I had Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) on May 16th of this year. I lost just over 60 lbs within the first four months and my weight has since stabilized,with my BMI now around 25. Overall the weight loss surgery results have beengood with one major complication... I'm having bad Acid Reflux. Just underwentan EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) performed by the same surgeon that did my LSG and was informed that my verticalsleeve stomach has a kink in it, at the point where the stomach bends, creatinga partial blockage and that this is causing my acid reflux. He went on toindicate that this condition can occur because the stomach is now a narrow tubethat does not have its usual lateral attachments and as a result can twist, asin my case. He's recommending conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) torelieve the reflux. Despite having acid reflux I've been happy with my sleevebut am a bit distraught over the prospect of now undergoing a Gastric Bypass.Has anyone else experienced similar problems with acid reflux after havingtheir Vertical Sleeve?