So,I had my dietician appt yesterday. I loved it,it was very educational. =) I was nervous for nothing at all! I went in and she weighed me and checked how tall I am. I have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks from cutting out all drinks but water and protein shakes,and lowering my carb intake-ALOT. =) I have one more pound to lose as the 10 lb requirement for my surgery!!!! YEAAHHH!!! =))) They said I can lose down to 235 before surgery (I started at 268,am now 259) and still qualify so I'm not gonna stop I'm too excited. =) So she said I was very enthusiastic and educated on the sleeve (thank you vst!!) and seemed to be the perfect candidate for it. Now I just have to take my 4 hour nutrition class and go to my psych eval on the 7th then they will send off for insurance approval!!! My surgery will either be on December 29 or one of the 1st days in January. Yipppeee. I am beyond excited. I hope I heal at least a little before my twins' first birthdays on January 10th so I can have fun with them on their big day. =)