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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by bellabbr

  1. I found this at a low carb forum I belong, I made them and OMG. Life is good again. I eat it for Breakfast with coffee, or as a dessert. Its just like cheesecake. So freaking good and if you make them in the small muffin pan, they are the perfect size :

    low carb muffins

    2 8oz. pkg. philadelphia cream cheese

    1/2 cup sweetener (I use spenda)

    2 eggs

    1/2 tsp. vanilla

    Soften cream cheese about 40 seconds in microwave. Add other ingredients. Beat with mixer till smooth. Pour into 12 muffin pans lined with the papers. Bake at 350 for 20 min.

    (Some people like them with only 1 egg, I thought 2 eggs were fine)

    You can use strawberry cream cheese or any other flavor. If you make 12 they only got about 11 calories and less than 1 gram of carbs. Seriously make them, they will change your life :)

  2. I just saw myself in the mirror after my shower and I almost threw up. My thighs looks horrible with all this flabby skin. I am very happy I am lighter but I had a moment of thinking "OMG I looked way better when I was filled up". I can't even imagine how it will look when I am at goal!!

    Oh and philadelphia cream cheese now make these little containers of strawberry cream cheese. Yeah I ate 2 of them with a spoon. It was just like a cheesecake. Not bad but still who eats cream cheese by the spoonful? :wacko:

  3. I had one for 3 weeks and finally broke it. It was my first one and I am 3 months out. I honestly don't know what broke because I kept trying different things, but I did only Protein Shakes for 2 days, then I went low carb, then up carb, then low calorie, and up calorie. So one of those things broke it, maybe a combination?? who knows. The good thing is before I was loosing 2 lbs a week. Now after the stall broke I am down 5 lbs, so I actually almost made up for it. Good luck, I have found it to be the most frustrating thing ever.

  4. Way too many. No more knee pain, I wake up and don't dread getting dressed because everything that I currently have on my closet looks good. Also my husband just deployed for the 3rd time, before I would cry and be miserable and eat way too much to cope, now I am okay. I have way more energy and feel like I can totally not only survive but thrive this year, and even though I had a rough time in the beginning, still don't know how to turn my body into a fat burning machine and I am dealing with impatience on how slow the scale is moving, overall I can say I am happier and it shows.

  5. This site is great for support but you have to be very careful criticizing the sleeve or saying anything bad about it because everyone believes in it and it changed their lives and most people had an easy transition to it, therefore they love it and will defend it, so emotions can run high. Trust me, I somewhat regret mine and have gotten ripped a new one, I know.

    Its very hard to give up all the food you loved, as time passed you can add some of them in small small quantities, some of them you will never be able to eat it again and that is okay. I read a lot about it and was under the impression I would be able to eat the same things I ate before just smaller quantities like instead of a bic mac fries and coke maybe a kids meal. Well that is not the case. I am 3 months out and still can't eat a burger not even a small one without the bun and its hard extremely hard.

    I personally regret my sleeve in a way because I am loosing extremely slow and will only lose if I am counting carbs, just another diet for me. Some people have an easier time, some have a harder time.

    Just have some patience and open your horizons to new foods. I can't eat a burger but I can eat the heck out of shrimp and salmon, I can't eat bread but can have a tiny bit of oatmeal, the only bread I can have is thin tortillas or melba toast. Try buying different things and see how you feel. If you really feel like you can't eat, monster smoothies are great. There is a ton of recipes online that are made with spinach, some fruit and a bit of Peanut Butter with Water. That will give you more nutrition, Protein and energy than just orange juice. Hang in there, the beginning can absolutely suck, but you learn to work around it. Best of luck.

  6. Susan, dh said the exact same thing. He thinks I am eating way too little and before I wasn't exercising but now that I am burning at least 500 calories a day, my body might be starving, but the doctor and everyone else said no way can you loose 2 lbs a week on 1200 calories a day, I don't know anymore. I still haven't figured out what will amp my metabolism. 3 months out and I don't know my numbers that is more frustrating than anything.

    And my calories aren't coming from crap. The only bread I eat is the low carb tortillas to make chicken quesadillas and in 3 months I ate sushi twice. besides I haven't touched white rice, potatoes, or Pasta. So I am stumped honestly.

  7. OMG I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. I have been feeling so alone and was sure everyone was perfectly happy and doing everything right and I was somehow the looser who can't figure things out. Yes I am disappointed and with a doctor appointment this past week telling me 33 lbs which is 40% of what I want to loose is considered failure for the sleeve yeah I am feeling like **** in a deep dark hole. On top of the fact I been on a stall for 3 wks. I was loosing my mind and desperate last night and asked for help on the Facebook page and realized I need to go from 900-1000 calories down to 600-800 and from 50 grams of carbs a day down to less than 30. I didn't want to do that but I don't want to be a failure with this. I have another 50lbs to loose and was content loosing 2 lbs a week but now I am not even doing that even though I am exercising which I hate. I was hoping to have lost 50 by now and then continue on 2lbs a week until goal.

