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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LeLe

  1. Ok I am wondering about how the weight thing works? I am doing way better on getting alot of my protein in me and tommorrow is my first day for solid foods like eggs and such. I was wondering if it helps the weight come off better if u get your recommended amount of protein in? Does it hurt the weight coming off if ur not getting the right amount? was just curios about that? so far lost about 16 lbs in 13 days. I hope that is good. I have heard of others with like 20 and 30 lbs taken off in thier 2 weeks so I wasn't sure.
  2. Thank you all and of course my wonderful sis!!! Today is Thanksgiving day and after reading all of your supports and warm messages it makes me feel alot better. And alot of the advice has opened my eyes and I do realize all the things yall are saying. And I know I will still have a few more breakdowns but I will be ok. Also tommorrow I am headed back to the gym to the treadmill lol and gonna start me a small routine to get me going and can;t wait for my month out to start a few little weights. Gonna try to get myself in a better frame of mind. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving !!! ty again for the advice and warm messages..
  3. I am 2 days post op and my stomach hurts I can't turn over to sleep on side but I guess I am handling that ok but what I am concerned is that I can't seem to get enough of the protien in.. I am drinking the chicken broth and alot of Water.. is that ok? I know after 3 days i don't have to be on that whey crap anymore, I also have some sharp pains that likerise up then disappear? not sure what that is about. But for the most part i am doing ok. Just ready to be on the shakes. Also taking meds by liquid...ewww lol I have more sympathy for my kids now when i give them thier liquid meds lol... Hope someone has a bit of advice
  4. My doctor sent me home with liquid pain meds but my nasuea meds was pill form so I assume as long as they are real small it would be ok
  5. ty all for the help, today is day three and I have been eating the Jello and broth, tommorrow i should be starting the shakes and I hope that goes well and I can get in more of my protien. Hopefully the vanilla Cake Batter flavor is good lol I have been making sure to drink tons of Water and slip in some protien, it sure takes alot of getting used to. Though if i could just sleep on my side it wouldnt be so bad lol. It wont be long now I know.
  6. Well me and my sister both came out of surgery beautifully! It takes some getting used to. Every time u drnk it feels weird or like air comes up while drink goes down, not really pain but almost, hard to explain. But I can't wait till I am home in my bed resting. PIP, I am praying ur surgery goes well and any others that are today.
  7. Ty all we are both in car and on way home! Can't wait for my own bed and family.
  8. LeLe

    4.5 Months out

    You look absolutely GORGEOUS! Keep up the good work, I am at hospital and hope to be going home today and start my journey!
  9. My surgery is this Monday and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for post-op? I am worried about the diet most of all, just making sure i sip the right amount and getting enough protien in. So any tips would be apreciated. I have been reading everyones stories and they make it alot easier to cope with some of the nervousness but anything can help lol. Will be somewhat difficult with waking up day after surgery getting kids ready for school and animals fed, hubby wont be able to stay home to help as much since we have Disney World in March to go to and He needs all his vacation days, BUT i have seen lots have even gone back to work a few days after surgery. So hopefully all will go well. Thanks in advanced for any tips shared. I am sooo excited/nervous to get my sleeve started in just a few days, and to see the pounds come off and my energy boost up. I am always just tired feeling and never want to go out and enjoy the world.
  10. Where do i put the ticker code in at? I cannot seem to find where i put it. Hope someone can help
  11. off subject but can someone plz tell me where i can put the code for my ticker? I am being sleeved on Monday and getting it ready!!
  12. PiP good luck sweetie am sending prayers to you for your surgery and definately after with all the new changes.
  13. Ty you all for the advice and ty Lynda too. I hope all goes well. I leave tommorrow evening to stay in hotel so we wont have to get up at like 2 am to drive. Have all my stuff ready to go when i get home and will remeber not to try to be perfect with routine the first few days lol,. Surgery date set at noon! Anyone else date is same or right after good luck to you !!
  14. My doctor didn't put me or my sis on any diet, we went in for consultation and then made our surgery date think like week and a half later. Thank you for the tips. Kids and animals are taking care of the days i am at hospital, jus on the 3rd day and on will be an obstacle but I know it will be fine. oh and sorry bout the pretty colors lol I love fancying it up sometimes lol
  15. I am also from MS. Natchez,MS here!! Me and my sister will getting sleeved this Monday! So bervous but yet excited. We will be sleeved by Dr. Drake Bellanger at Women's Hospital in Baton Rouge
  16. From the album: Before Pics

    That is me on the left side and my sis. Both of us are being sleeved on Nov. 14th 2011.
  17. Pre-OP work is being done tommorrow and surgery is set for Nov. 14th! So excited and yet so scrared lol. I can't wait to start my journey. If anyone has any info or tips please feel free to let me know lol.
  18. LeLe

    Almost 4 months post-op

    Congrats!! I am starting out at 288 as well and my surgery is 8 days away. I am excited though also very nervous about the pain post op. But after reading on this site I know I will be ok. Keep up the great work!!
  19. I am new to this site. My sister and I have our consultation in 2 days. I am so excited and can't wait to book our surgeries. I am hoping it will not take long to get our dates! No insurance involved so don't have that worry. I have been reading on all the threads and everyone is so helpful here, I can't wait to start my journey. I am nervous about the pain after surgery,but I know i can do it. My sister is also have it done and we hope it will be done on the same day and we will be there for each other.
  20. Mine and my sisters consultation is on Friday, so excited and hope to be aproved for surgery!

  21. pics of me after surgery about 3 1/2 months post op

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