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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack

    Has Anyone Stretched Their Pouch?

    I've heard various concerns/anxieties over the years about this subject. It seems to me, that in the act of 'becoming full' the sensation of actually BEING FULL would disincline one considerably enough to change over eating behavior. I could be wrong.
  2. condolences on your friend re: coping most Bandsters come face to face with the understanding, sudden or otherwise, that overeating and junk food is simply not a good coping mechanism We all eventually find a more healthy way to deal with our emotions. For me the Gift of Power was that I could Be In Control by NOT hitting the McD's bag-o-burgers/fries/etc in my daily life. I get more exercise and home chores done by choice, not by bad old habits of the Belly Beast controlling my life. Cheers on your journey.
  3. re: "Do y'all have the same issues with breakfast and lunch?" I was never a breakfast type preOp, except by enforced habit and attempted overlay of new good habits in place of old bad habits. PostOp I developed a case of "1st bite syndrome" for nearly 2 years, which I don't see discussed much any more. It may be due to improved Bands, or called something else now. We are all Works in Transition and Diamonds in the Rough. We all benefit from buffing up our actions and performance in the face of what we think we want to accomplish. Cheers in your journey!!!
  4. We are one and all but Pilgrims on a journey to find redemption from the dark attraction that makes our individual Over Eating a daily travail. That so many potential paths are open is a mixed blessing, as there seems no way to predict which leads to our own personal mountain top resulting in satisfaction and triumph. None of us can be certain we will succeed, and I thank those here who are kind enough to share their thwarted efforts. Leaving the Land of the Morbidly Obese is not easy, as *something* drags us back all to frequently. That the spirit continues seeking to overcome in so many ways despite frustration and turmoil is uplifting.
  5. Jack

    Am I Crazy?

    I know my own concept of 'personal size' began shifting when I EMOTIONALLY realized I was no longer usually the largest person in the room. And the sudden discovery there were entire STORES that sold clothing mismarked without "XXXX" in the size tag. Perhaps the BIGGEST 'NSV' I've never listed here, is when I suddenly realized when wiping in the bathroom, I no longer was a "go between" but suddenly had the optional "go around" approach. Body dysmorphia in our psychic software is subject to a lot of discussion from time to time. Being able to slip between partially open doors, or when doing home chores, being able to fit into a space previously inaccessible, was a clue for me as much as 'size' on my clothing. Getting rid of all the old XXXX stuff helped, but I did keep one set of 'fat clothes' just to remind of where I had been. It's odd to hold those old 56-58 sports shorts up now, but there I was. And here I am, still a bit confused about 'what size AM I'...... seeing that reflection in the store windows without the 'usual crowd' following my every step.....
  6. PostOp I too was becoming concerned about Day 6 or so...... normal peristalsis requires stimulation by the food bolus, and depression of the same peristaltic motion by the heavy medications during surgery. Since restrictive diet was the protocol, I relied on small doses of prune juice the last day or two, to begin the process of colonic dumping. Let me just say I have far greater respect for the birthing process now, as finally when Relief came to town it was Celebration. Never seen anything quite like it....and if it hadn't happened by the end of that day, I planned a trip to the ER. My system typically requires a regular dose of the Holy Shredded Wheat for civilized comportment, if you get the meaning. Apple cider helps for some as well. You may need specific medical attention if normal function isn't forthcoming. Soon.
  7. I don't know if your sleeve sensations relate at all to my Band sensations, but I've had similar feelings at times, especially within the first couple years postOp. I noticed a correlation of those 'sicky feelings' and the confusion of hunger/something else unpleasant. Often those would pass easily with a mere bit/nibble or a few sips of liquid. The odd sensations from our belly, in my own case, I believe were the adaption process to not being continually stuffed with the attempts to achieve "full" status....which never worked in preOp days. I've read considerably on the subject but do not insist my conclusion is the only one, nor in your case the right one. What I do believe, is we have to learn to ride a new kind of pony following surgery. While the experience is similar the individual ride can be considerably different from another forum member with superficially the same symptoms. Good luck with your program and cheers in your journey.
  8. For those nearing such Dx, or never having been through the process, David Mendoza adds some essential information too easily overlooked. http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/170243/receiving-diabetes-diagnosis
  9. I've seen several threads like this in just the recent few months. And given how full one's life becomes pursuing the Dream once our WLS goals are more or less attained, the motivation to post becomes decreased, IMHO. Then again, after posting the same stories numerous times, the urge to do such decreases as well. I'm impressed with the expansion of the site into so many other forms of WLS simply not available 10 years ago. And of course I wonder the potential advantages vs/risk/cost of the newer Bands vs my Model T version 4cc now nearly a decade in service. People talk of 1-2-3cc fills, while mine simply will not tolerate .5cc fill, and the range of .1~.2cc is maximum fill at any one time. I've hovered around the 1.6-1.7/4cc range much of the past 6 or 8 years. Anything higher produces marked distress. Still, my own results while limited from what my Goal may be, remains a tribute to the fact I no longer feel on the verge of death or blindness due to various co-morbidity factors. We see a slice of suffering humanity that seeks resolution and relief from our torment of being Morbidly Obese. Regardless of the issues along the way, my impression is *most* of us have considerable benefits from whichever procedure we've chosen. Cheers to us all in our jounney!
  10. appreciate an inside look at DS post postOp. re: ".this tended to dwindle as years progressed. I have noticed that I just got complacent...lazy with it all...probably because the success initially was so amazing." and "I eventually just "allowed" myself to eat pretty much whatever I wanted. This did not happen over night," and "I think for myself I just became soooo comfortable with my new look that I figured I no longer needed to do the things that got me there." YES!! Very much RIGHT ON as far as my own experience goes. I am currently at "about +30" from my maximum initial loss, and must confess the sins of OVER eating and UNDER exercising. Current remedy to both appears to be producing positive results, as I have dropped a few pounds lately. Even nearing 70 now, I marvel at the adaptability and wonders of our body balance. That at nearly 10 years postOp I get along 'so well' so much of the time, yet find struggle and turmoil 'some' of the other time, is part of my own Journey. I have to attend an appointment right now but will return for further discussion. Thanks for the topic!
  11. Jack

