I think your approach with the elliptical is correct. That is how I started. I then moved to walking...not strolling. I actually bought walking stciks to aid in balance and they added to the upper body workout as well. Start walking...your body will tell you how much to do. I was up to 7 miles at a good clip. I did 4 miles last night. It took me almost 55 minutes...but I did it. Just kept moving.
I started running becuasse my wife started running after many years of not running. now that the kids are older it is eaier on both our scheudles to find more time. I did find that although food consumption is 90% of weight loss, and exercise represents the other 10%, the running really began to peel the pounds away.
Secondly, I am hoping that it excellaertes my loss as my wife finds me unattractive and unappealing.( She should not leave e-mails open where others can read them. It broke my heart. BUT I am doing the running for me and me only. Good luck. Make sure you investi n good shoes. Go to a running store and get fitted. It is worth the extra you will pay.
good luck bostongurl!