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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by bellabbr

  1. I get a fish fillet from mcdonalds and eat only the inside and a couple of the kids fries. Taco bell a soft taco Red lobster I get a feast and have food for various meals. I love Friday's ribs. Denny's I usually get an omelet and some fruit. Chipotle I get a veggie bowl or a bowl with no rice. Again I have like 3-4 meals in that. Subways I get a 6 inch with the bread pulled out. That is it. I have tried chick fil a but everything there makes me sick now I don't know why. The soup is the only thing I can handle it and I hate it because before I use to love that place.
  2. bellabbr

    Size 18/20....

    Totally treadjacking but when dh and I first got married we lived in Lakes of Margate. Its very rare to find someone from Coconut Creek
  3. bellabbr


    I was extremely depressed in the beginning, OMG what the heck did I do, why did this get to this point, I am never going to be able to sit down and have a meal with my family, this is the biggest mistake of my life, if I get sick one more time I am going to loose it, I just want to feel normal. Give it time. I know I know its hard but each and every day things get better. You start to be able to drink more, eat more, more often and variety, and you start to loose weight. By the 1st month you will see. Just hang in there and know you are not alone and its completely normal for some of us. Good luck.
  4. Eating. In the beginning was not being able to eat anything and the head hunger and psychological mess of watching everyone eat around me and not being able to. Now 4 months out is eating but for different reasons. I am rarely hungry, nothing sounds good and to having to force myself to eat is just as bad. Also the not being able to drink while eating or right after. I still can't and its a very hard habit to break and every so often I end up trying to drink while eating out of habit and really pay for it.
  5. bellabbr

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Thank you thank you. Its going so slow but I figured I only have about 4 more months to reach goal and I can live with that!!
  6. bellabbr

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    2 lbs down this week. 190 lbs currently for a 43 lb weight loss in 4 months!!
  7. I had surgery on tuesday, was at the recovery home on Wed and on a flight back home on Friday.
  8. bellabbr

    :(:( Plz Read Pro's

    You have to make goals. Fitting in a certain size, being able to run for so long, that kind of thing. Achievable goals. That way when you reach them, you will feel like you lost the weight. By the way 70 is awesome. WTG!
  9. bellabbr

    Clothes Size 18/20

    Both of you shoot me a message with your address. I have enough to split between you two
  10. I got a couple shorts and capris and a dress that are size 18's and 20. Anyone wants it?? I can easily put in a flat rate box and send it to you. Let me know
  11. Cinnabon now makes churros. The good kind one filled with dulce de leche, the one I have been craving since my first pregnancy, yeah I had 2 oh and today I went to get 1 pair of capris for the summer and size 16 was too big so I tried on 14's and they fit. OMG I screamed, danced and praised God. The ladies in the stall next to me were all laughing, so I went back out and dropped almost $100 in clothes just because I now fit in size 14's =)
  12. I am 30 got sleeve in Nov and pretty soon I will be 31
  13. bellabbr

    1200-1500 Calories...really?

    You are not hitting your goal. Body can only absorb 25 grams at a time. You drinking one with 42 grams only 25 is getting absorbed.
  14. I started at a 44D and I am only halfway there and already down to a 38D. I will probably end up negative A by the time all is said and done. The good thing is my back pain is completely gone
  15. bellabbr

    1200-1500 Calories...really?

    I have to disagree with everyone. You have 230 lbs to loose by your ticker. Even 1200 calories is a major deficit for you compared from before. Everyone else that only has 100 or 90 lbs to loose yeah 1200 calories a day is too much, but when you have that much more to loose, your doctor is probably scared about the shock your body will incur if you drop to 400-500 calories a day.
  16. Lately I been so bored with everything. I can't look at another piece of chicken or fish or lunch meat. I tried buying different kinds but I am still bored with everything so I barely been eating. Is this just a phase and it will pass to not worry or should I start to worry?? I mean I am barely getting 300 calories a day and that is coming from 2 Protein shakes and some cheese strings. The only thing I am not bored with. Thank you.
  17. bellabbr

    Diet Coke

    I was a diet coke junkie before surgery and now I can't drink it. I really miss the way my body use to relax after one and how refreshing it was but I can't do it. It goes down wrong. I tried leaving it out but now it tastes overly sweet. Regular coke forget about it I feel like I am chewing on sugar. So even though I want and miss it, I can't have it. Almost 4 months post op and its still weird I am not drinking diet coke and still miss it. Its hard to give it up.
  18. bellabbr

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Today I came in at 194. Down 1 lb this week. Stupid TOM.
  19. bellabbr

    Talk To Me Tuesday!

    I found this cellulite treatment here that is $40 per session (whole body) and you need 5 sessions. I am trying to decide if I should do it now or not to help with the loose skin on my stomach and thighs. I have a friend that did it and she looks amazing, except I am moving cross country next month, I shouldn't be dropping $200 on something like this, but I am really not liking the way my skin is looking right now..so back and forth I go.
  20. bellabbr

    Post Op Almost 4.5 Months

    Make eggface protein ice cream. That might help it go down a lot easier for you. Good luck.
  21. I was talking to my friend today and I couldn't believe how many unhealthy things I ate before surgery. I could never understand why I was fat, I ate salads, drank diet coke, it wasn't like I was eating a whole pizza with a 2 liter soda. KWIm? but I still ate unhealthy things without thinking about it. What was your most unhealthy food before surgery?? Mine was coffee rolls from dunkin donuts. I absolutely loved those things. Deep fried, and probably 10k calories. I would eat one every other day and sometimes twice a day. I still can't believe I did that. Oh and Taquitos. I could easily eat 10 with some sour cream for dinner many nights a week.
  22. bellabbr

    I'm In Onederland!

    Welcome, I just got here myself and its a good place to be. (we are very similar I started at 233. Stalled for 3 wks right before 3 months, now I am 13 wks out and 195.).
  23. I don't get these 60grams ones, I was always told your body can't absorb more than 25 grams at a time no matter what so why do they make them higher?? So people that don't know this can buy them??
  24. bellabbr

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    After so long the stall finally broke and I dropped 6 lbs. I am 195. Unreal!
  25. You guys have to let me know if you love it as much as I do. Keep in mind colder is better. I just make a batch and keep it in the fridge. They keep well. Enjoy

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