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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by bellabbr

  1. Before surgery my weight could fluctuate 5-6lbs in the same day. After surgery it fluctuates anywhere between 2-3 lbs. While I still weigh myself everyday, I only count when it has been 7 days and knock on wood it has always gone done. So don't count. You could retain Water, have your period coming, your sodium intake might have been high, while your water intake is down. Just wait until its been a week between the last weigh in.

  2. Mine went crazy too. I had a period before surgery, than one right after surgery than another one a week later, then went a month without one. I asked because even though my husband had a V, I am terrified of getting pregnant again but everyone said its normal. Some might have heavier ones, some might have lighter ones. I am 2 months out and its still out of whack. So its normal and the cold too. The B12 helped me with the tiredness, but cold, I am cold all the time.

  3. I was a diet coke junkie. 3-4 cans a day easily. After surgery I had horrible headache withdrawals. During Christmas I decided to have 1. I let it go flat and it was treat. Now I don't care for it anymore. I drink diet arizona green tea or buy the little packets of arizona pom tea and mix to my bottle of Water.< /p>

  4. Everyone tells me how much I have lost and how smaller I look and etc. I can totally feel my clothes looser, can see the difference in pictures, yet I am still not seeing this big difference everyone is seeing.

    I have only shared face pictures and my friends that haven't seen me in a while are begging for body pictures. I am still uncomfortable with that because I don't think I have lost enough to show this big of a difference although everyone that sees me all the time thinks I am nuts.

    So my question is when did your brain catch up and you felt comfortable taking pictures and seeing what everyone sees??When you lost 50, 100, only at goal weight??

    Thank you

  5. I had surgery with him on Nov 29th. He is highly experienced, has never lost a patient, very caring man.

    There is only 2 things I didn't like. The recovery house was fine. I made friends, was taken care of, given pain meds, you name it. The only thing I didn't like was they cook food for the workers, drivers, and people that work at the clinic. Being post op not being able to eat anything and smelling yummy food sucked.

    The other thing is while you get a huge packet with post op instructions, you don't get the nutrition follow up or the counseling most people get when they have their surgery in the US. I have to find my own doctor to draw blood every so often, my own nutritionist if I have any questions and my own therapist. You are pretty much on your own after. So no after care. This board has been my after care more than anything else.

    It was all I could afford, I had great care, and don't regret going to him. Even if I had friends that their insurance covered in the US, I would still send them to him because you can't beat experience, but I would make sure that they have in place the primary, nutritionist, and therapist to help them after. That is my 2 cents, hope it helps and best of luck.

  6. This past couple days I haven't gotten sick. Thank GOD. Either I learned to chew extremely slowly or I am only eating stuff that I already know its good for my sleeve.

    Well today I tried eating some pork and when I felt full I stopped. A couple minutes after dinner I tried taking a sip of my tea and it all came back up. I can't drink while or right after eating no matter what. I heard its actually helpful to drink while eating because it helps things slide. Is that true or just true for some people??

    And about when were you able to drink while eating or right after?? Is this going to be forever or will things get better?? I really missing drinking while I am eating or right after. It has been one of the hardest adjustments for me :(

    Thank you

  7. Thank you guys. You are right food is around everything. THe mommy groups wants to check out the local restaurants and when its cold outside they want to go to the fast food places and let the kids play, the book club is always pot luck and liquor. Anytime I go on a date with my husband and we get a baby sitter he wants to go to a grown up restaurant without crayons. My friends are always inviting us to their houses for dinner. So yeah food is everywhere and it is controlling and a part of every aspect of my life wether I want to or not and I feel if I was seeing results faster, I would be able to deal with the restrictions better and I don't want food to make me happy anymore or hide my fears like it use to, I just want to eat and enjoy like a skinny person would. Does that make any sense??

    Hopefully in a couple months things will get better and I won't feel like this anymore. Thank you guys for the support.

  8. I wouldn't have had this surgery. I am almost 2 months out and can barely eat, completely bored with what I been eating. I read and researched, but everyone said instead of a big mac and fries supersized they could eat a kids meal now. I was under the impression this would be me. Well I can't even eat more than 2 pieces of fish. I hate sitting down to dinner with my family while they are eating all yummy stuff, and instead of me being able to eat that too just smaller portions, I am eating boring bland food that more than likely will make me sick.

    I can't take my kids out to dinner. I have given up diet coke, bread, coffee, everything and have only lost 23 lbs in 2 months. So I have been on the most strict diet of my life, and of course its working very slow for me. Great!!

    To me is just another diet that had a huge upfront cost, no reversal, and its requires more diligence than the rest.

    Everyone tells me once I reach goal or get to 6 months out, I will feel different. I hope they are right. But you asked and today that is my honest answer.

  9. I am 7 weeks out and this is the first time I have been able to eat more than 4oz at a time. 2 eggs and I am so freaking full, more than half of turkey burger patty is enough to make me feel over full. I am wondering if these are considered slider foods because I am the same way as not being able to eat a lot of Protein at all but these went down too easy that is why I ate more. I guess shrimp is my slider food..lol

  10. A lot of things are making me sick lately. I tried 3 meatballs got sick, some ground beef same thing. chicken only in chicken salad. So chicken salad, eggs made 10 ways until sunday, half turkey burger patty, and fish has been very boring.

    I finally went to Walmart and decided to try some shrimp. I got the bag that comes 100-150 pre cooked mini shrimp. It wasn't expensive at all. I just threw it in a pan with some butter and garlic. 3 oz have 21 grams of Protein.

    I ate 3 oz and didn't get sick so I ate about 6 more ounces. OMG it tasted so so good and I haven't been sick at all.

    So if you want something else that is high in Protein definitely try these shrimps. You can get the bags at walmart in one of those coolers right before the meat section.

  11. I had some of the same fears, buyers remorse a couple days out, mostly emotional things, but it all passed. I am down 21 lbs in almost 6 weeks and even though I am loosing slowly, its 21 lbs I never have to see again. It will work, your stomach can't hold what it used to anymore.

    I had some of the same fears in regard to my children. I want to be there for them and I realize I wasn't. I was depressed, miserable, always tired, that is no way to live. One of the reasons why I chose to have the surgery. Also I chose to have this one because of the success rate and the fact it improves your quality of life. Its very rare to see anyone with any issues with this procedure but I see it a lot more with the bypass and the lap band, well its iffy if it works or not. If it was that great it would work for everyone and not that many people would be having a reversal and having this one instead and I have researched the heck out of it and haven't found one person in which this surgery didn't work for. It might have worked slower for some than others, but everyone reaches their goal. Every one. That was enough for me.

    You will be fine and pretty soon be on this side loosing and being happy about life and a better mother :)

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