    Finally today I woke up and decided I am going to go on a Liquid Protein shake for a couple days to get things moving because I can't take this anymore.

  8. I been married for 10 years and pretty much the same weight for 10 years, dh loves me for who I am and my weight never really bothered him. Me feeling miserable about myself has, that is why he agreed to this surgery in the first place, because even though he didn't want me to do it or thought I need to do it, he knew how much it meant to me. But now we are fighting about it because I am loosing very slow 33 lbs in 3 months and with the doc telling me that is failure, that is making me very depressed, so now dh is regretting even agreeing to it in the first place because it hasn't brought me the happiness we all thought it would and I mentioned the other day I am going to look into switching to an RNY after a couple months if this doesn't work and he is even more mad and upset. So that has been the bad oh and the fact I have lost a lot of boob and bootie, which he loved lol.

  9. Thank you so much guys. My head is spinning so much I don't know what to do anymore. I did a bloodwork last month everything came out fine. I don't know if the doctor is wrong or not, from what I am seeing 33lbs a month is nothing, he even said on a regular diet I should be loosing that, but with the sleeve it should be so much more. I already shed a lot of tears over this, I don't want to fail at this too after failing at so many diets, except every other time I knew what I was doing wrong, this time I have absolutely no idea :(. Thank you for ideas though, I guess I just got to deal with this side effect if I want to ever get to goal.

  10. Well I don't understand then, my surgeon is in Mexico so that is out, but I been seeing a Primary and he has been taking care of me. He pretty much told me 33 lbs in 3 months is failure with sleeve. He said I should have lost at least 42 lbs which is 50% of the total I have to loose if not more. He is the one that recommended this new numbers. I asked about the 40 grams of carbs and if I would be in ketosis because I done Atkins before and have no desire to go back, he said only if I went below 25 grams I would be in ketosis. Not below 40 grams. I am just so frustrated with this whole thing and I am still regretting this thing because no way can I get it together like everyone else seems to be able to :(

  11. This week in order to try to move this weight loss along, I dropped my calories from 1000-1100 down to 800-900. I am making sure my carbs are under 40grams and my Protein is anywhere between 80-110 grams. My Water still sucks but I am somewhere between 40-55 oz a day.

    I also started doing the couch to 5 k program and walking the other days for about 30 minutes.

    Every time I bend down or squat down and get up I get lightheaded like I am going to pass out. Even if I am laying on the couch and get up it happens. What am I doing wrong??

    Oh and it started this week after I made the changes. It started Tuesday and hasn't stopped yet!!! Never had this problem before.

  12. My husband asked me yesterday and I had no idea. His sister only has one kidney, so she carries a card in her wallet stating that, in case of an accident and she can't tell them, they need to check her kidney and be careful because she could die from it.

    Do we need to carry anything like that or wear one of those medical bracelets or something now that we had this surgery?? I mean I think we would be more susceptible to a leak or something if we had a high trauma to our stomachs no??

  13. The only meat I can tolerate post op is chicken, shrimp, fish, scallops, ribs, crab and that is it. I happily went to costco right before surgery and got high Protein turkey burgers, and meatballs and ground beef and steaks. Yeah not happening. I tried again last night to eat a bite of dh's meatball and was instantly sick sick and I was a huge meat eater before. I hope it goes away but until then try playing around with the other stuff and see.

  14. I am loosing very slowly. 30 lbs at a little over 2 months. It's so frustrating and trying to not get discouraged its disapointing. I have been walking constantly, I like that my knees and feet don't hurt and everyone can notice the weight loss. I just wish it was moving faster.

    I am still relying a lot on shakes and Protein bars because no matter what, I can't get 80 grams a day. I eat oatmeal, lunch meat, cheese, chicken, tuna, shrimp, fish, little veggies. I completely broke my addiction to diet coke and bread. I eat one slice of toast every couple days if that. Any other carbs only less than a cup. I am not trying to give it up because I done Atkins before and gained weight, but I usually can't handle it and end up throwing up. I only drink diet tea and keep trying to push the Water. coffee once in a while. I am having a hard time with food and nothing tastes that great that there are days I don't eat enough at all and its horrible. I know but I had no desire to eat anything because it feels like the same old same old.

    I just want to get to goal and maintain and be done with this and go back to enjoying meals again.

  15. Nope you are doing fine. I couldn't and still can't drink plain Water. I have to drink g2 and arizona diet green tea and it can't be too cold. I also could never deal with straws. Some people can some people can't. You just got to find what works for you. Switch it up with different drinks, different temps and see.

    For medicine I had the same issue. Every time I crushed it was a horrible nasty taste so I crushed and mixed on a teaspoon of pudding. So much easier.

    Now I am fine, so you will get better. Just hang in there and keep pushing the fluids in slowly.

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