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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by suerk1

  1. Hello, my name is susan and I have actuelly been here in 2004 but have never posted. I have had a band for over a year now and am at a stand still, I have lost about 100 pounds but cant seem to lose anymore. so now what? i mean will the weight keep coming off eventually or is this it for me? also, when people get a tummy tuck with the band? Do they leave the band in? or do you actually ahve it removed first?
  2. suerk1

    hello new here

    more info, well i hav elost 100 pounds buthave been at a stand still now for a couple of months. It's like I can not lose anymore weight. also, i was wondering if I have to get my lapband removed before a tummy tuck, or hw does that work?

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