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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Like all Bandsters, our individual details may vary, yet the obstacles in our Journey are similar. My own relationship with food was more like a cheap torrid novel, with Food acting like a Dominatrix making me write bad checks and doing things against my own will power. Usually most of our preconceptions are wrong and eventually we figure out how to handle our newly discovered Powers against Overeating. The Band is sometimes like having a secret Power Ring that confers Super Power against the Eeeevil Professor Gluttony that conspired to keep us all Morbidly Obese.
  2. "Maybe i will have to change or die." that's what it took for me....and it's still a challenge. Yet here 9 1/2 years postOp I'm healthier and 'almost' lighter than since high school 50 years ago. We can make changes. Start today, it takes practice.
  3. After a bumpy couple years where I had way too much PB nearly daily, repeated exams to evaluate potential problems, and blessed resolution from a Life of Slime by largish decrease in fill, I went 6 months ago for a VERY slight fill. Produced a little benefit with only a slight uptick in Battle for Freedom from Slime. The effect on the dreaded Hunger Beasts roaming my belly at will, was mild and pleasing all in all. There is a very delicate balance between the too much/not enough point in my Band. Now it is time to again do a slight upward adjustment. Takes most of the day to drive in to the Jaws of Hell, endure the wretched traffic, wait patiently for the pleasant PA to attend my 30 second procedure, and escape from the city again.
  4. Jack

    Road Trip - Fun?

    it's good training to be exposed to such stresses re: "Other than bringing foods that I can eat and enjoy, what should I do to keep my head in a good place so that I don't get irritated and say something snarky?" the odds are you will be taking as much snarkiness as you will be handing out. People really get more involved in their OWN eating, and learning how to manage your own independent needs is reasonable. "Socializing" as an art form separate from being excuse to overeat, is something Bandsters have to learn how to accommodate anyway. Be prepared with your OWN survival goods and all will be well. Learn to adapt to what's available as well. The Soup choices at various delis are a resource at a certain phase in my own postOp strategy. Special prep request to waitresses are usually handled well too, if you take them aside and quietly say something on the order of "I've recently had stomach surgery and must follow a certain process for a while". They always cooperate. Cheers on your journey.
  5. "Weight loss" via calorie deficits is one factor to consider; the "malabsorbtion" of trace minerals is far more important in the long run. Considering the total barrage of information on line, both factual & not so much, I urge considerable research of published peer reviewed studies of long-term with good controls and follow up reviews. My brother had one of the very early gastric shortening surgeries circa 1964, due not only to his morbid obesity, but also resulting from the complications of a service related gut injury on battle field. They didn't really understand the absorption of trace minerals in those days. Having a large portion of his gut removed did produce a long term 'malabsorbtion' which gave him considerable other problems quite difficult to manage. Consider the nutritional needs other than weight related to insure you have the information to best make your decision.
  6. "I have gained over 20 pounds since my band was removed on 4/25...I really need help..I have zero self control, that's why I got the band as a tool to help me with control. " That is a concern of many Bandsters should removal be necessary. As a staunch advocate of 'behavioral modification' via use of our rational brain, we have to make a daily choice of just what elbow bending to perform, and just what to stick in our mouths. When I am able to confine my concentration on *desirable* goals vs *undesirable* results via the "Oh look what happened to me" school of aberrant behavior, IE when I continued to overeat, I do have success Abandoning the Goal and ignoring each little step we take in our Fall from moving toward that Goal. does require hard work of 'denial' and 'pretense', which is another kind of fantasy game dictated by various bodily habits. When I work for the Goal my Brain has chosen, I have control. When I fall into despair and depression, I lose control just as you describe. However, simply 'losing control' doesn't mean it has to STAY lost. Every day demands a step toward our Goal, whether Banded or not.
  7. My surgery was in 2004 when the crust of the earth was warm and dinosaurs roamed the land.
  8. EXCELLENT!!!! Some very GREAT insights he shares with us all. Cheers for Walter!!!!
  9. re: "My confidence is shattered and my weightloss is screwed." I recognize that kind of response to unrequited expectations of a single event somehow posing as a 'salvation moment' in a lifelong issue with Overeating and Morbid Obesity. I too have spend long months being just over the wretched edge of 'too full' while stubbornly pursing the daily activities working around the moments of Slimes & PGs etc. Other than the inconvenience of taking most of the day to travel to/from the provider, as well as the cost (thankfully mostly covered by good ins. yet STILL out of pocket to pay), the real cost is that interruption in progress toward my goal. Compliance with The Plan vs simple Stubbornness in the face of 'Not QUITE The Plan' requires insight and experience. Given I'm slow with 'insight' and 'experience' is what you lack until just after you need it, after my own now-nearly TEN year journey, remains demanding of adapting to the ever changing Daily Circumstances. Priority must be given to whatever is most important in our lives. The little 'here-drink this' after the adjustment, has always been something less than satisfying to my own expectation of clinical justification, yet that is what the provider chooses to use. It has found several times that in fact I was unable to swallow postFill, requiring immediate readjustment adjustment. I like the idea of the standing swallow, and will suggest it next time at office. re: "WHAT should I be experiencing to let me know for sure??? Help!" The question at my provider has always been to determine whether I was OVERfilled at that moment. Several times it was the case, and several times it took weeks to months to finally determine "unfill" was indicated. IMHO it really is an Art, to learn what the precious balance point is....and that notion of 'right amount' of fill, changes over time. Cheers in your journey.
  10. "I just want to get this surgery already." "THIS" is 2 very different surgeries you are looking at, and deciding over whether someone has to write a different letter??? Personally, while I might well chose one of them for myself, the other would be last choice for sure. Do you really mean 'either procedure doesn't matter to you'? Good luck in whichever letter you use.
  11. Back from my fill appt. Down SEVEN pounds since last visit in January!!!! Up 0.1cc in Symbiant, my Little Angel of the Silicon Fist.... now at 1.6 in 4.00 cc band The most I've ever been able to tolerate was 1.7 and that left with major complications and morbid symptoms. So cheers to me. Now for liquids/mushies for the next 4 days.
  12. Jack

