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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Boo2011

  1. October 11, 2011 I had gastric sleeve, things didnt go well and I spent 4 days in the hospital and two weeks at home, I was sick and truly felt like I was going to die. My hair fell out, I was weak, cried all the darn time just felt misrable, kept saying what in gods name did I do to myself?

    I had a band it worked great- lost 70 pounds felt good full of energy- but then there were issues and it had to come out so I waited for a year and had the sleeve.. Wow I can't say it was a good idea at all, i'm currently at 200 pounds and gaining what feels like a pound a day. I lost 30 pounds after the sleeve but gained it back again.

    Today as I see myself at 200 pounds unhappy, unhealhty I have thought about having another surgery but out of fear of death, I have decided against it and really have no idea what else to do to lose this weight, since surgery i've been on every diet under the sun, joined hte gym, ran a 5K-- but still continue to gain.. YEP CALORIES IN and not enough OUT I guess, i can only eat a little but I eat all the time because i'm hungry all the time. I might get a half a sammy in but an hour later i'm looking for more food becuase it has moved through my sleeve.

    ah ok sorry folks just felt the need to rant today for some reason..

    I wish everyone the best of luck with their surgery.

  2. I keep telling myself it will get better, I can now put down 6oz if italian ice in about 20 minutes and tomorrow I start my full liquieds with some whey Protein put in, I'm hoping it will help me heal, a bit sooner. :) I did go grocery shopping today and it was nice being outside but by the time I hit the register I had to let my daughter do the paying thing and get them loaded into the car. I was so tired. when I got home I slept for two hours.

    Best of luck to everyone.

  3. Some of this may be TMI for folks but thought i'd put it out there

    Got to the hospital on 10/11 surgery was at 7:25 on the dot and at 11:30 am I was in recovery not feeling a thing the doctor calle my daughter to let her know how I was doing, I had made the decision that I wasn't going to let anyone know in my family which I have stuck too its been hard because I'm excited to see the changes. any how on to the way i'm feeling- by 2 pm on Tuesday my heart was pounding I was not doing well, I ended up getting two blood transfusions, way to many pin sticks my orginal IV went bad by the beginning of night one so they had to fight to find another place for a new one- I have so many black and blues on my arms that I look like a needle junkie, finally they had someone from cardiac care come up and put a new IV in thank god I was in tears and it was 2 am. Lots of pills to help with my heart, way to many blood draws to make sure it was all going ok, today I'm home and resting. but I have the dreaded drain still in and it will be with me for 3 weeks it freaks me out big time trying to log the liquid and keep it drained I knew I wasn't a nurse for a reason. LOL I was suppose to go back to work next tuesday but due to complications there was no way he would release me so now I'm off until 10/25 when i see him and than maybe one week past that if he doesn't feel i'm doing well enough. I'm fustrated and I've certainly had the talk with myself along the lines of WHAT TO HELL DID I DO THIS FOR? but still hoping it will work out after a few weeks but right now WOW was I stupid for having this surgery, it was much easier having the band surgery.. in and out and back to work by day 3.. Well I'm off everyone i hope those that are on their way or have been sleeved have a much easier time of it best of luck to you all.


  4. I also had this condition I went with the orthotics that were made for my shoes, I buy expensive shoes and make sure my orthotic fits perfectly in them- no drugs which I was happy about, my insurance paid for the orthotics - I ran my first 5K at 195 pounds on March 26, 2011 and I wouldn't have been able to get through it without the orthotics.

    my Doctor said Drugs help heal it but it doesn't cure the problem because it will come back unless you wear proper shoes with the proper arch for your feet. I love not hurting when I get out of bed in the morning.

  5. oh Soon2BminiMommy that sounds like a great idea and thats what I will plan on doing, thank you so much I can now sleep tonight knowing I can give them a reason for me being there. :)

    Hey, Boo. I've added you to our roster. Welcome! So glad you're here! I totally know what you are going through about not telling anyone. People are SO judmental and can be condescening, even when they love us...in fact, I think it's worse when they love us and want to give advice (unwanted normally!)

