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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About elise

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    Senior Member

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  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Health professional
  • City
    San Bernardino
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  1. elise

    Lane Bryant Jeans

    Congratulations! Wait until you go into LB and find NONE of the sizes fit you!
  2. elise

    Crab And Shrimp Boil

    Great effort and success on your will power. Keep it up!
  3. I didn't have any gall bladder issues, but, was told that during my surgery they would check my gall bladder. If it was needed, they would remove it during surgery. Luckily, my gallbladder was OK. Part of my post op instructions was to start taking Actigall (Urisipodol) one month after surgery and continue for 6 months, to prevent gall stone formation. No problems so far. Elise
  4. Yes I was told that all liquids count toward your liquid intake, even the shakes. But I was also told that Vitamin water (any kind water with vitamins) ar not a good thing to take because of the fat soluble vitamins in them. You are taking supplemental vitamins with fat soluble vitamins in them and too much is not a good thing. I would avoid the vitamin containing waters.
  5. elise

    Alcohol After 6 Weeks Out?

    I tried about 2 oz of wine at 6 weeks out and tolerated it well. I am now at 8 weeks out and enjoy about 3-4 oz of wine every once in a while. Hard liquor, has higher alcohol content will make you a "cheap drunk" as my surgeon would say. A little goes a long way. I tried but it burned too much on the way down, so I don't think I'm ready for it yet. Carbonated alcohol drinks (and non- alcoholic) are also a no-no for at least 6 months. They expand the stomach, and can stretch it. Healing continues for a long time and you don't want to chance a leak. From what others had mentioned on this site, Treat yourself with a small drink when you reach a goal you've set for yourself. Eventually you will be able to have a little more,but, alcohol are empty calories. They can slow down your weight loss. Keep that in mind too.
  6. I'm using the Syntrax Nectare protein shakes. They come in many flavors and mix well with water, milk, soy, etc. I started with the Vanilla Torte flavor and added flavorings to change the taste when I wanted a change. I bought flavorings in the baking section of the market like rum, strawberry, lemon. The thing I like about the Syntrax brand is that there is NO chalky aftertaste, It mixes completely with no sediment. AND it tastes grear! I bought it online though, not found in the stores around me.
  7. Loser mama is right. Are you on a PPI like omeprazole, pepcid or such? I'm 2 months out now but at first these meds really helped with the reflux. My surgeon put me on for a month after being sleeved. Now I only have occasional "silent reflux". Maybe talk to you doctor...... It won't hurt.
  8. Congratulations! Your weight will drop off now that you are not on TPN. That thing has a lot of calories and protein. But you needed it to heal. Now that you are on the path again- go for the goal!!!
  9. elise


    Execerise is the problem for me. I can't walk on hard surfaces due to Osteo arthritis of othe knees. Too much hard surfce jars and hurts. I can walk on soft sufaces though for a short period. :-)
  10. I heard the same about using Biotin to prevent hair loss. Dose is 100mg twice a day. I started taking shortly after my surgery (8 weeksago) so far no loss yet. I wear Sisterlocks, so I would hate to lose them. (took too long to grow)!
  11. As the holidays are here, I have been faced with the sweets-pie, cake, cookies. I don't crave them now nor do I really "feel like" eating them. I did try a very small sliver of sweet potato pie, but, it just didn't taste right. Sweets don't taste sweet. So I don't eat them. I guess in time my tastebuds will change, but, I don't miss nor want sweets now.
  12. What's a Ricotta Bake? What's the recipe? Sounds good.
  13. Hi everyone! I'm Elise. And I was sleeved on Nov 16, 2011. I'm trying to adjust to the liquid/mushy diet and must admit I missed the "crunch" factor. I will be strong, the time will come. LOL! Anyway, I'm glad to find you guys. Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  14. Hi all! I'm now 2 weeks post being sleeved! I'm feeling great. No pain, just bloating and gas if I try to eat or drink too fast. (Gas-x thin strips seem to help though) Hopped on the scale and have lost 14 pounds since surgery. Now that I am increasing my meals to more varied meals, I hope I don't gain. I know I won't because I can't eat much and I am still post-op diet,but, the "big girl" in me is nervous because she is craving something crunchy, something to chew. UGH!
  15. Wow! I didn't know that you could EVER drink caffeinated coffee! I was told it was one of the NO-NO things never to consume again! I switched to decaf a few weeks before my surgery, but, I miss the real deal. Yeah! I think I will wait until I'm at least 5-6 weeks past surgery though, to make sure my new tummy if healed. Thanks! Now if only I drink Champagne again :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