    Unfill today...booo!

    Unfills typically give me relief and much needed respite from the symptoms of being 'too tight'. Regardless of the fill amount, it is what and how much we eat that makes the difference in the scale, and our blood work values. One aspect of fill/unfill balance, is it allows observation of just what my own eating habits are doing in relation to whether I sense 'restriction' or not. Too often my sense of 'restriction' is marked by daily episodes of PBs and slime. I like feeling 'not hungry' and luxuriate in those times when such is present. I don't seem to be able to adequately describe my sensation of 'satiety' and 'not hungry' being entwined. PreOp I can not recall in decades, of ever having either sensation. Your concern of being 'set back' is understandable. I've not experienced the 'soreness' issue following unfill though. Cheers in your journey.
  13. Jack


    thanks..... always looking for an entertaining way to Celebrate
  14. This report is the first of it's kind I've ever seen in 10 years reading on this board. Good luck in finding the cause and resolving the problem. Please keep us advised of your status and procedures.
  15. Jack

    How often do you slime/pb?

    Great issue to be discussed! My experience is generally related to 1 of 2 major causes. 1) "Errors of eating" which is the 'too much/too fast/too dry/fibrous/unchewed' variety. It is remedied by the advice "If you can feel the food sitting on top of the band, do not continue to eat until it passes through, or you will slime! " Awareness of what your last bite of food is doing MUST be monitored until the habits of a lifetime can be reprogrammed. 2) "Band too tight" I've had numerous episodes where just the tiniest increase in fill has produced DAILY PBs over actual months, until I tracked down the cause. I've had perhaps 3 MAJOR 'OMG--something is WRONG' episodes. They've produces lengthy expensive exams/imaging studies, all of which were followed by decrease in my fill which yielded immediate relief. I've suffered anxiety from 'slippage phobia' and 'what horrid disease NOW' in the art and science of learning to live the Bandster Balanced Lifestyle. I have the antique 4cc Band, which typically tolerates about 1.7 MAX fill before PB symptoms become excessive. Taking out .1 or .2cc gives relief. Repeated imaging shows proper Band placements over the past nearly 10 years. The Dance is to learn how to eat without inflicting unnecessary physiological problems. I believe whatever factors led to my becoming one of the Tribe of the Morbidly Obese, continues to periodically override my continual reprogramming efforts. It is fortunate to have the benefits of the Band, as even with the annoyances I've encountered, Bandster Life is far better than my preOp life.
  16. Jack


    despite it sounding like fun & educational, I don't cruise & I don't fly to get to where I could cruise from. If there are wheels that don't leave the ground, I might consider some such activity.
  17. Jack


