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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by bellabbr

  1. I have been loosing slowly. I haven't stalled yet. Thank God but have lost 20 lbs in 5 wks. Kind on the slow side. My husband kept pushing me to take a picture to compare from before because he can totally see the difference. I never liked pictures that much but decided to do one today and OMG. I am shocked.

    Ignore the craze eyes and the chapped lips. Its El Paso, no amount of Chapstick helps me.

    So for anyone worried take pictures. Its the best thing ever. I mean I see this face every morning in the mirror but it wasn't until I compared the pictures that I realized the difference.


  2. I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old. The first couple days I felt like crap. I got home on Friday and by Monday I was okay to care for them. With children they are pretty easy. The only thing I couldn't do is pick them up and give them a bath. So dh gave them a bath every night when he got home and my 2 year old learned to climb in the car and sit in her car seat. I couldn't go to the store with them alone until this week because I couldn't pick her up to put her in the cart. I just went to the store for the first time alone with them yesterday and picked her up and was fine. We sat around a lot and watched movies, colored, they knew to be careful with mommy's boobo. It was funny because they would lift my shirt say boobo and then kiss it. Sometimes my 2 year old whined I couldn't pick her up (she is going through a rough separation anxiety phase), so I would sit on the couch and she would sit with me. By 3 wks post op, the clouds parted and I got my energy back and it was wonderful. The only thing though is make sure your husband is supportive and try to pick up the slack. Dh walked through the door and I was pretty much off. I went to take a shower cuddle with my kindle and just relaxed. I was done for because my whole energy was drained.

  3. I was sleeved on 11/29 and had a really rough time. Not physically, but emotionally, buyers remorse, you name it. I was depressed about never eating again, never feeling better again, everything I tried to eat made me nauseous, Constipation, taking a gulp by accident and hurting. Just a big old emotional mess. Now that I am 3 wks out I am feeling one thousand times better. I have lost 17lbs since surgery, have my energy, can now chew again. Finally crawling out of my hole and slowly feeling like myself again.

    I drink Protein Shakes, eat cheese and lunch meat and can handle salmon. chicken only in chicken salad. tuna wont go down. Will wait a couple more weeks. Nuts are my salvation. I snack on them all the time and its great. I miss fruit but will wait a bit longer. Still having a hard time going out to eat and learning my cues so I don't overeat and then feel horrible, but slowly the clouds are lifting and I am getting there :)

  4. I read somewhere that apple cider vinegar is good to help you go to the bathroom and since I am having problems in that area, I decided to have 1 teaspoon. Well it went down hot like when you drink whiskey. My whole stomach feels hot, I feel nauseous, tried throwing up but can't just feeling really bad.

    I don't think the yogurt I ate 1 hr before is helping things. I know stupid stupid stupid :( I am to the point of going to the hospital, only thing that is stopping me is the fact my insurance doesn't kick in until the 1st, that means if I go, they will want to do all kinds of tests and I will have a huge bill. Help please, is this normal or should I go right now??

    Thank you

  5. Gas x and wearing a girdle has helped me a lot. I bought one at Walmart for 20 bucks. Its just like a tight tank top. That is surely helping get the gas out.

    I have lost 10 lbs so far. I am praying and hoping things start moving faster because this is frustrating. I am also really missing my diet coke but doing much better.

    You guys are doing awesome :)

  6. I am 17 days post op and i have hit a stall. I started mushy food on Sunday and have only lost 1 pound in 5 days !!! Since surgery I have lost 13 pounds. I thought it would be more and im getting a little frustrated. I keep hearing people tell me about the 3 week stall but i dont get it. I am not eating fatting food, i am only eating 3 meals and its low calories... Im hoping this is just a phase and that i start losing more soon.....

    I am right there with you. On Tuesday I will be 3 wks and have only lost 10. I am so disappointed but hoping and praying I won't stall. I also started at 233. So very very similar.

  7. Oh and typical day :

    b: 1/2 cup oatmeal with milk 150 calories or 1 scrambled egg 102

    3 Protein shakes 390 calories

    snack laughing cow cheese 35. Usually I have about 2 of these

    lunch is either some Soup or egg cooked crepe style with some refried Beans and cheese

    dinner is same lunch or some ricotta

    and maybe a pudding here or there or an ice pop or tablespoon Peanut Butter. So its good stuff going in but adding up quickly. I was shocked when I tracked this weekend how much calories it added up. I can't even imagine how much I was eating pre op sad.png

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