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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by bellabbr

  1. A lot of things are making me sick lately. I tried 3 meatballs got sick, some ground beef same thing. chicken only in chicken salad. So chicken salad, eggs made 10 ways until sunday, half turkey burger patty, and fish has been very boring. I finally went to Walmart and decided to try some shrimp. I got the bag that comes 100-150 pre cooked mini shrimp. It wasn't expensive at all. I just threw it in a pan with some butter and garlic. 3 oz have 21 grams of Protein. I ate 3 oz and didn't get sick so I ate about 6 more ounces. OMG it tasted so so good and I haven't been sick at all. So if you want something else that is high in protein definitely try these shrimps. You can get the bags at walmart in one of those coolers right before the meat section.
  2. SW 240 Day of Surgery 233 Almost 9 months post op 160.
  3. I am 31. 5'5 ish and I want to be size 8 or 150. Whatever happens first. I might go down to 145 just to give me some wiggle room.
  4. bellabbr

    Tried On Clothes, I Cried

    You look great. Careful by next month it might be too big. I cried the first time I shopped at Target, American Eagle and Gap aka normal sizes. Keep on going you are doing great
  5. JCpenney carries some. http://www.jcpenney....ed%20navigation Also check barenecessities. All my friends with big big boobs shop from there : http://www.barenecessities.com/34H-Bras_catalog_nxs,31,size,947.htm
  6. I found these amazing bras at Jcpenney called Ambrielles. Its like wearing nothing and with amazing support. They are cheap too $19 or there is sales buy 2 get one free. I went from a 44D and those got too big than I got about 3 Ambrielles in a 42D and a couple of sports bras from walmart for $8 each. Now I am down to a 38DD or 40D. I just bought 3 more and a couple more sports bra so it hasn't been that expensive.
  7. bellabbr

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Down to 175. Only 25 more until goal. Its going so slow this last leg!!!
  8. bellabbr


    I was a huge diet coke addict. I tried at 4wks and couldn't do it. I am 5 months post op and still can't drink soda or anything with carbonation. Just depends on the person.
  9. Did anyone have any issues loosing the last 25?? I been averaging 9-10lbs a month and now this past month I only lost 4lbs. Haven't done anything different, in fact I have increased my exercise. I heard some people say the last 5 is hard, but the last 25?? Just wondering if the last bit was hard for anyone. Thank you
  10. bellabbr

    Short People Success Stories?

    I am 5'4. I am the shortest of everyone I know. I started at 233 size 22-24 and I am currently size 12. I started at 44D and now I am at 38DD. That freaked me out. I went up in cup, than people had to explain to me that sometimes you go down in band up in cup. But yeah its been coming off pretty much everywhere. First my face. That was the biggest change, than I noticed in my arms and finally got shoulder blades before I even noticed hip bones. So now everything has kind of caught up and is more balanced.
  11. For me the choice was easy. Dr Almanza never lost a patient, have over 1200 of these under his belt, I had no other issues and at 4500 it's what I could afford it. I couldn't be happier with my experience. Good luck.
  12. bellabbr

    Whats In Your Sleeve?

    Protein shot, ice coffee, Protein Bar, ham with mac and cheese quinoa Protein shake 4 babybel cheese o.O 12 special K chips and i finally found a Water I like. Nestle pure life orange flavor. I have had about 5 bottles today.
  13. Everyone thinks everything will be amazing and more than likely it will. But there is a downside that no one really talks about it, that I wish I knew about it before I started on this Quest. Some little/big shocks that I got along the way and just want to pass it on : http://theinsanerealityofmylife.blogspot.com/ Like I said though, don't let this discourage you, the pros still outweighs the cons by a million, but its good to know so that maybe you won't be as shocked as I was.
  14. bellabbr


  15. bellabbr


    From the album: bellabbr

  16. Oh thank you for that Mina. Sometimes I feel like the only one on this battle. Everyone is just happy go lucky having an awesome time without having any bad emotions or feelings about it. Its been a huge challenge to find the right emotional balance and I do feel alone. So I really appreciate you saying that.
  17. I am sorry if that came across as depressing or I don't own it. Trust me I do and I would do it again a thousand times over, but there are downsides to it. Maybe small ones but there are. I don't know if because of my weight I was depressed for so long and the transition was difficult and maybe no one else feels this way, but to say its been easy about everything?? No it hasn't. It's a very difficult transition your whole life changes, and no one really talks about it. Its just like explaining to someone who doesn't have kids how their life will change. You can't. Its just one of those things that they have to live it, so if for all of you guys it has been amazing and easy breezy, congratulations, but for me it hasn't. There is a downside to it, And yes maybe I was stupid but I really thought after all this work I would look good in a 2 piece and that is not the case. I F*88 care like you nicely put. I want a nice body because I worked hard for it. Oh and don't worry I wont sabotage anything, I would do it all again in a heartbeat and like I said the pros outweighs the cons by thousands but to say there is no change and its a bit difficult to deal with is just not true and that is what everyone and what I read about before I had this surgery said. ETA: and I agree its irritating how much better people will treat you now that you are skinny. Guys will open doors and strike up conversations. Its all very shallow bc I can bet my life on it, at 240 lbs they wouldn't even think twice about opening a door for me.
  18. bellabbr

    Me In A Bikini... Say It Isn't So!

    You look amazing.
  19. Wow those are not issues at all. Your skin looks way better than mine will. Any advice on toning excercise?
  20. bellabbr


    No issue. I drink wine since 3 month post partum. Just keep in mind your tolerance will be completely different. The other day I had a glass at 8pm. Hadn't eaten since 4 and wow was I buzzing from that one glass..lol. So make sure you eat before or you will feel it even more and now you are a cheaper date. Before I could easily drink a whole bottle of night at night, now 2 maybe 3 glasses is my limit.
  21. I am very sensitive to carbs. I go over 30 I will stall so I usually get a fish sandwich and no bun or a grilled chicken sandwich. You are right its very filling.
  22. Physically--- about 10 days after surgery. I woke up and felt like a whole new person. Emotionally--- it took me a while. Probably by the middle of the 2nd month is when I started to feel better, stopped regretting my sleeve and feeling like this was a good thing instead of a horrible mistake I had made.
  23. I am still not at goal. I started at 233 when I had my surgery end of Nov and a little over 5 months out I am down 53lbs and still have 30 more to loose. I have had to let go of every expectation I had and just realize I am going to get there. I might not get there by my birthday next month, or even by summer this year, but I am going to get there and after I get there, I won't care that it took longer. In my experience, only here people care, in real life everyone asks me how much I have lost and they are very happy for me. If I whine to my friends in real life that I am a slow looser, they put me in my place. Even my fitness obsessed friend said she can't loose 10 lbs in a month the healthy way. 8 if she is lucky and that is not consistent. So just realizing you will get there and will it really matter that it took you 1 or 2 or even 4 extra months than you planned?? than you will be happier and more relaxed in this journey. Just keep an eye on whats going in your mouth and enjoy the ride.
  24. bellabbr


    Scoop of peanut butter with some whipped cream is what does it for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