    Pain first fill

    I consider that brief 'relative rest' time with liquids/mushy phases essential to my own comfort level after fills. The discomfort can be aggravated by trying to eat the same solids as pre-adjustment.
  12. Jack

    Do you tolorate Subway?

    "Tolerate" yes. "Desire" no way. A buddy has extensive food allergies & that's one of the few places he can make a suitable meal for himself. There isn't anything on their menu that appeals to me, although I can eat a few bites of their stuff and have tried most of their offerings. Sometimes I can get a 6" eaten after 2 or 3 meals. I don't find their menu appealing at all. Somehow the franchise reminds more of a nurse's station circa 1955. They are clean and predictable.
  13. I've finally learned what "not hungry" is.....the most wonderful result of my Band teaching something never learned preOp. I was a 'eatEatEAT until fullFullFULL' victim of poor eating training. Why be concerned about 'full' or not, if 'not hungry' is far more satisfying? Love your goals.
  14. re: "Am I screwing up? I am tracking everything in myfitnesspal and am continuing to lose weight. I am scared of messing up my band or the pouch though. What are your thoughts on how I should proceed?" perhaps not an ominous mistake....still.....why would you disobey your surgeon, who had to learn a lot of funny words in med school. I won't lecture or scold. I think you should do as your surgeon tells you.
  15. Jack

    Male Banders

    Hi Roger, I got my Band almost 10 years ago.Without it, I'm sure I would have been blind or dead from one of my comorbidities. 'Nervous' is good. You'll find a lot of stories here about the various experiences. Good luck in doing your research, as you have a LOT of reading available.
  16. Jack

    Question for everyone

    My first fill was 6 months postOp. My antique Band total capacity amounts to 4cc. Different era 10 years ago.
  17. tuna whizzed up with a dollup of nearly anything, including FF yogurt/chopped peppers, a few black olives.....there's a 'whirrled' of pureed out there that fits the 'mushie' phase very well. I got into the 'million ways to do squash/yams/' path too. My all time favorite squash varieties were Hubbard (the Queen IMHO) and the little Delicata. Jillioiins of soups/putees/fried patties/infused with various onions/garlic in a wide range of prep styles. Your local library will have a jillion reference books for ideas on puree/mushies.
  18. ....my gawd, I was confused, wondering if this were some new app for the iPhone crowd.... yours has to be an interesting journey....
  19. I watched the video. re: "vomit: " Vomiting (known medically as emesis and informally as throwing up and numerous other terms) is the involuntary, forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose.[1] Vomiting can be caused by a wide variety of conditions; it may present as a specific response to ailments like gastritis or poisoning, or as a non-specific sequela of disorders ranging from brain tumors and elevated intracranial pressure to overexposure to ionizing radiation. The feeling that one is about to vomit is called nausea, which often precedes, but does not always lead to, vomiting. Antiemetics are sometimes necessary to suppress nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, where dehydration develops, intravenous Fluid may be required. Vomiting is different from regurgitation, although the two terms are often used interchangeably. Regurgitation is the return of undigested food back up the esophagus to the mouth, without the force and displeasure associated with vomiting. The causes of vomiting and regurgitation are generally different." what Bandsters do, IMHO, is 'not' vomit. But not to get in the definition dance, I'm sure this Dr has good professional reasons for his opinion. And if there were any other better option at the time I got mine done 10 years ago, perhaps I would have chosen that instead. Given my own Bandster life, I'm glad there now are perhaps other choices. For now the Band is doing me quite well enough.
  20. ....hey, cardboard is low in sugar, has complex carbohydrates, a lot of fiber, and if they could get the protein content up, packaging would be a snap....
  21. Jack