    I have told almost everyone that i am having laparascopic hiatal hernia repair. It's almost the same type of surgery, the same routine, the same time, same recovery, etc, just what they do inside of us that's different! Maybe if you run into your aunt, etc, that would be a good cover story?

    Anyhoo, glad you're here with us - welcome to our family...we won't judge you or make you feel bad!!

  6. Hello,

    I'm due for my sleeve on 10/11 as well check in time for me is 6:00 am, and surgery is scheduled for 7:25~ I'm excited and scared at the same time, I keep waiting for the phone to ring and the doctors office saying "oh sorry we have to reschedule" this is surgery date number 4 for me, and I'm hoping it sticks. I started my pre-op diet on 10/1 first 7 days I did great but not so great on day 8 not sure what came over me but I couldn't stop eating, back at it on day 9 and today- I was banded in May 08 and had it removed in Dec 09 one of the hardest days of my life, I had an erosion and my than doctor told me there was nothing he could do to help me keep the weight off. so since Dec 09 I gained back the 70 pounds I had lost with the band, its been a living nightmare to say the least In Feb I contacted my doctor who put me in contact with a new doctor who has done revisions from Band to sleeve and he says he can do it I have an 18% higher rate of complicatoins due to all of my scar tissue but i'm willing to take the chance I want my life back.

    I have avoided telling anyone other than my 27 year old daughter, everyone knew I had the band and it was horrible the judgement from people made it really hard to be happy about my new healthy life- of course they all said I would fail.,,, :o(

    Best of luck to all October sleevers- can't wait to read how everyone is doing.

  7. I have two big fears, #1 not coming out of surgery alive- my goal is to live a long life so I can be here for my kids and grandkids but the closer it gets (oct 11 is the day) I get more and mroe scared thinking I shouldn't be doing this. #2 is that my familiy will find out and they will judge me so bad that even after I lose weight I will want to hide in my apartment out of fear they will make me feel bad in front of people. I have 2 very skinny very healthy sisters that have more than their share of opnions of larger people me being one of them, my 27 year old daughter knows I'm having surgery tomorrow, she is so excited for me, but I haven't told anyone else- and last night my mom told me my uncle is going to be in surgery tomorrow as well we both have a check in time of 6 Am! I know I'll run into him and my aunt and I don't know what I'm going to say, I dont want to cancel my surgery but I don't want my family to know.. yikes its going to be a hard night to sleep I just want it to come and be over with.

  8. My Surgery is scheduled for 10/11 as well and I'm currenty on the liquid diet I'm so excited to have my sleeve, in 2009 I had to have my band removed due to an erosion and its been a nightmare every since I gained back 70 pounds in no time at all, I'm so excited to have my surgery on 10/11.. I know what its like to be at 170 pounds which sounds like a lot but I was comfortable and happy to be under 200 pounds can't wait to get back in oneder land. :) Best wishes to you. on your surgery date.

    My surgery is the day after yours 10/11. I'm 45 and I'm lucky that my husband is very supportive of my decision.

    Try to focus on all the good stories. Actually, there seems to be a lot more good outcomes than bad. I have yet to read an actual horror story, but I pick and chose what I read. I guess I am a glass half full sort of person, but I truly believe that it will all be worth it. I don't expect complications at all, but if there are, I will deal with them then. Worrying about what may or may not happen isn't going to change what happens. And it seems that complications are the exception in this surgery and not the rule. I do expect to feel some amount of pain, I'm sure there will be gas and some nausea for a short time, but I don't consider those complications, just things that come with this surgery. I wake up with terrible back pain daily from all this excess weight, so if I have to suffer in some pain for a few days or even a week post-op, in the end it will result in less painful mornings from carrying around all this excess weight. So it is worth it to me.

    I am very excited about my surgery, not nervous at all. But I think some amount of nerves is very normal. I think if your boyfriend was supporting your decision, that would probably ease some of the anxiety. But you said your father is supporting your decision, so try to spend some time with him and get some positive vibes off him.

    You have made the right decision for yourself and it will all be worth it. Good luck! We'll compare stories after surgery!

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