and jump. My fat and my boobs make it really hard to do that. So i look forward to in the future after I have lost most the weight, trying for the breast reduction and tummy tuck.
  6. My name on the site My Fitness Pal is lelebug79 if anyone wants to add me
  7. Me and my sister both had ours done on the same day. My mom and dad drove us there and checked us in and visited before the surgery and were there after to see us in our rooms but they couldn't stay at hospital with us so they stayed at hotel till next morning when we were released. My hubby had to watch my kids, but boy did I really want him there. It is much better to have someone to stay with you.
  8. LeLe

    South Mississippi

    I am from Natchez,MS but I had mine done with Dr. Bellanger in Baton Rouge,LA and he is THE BEST!!!!!! it has been 4 months since my operation and with no complications at all
  9. I will add ya on mine I have it as well and love it
  10. LeLe

    Before Pics

    This is me before at 284lbs.
  11. I am wondering about some advice to help with a stall, I have lost about 43 lbs in 3 months, and I am hoping that is really good. But I am kinda stalled now and don't know what to do. I go to the gym sometime 2 times a week. But just not seeing a major difference. Any advice???
  12. ty all for the advice. I will try to add some more exercise and I do need to watch sometimes what I eat. For the most part I do really good. I hope all the walking I do in Disney World in 4 days will help lol
  13. I look forward to linking in the mirror and just seeing where the weight is coming off. So much to go that with what weight is gone I just can't see it. I also look forward to being able to really shop in the stores and not online. One big one for me is also when i fold laundry or pack my clothes they are not so overwhelming. Being so big its like 2 of my shirts is like 4 of normal ones. They are so heavy to hold and to wear. One reason I cant stand jackets, you put ur clothes on then it and ur like suffocating cause how heavy everything is. We have DisneyWorld in about 38 days and hoping to lose more weight to be able to actually buy clothes there and get on most rides. We went in June of 2011 and was not able to fit most rides. Even stood in line with hubby,son, and niece for 1 and half got to the ride finally only to be pulled out of line and told I cant fit. I was in tears from embarrasement and mad at myself for the weight I was. It was defiantely an eye opener.
  14. I am wondering if 36 lbs lost in 2 months is good. My scales weigh me more than the doctors WONDERFUL scales lol so am not positive and it could be a few lower who knows. Sometimes I feel like I am not losing the right amount, so I am seeing if anyone else can tel me if I am on the right track. I finally bought my first REAL pants a week ago. Only have been able to fit into stretchy jeans that were wayyy to big in the leg and butt areas. And some shirts feel a little easier going on. I just can't wait till i can really see the difference for myself. You are your own worst judge.
  15. was trying to fix my Ticker on here, anyone tell me where to put my code in at to show up on my signature???
  16. Thank you all again for the comments, It defiantely made me feel better lol. I go the 25th of January for my next post op visit and am excited to see what their lovely scales weigh me in at lol
  17. LeLe

    Something To Help My Thighs?

    I know that alot of people have said that SPANX is great for tighting up those bad places. you can try that
  18. Thank you all for the great words. Just wanted to make sure I was doing right. Yall are so wonerful and thank you again
  19. I had shoulder pain for a few weeks after surgery as well, I just couldn't figure it out. It only hurt when i would sleep though, really weird. But then it just went away.
  20. I went to my 2 week apt. post op and loss 18 1/2 pounds, now a week later i have lost like a pound. Is theere anything wrong with that or not normal? Not sure what is wrong I have been going to the gym as much as my schedule lets me and not barely eating anything cause I get so full so easily. If anyone has any advice or something please let me know I am so confused and worried bout losing the weight
  21. Well went yesterday for my 2 week apt with the nutrionist and got on her magic scales lol I have lost 18 1/2 pounds and 12lbs of fat mass. I was so excited. Still wish it would have been more but time will bring me more pounds gone lol. Just had to share. Fastest I have ever lost weight in any of my years of different dieting.
  22. LeLe

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    I also would love to hear the replies if any has had them done and how it all went.

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