    I've long benefited from my own therapeutic daily dose of the Holy Shredded Wheat! Often I add a handful of in-season fresh berries, a little of this n/ that.....and mix it with hot Water. Does wonders for me. Apples as you describe also help. No false teeth, so I carefully chomp up the core as well.
  18. Thanks for bringing the rest of us along for the (healthy) stroll though the rest of our assembled lives, Alex. Happy Surgiversary!!!!
  19. re: " 1. FIVE incisions? That feels like a lot to me. How bad is the pain? How bad is the scarring? 2. If you could go back in time and tell yourself one thing before your surgery, what would it be?" 1) you do want to have SOME kind of war story to demonstrate with scars don't you? Consider most are barely an inch long...and there really wasn't much pain in my case...off pain meds by the 2nd day. Scars? You've probably had worse paper cuts.... 2) Go back? "I shudda got that done 10 years before!" Them other bleak people are gonna talk about something....you got no control over what they do/say/think/whisper. Cheers in your journey.
  20. There is a whole WORLD of delight in various 'balsamic vinegar' on an ever changing bed of greenery. Amazing differences between yellow peppers & red peppers as well. Not suggesting 'veggie' diet but exploring the richness of what that realm has to offer improves the menu considerably. Unless I get my therapeutic cup of the Holy Shredded Wheat nearly daily there is considerable consternation arising, if you get my drift..... handful of fresh blueberries/raspberries/whatever is seasonally fresh maybe from your own yard. I favor from time to time a bit of Greek yogurt with a spoon of crunchy Adams Peanut Butter mixed in. And I've developed an incredible 'veggie pot' I make in my large Dutch Oven that nearly makes my house guests swoon. Add the delights that come of a hot charcoal grill and it's a wonder I have any time to keep up on my 'honey-do' list.....
  21. Jack

    Pawn star great lap-band success

    great to see another success!
  22. Jack

    Stay the course

    thanks for the encouragement!
  23. You will have to recruit the habits and tools you learned over this time frame, to fill in while you are in 'dry dock' for repairs. Those inner strengths must be converted to reliable sources for the duration. We know they work. You may well come out of this stronger and thinner than before. Remember, it's not your Will Power....it's your WON'T power that you can draw from. Every day you can check in here and dump a load of your thoughts/fears/anxieties/action plans to overcome all those issues. We know 'eating' is NOT the problem. We know that "OVER eating' IS the problem. Active daily meditation can help too. Exercise in ANY form does wonders. What is left out by too many too often, is the phase where INactivity is diverted into anything requiring physical effort. I know at times the sheer dread of fail can paralyze us all. With attention to detail, we can overcome THAT phase too. You can do it. Cheers on your journey.
  24. so goes this story: http://www.myfoxny.com/story/25930996/virtual-gastric-banding-through-hypnosis the notion hypnosis can be used successfully in SOME patients raises lots of intriguing questions This article barely scratches the surface of the subject.
  25. re: "I'm so afraid I won't be able to say no to food after the surgery," and "I get nervous just thinking of giving up food, I eat even when I'm full," and "for the first time in my life, I am actually satisfied with small portions...I mean feeling like I could not eat another bite satisfied. For me this has been an incredible freeing experience." I have a few comments. ""I'm so afraid I won't be able to say no to food after the surgery," it's not food you'll be saying 'no' to...it's OVER eating! re: " "I get nervous just thinking of giving up food, I eat even when I'm full,"" I was too, due to misunderstanding the entire issue. You are NOT giving up food. You are giving up OVER eating. Yes, I too ate even when full.....but along comes a surprise....when you find that the reason you over eat is because, like many of us, you are trying to feed with food something that has nothing to do with 'hunger'. If eating doesn't satisfy, I was eating for other reasons than 'being hungry'. And I was taught to 'eat till you're FULL'. That is one BIG error in concept. More on this later. Do some reading about "satiety". 'Full' and 'hungry' really have nothing to do with each other. The anxiety I grew up with, was the food would be all gone before I got full. The Band took away that never-satisfied-gotta-eat-till-FULL concept. re: "for the first time in my life, I am actually satisfied with small portions...I mean feeling like I could not eat another bite satisfied. For me this has been an incredible freeing experience."" this is exactly what happened to ME too. You'll go thru phases. Learning how to not worry about being not hungry and as a result not over eating, is a whole new habit. Cheers on your journey.

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