    Waffle house!

    yes on the discovery at Waffle House.....I enjoyed a road trip thru the South about 4 years postOp and Bandster eating in restaurants was still a new experiment for me..... I do recall though, even though the food was tasty and way more plentiful that ~I~ wanted, the small orders I did get shared with others in my party..... I've never seen "pork chops" cut so thin....and if the bacon was any thinner sliced there would have been only one side to it!!! Even now traveling, mostly I order either just appetizers or Soup, or take a box along if it will keep. I have managed how to communicate during ordering to show the size of whatever it is I want to order. When I was just coming into the REAL food phase postOp, I attended a banquet with a friend. My own tiny meal was plenty. I was almost nauseated by seeing the 3rd & 4th heaping plates going to some folks, and huge gooey Desserts. It was an important part of my given up my old eating pattern, just to watch the carnage around me. My friend ate a very sensible portion, which helped center me on what MY meal really was about.
  22. Jack

    New to this...

    welcome to the forum & cheers on your journey
  23. re: "its like i know i will never be able to have these foods again." actually, that is simply in error I too had that concept, and it was wrong. There are a couple specifics I can identify to illustrate: 1) "never" if you mean over eat aka 'sport eating' aks 'social eating' aka 'just clean this bite up' aka 'don't make me throw this away' etc etc etc.....the entire concept is in error The fact is, mostly, you will 'be able to eat those foods'. 2) by 'never' you leave out 'do I even WANT those foods'.....my own long time favorites pretty much shifted....as pizza/pasta/carb city disaster league food groups----pretty much went away. Yes, I still have pizza....maybe one or two pieces, maybe every few months. And I'm not sensing being 'deprived'. My love affair with Pasta simply isn't active. Mostly carbs with tasty sauces, and of little real nutritional value, pasta represents largely an urge for a 'sport eating binge' that Bandsters loose. 3) and the actual reality, again, is AMOUNT of such fantasy items. In reality, do any of those favorite foods actually serve to accomplish the goal....which is to satisfy the appetite without creating the craving for moreMoreMORE? In my case, the carb-junkie syndrome was very much a Bad Habit I couldn't overcome despite decades of battling against. You'll do just fine once you learn to focus on hungry/NOT hungry vs ANXIETY about being hungry. At least that is what happened to me. Cheers in your journey.
  24. This is a good example of how *I* think the Band SHOULD work. 1) your intake while minimalistic, seems 'adequate' for the short term; 2) your activity level is incredibly high it makes the rest of us in the Couch Potato Union annoyed and surly; 3) your results are admirable and and can not be dismissed as erratic fluctuations of the scale. Glad to hear of what can only be considered Grade A work!!! Cheers on your journey.....now, just go out and continue being a Good Example for myself, I wouldn't mess with what seems to be excellent program details.
  25. Posted here to express my joy and pleasure, having followed the "2 days liquid/2 days mushies" post-fill advise. Scrambling to remain compliant demonstrated the need to DAILY observe what we stick in our mouths under the generally False Flag of abating hunger. Last night dinner and this AM Breakfast finds eating about 1/2 what I did a few short days ago, actually IS quite enough to achieve 'satiety'. Again. Maybe the lesson will be more firmly set as a New Habit. Generally fussiness about WANTING more to eat is confronted with the "but I'm NOT HUNGRY" reality. Life is good. So far 1.6 in my 4cc Band is working well. Blood sugar this AM was 90. I'm going to have to decrease my insulin. Yay!!!! can be far behind???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
