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Tall guy

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tall guy

  1. Tall guy

    Bandstock Cancellation

    Due to the lack of ticket sales we regretfully must cancel "Bandstock 2005" I personally would like to thank Gregg and Nancy, they worked hard to make "Bandstock" happen. I am unsure of why we did not recieve more orders. I was so looking forward to meeting everyone, perhaps I will be able to meet some the great LBT'ers at a future event.
  2. Tall guy


    Wow, it has been so long it seems since we started to plan this event. I am excited to announce the web page I have been building is up! It is my first web page, what a learning project. Please check it out. It is not completely done but it will give you a good idea of what to expect at Bandstock. What a big job to plan a event, thanks to Gregg and Nancy. We are working hard to make this a great time. The web page will grow and be updated on regular basis. Many thanks to all the wonderful people on LBT, I look so forward to meeting you....Lyle
  3. Tall guy


    Thanks La madam, the page did not load exactly like I built it. Please give me a chance to fix the technical difficulties. I am NOT a computer wiz. Really looking forward to meeting you.
  4. Tall guy

    1st Annual Bandstock Update

    Great news, We have a nice hall secured to hold the first Bandstock. The date is June 25th in the City of Sterling Heights, Michigan. I called hotels in the area they wanted us out by 4:00 pm. (I think not!!) Bandsters what to party. I work in Skilled Trades for Ford Motor Co., the Local UAW hall is a beautiful facility, it will hold 180 people with a band and a dance floor. Nice kitchen and bar. (it ours from 8am to midnight) I have had contact with Gregg (nice guy) and here's what we have come up with so far..Gregg and I will split the cost of the hall rental. We were thinking seminar from 1pm or 2pm. I have gotten committments from a couple of speakers and Gregg is working on some interesting guest speakers. It should be good.. Then at 5 or 6..a catered dinner, after which the party will begin 7? A live band to entertain us, after all it is called Bandstock. We were thinking of charging a nominal fee, say 10 or 20 dollars (per person) to cover the cost of the food and the band. The drinks would be "BYOB", or it would have to be MUCH more expensive. There are many nice hotels in the surrounding area and we will work something out so no one drinks and drives. So, let's have a great day and Celebrate..Let's enjoy meeting and make this something special.... Lyle
  5. Tall guy

    1st Annual Bandstock Update

    Its encouraging to see that people will come from far and wide to a lbt event, Gregg, Ryan, and myself will be great hosts. We hope to have a great turn out and we didn't what to charge anything, but to do this the "Right" way we needed to charge a small fee. We hope this is not going to hinder anyone from coming... Thanks, Lyle
  6. Tall guy

    1st annual BANDSTOCK

    I was kicking around the idea about putting together an annual celebration of the banned ones. Heres the thought; a nice conference center in a nice hotel in Southern Michigan. I would ask the guest speakers to adress the gathering, possibly a rep from Inamed, I asked my Doctor (Dr. Boutt) to speak and he liked the idea(he even named it BANDSTOCK). He agreed to speak to us, perhaps a Psychologist to address the changing dynamics of weight loss and those around us. Maybe, dinner at one of the nice resturants in the area. I was thinking early next summer (poss. middle or late June) I want this to grow into something we can be proud of a celebration of the positive choices we have made. OK, now this a post to gauge interest, let's see what kind of response this post generates. I am willing to do the hard work for my fellow bandsters, lets make it happen. I know there are alot of Michiganders with the band and of course all bandsters across the country are welcome. Hey, maybe Miss Wisconsin would show up. We'll just have to see how this all shakes out, hopefully this could be a great time for us.... Thanks, Lyle (Tall Guy)
  7. Tall guy

    1st annual BANDSTOCK

    I am thinking the date will be the 25th of June, this is tenitive. If arrangements can secured at the proper facilities. It will be the day of the 1st annual Bandstock. I will keep you guys posted, my daughther says she can help me set up a web page for it. I will be off work tomarrow and will checking availabilty of the tenitive date. I really appreciate the support from my fellow bandsters. Thank you Lyle
  8. Tall guy

    1st annual BANDSTOCK

    Lisa, I can't believe your picture...wow.. I crown thee "Miss Texas". Hope you come to Bandstock. You know its part of your duties as "Miss Texas" to do public speaking. So start practicing your uplifting speech...
  9. Tall guy

    1st annual BANDSTOCK

    Alright, now this is getting good...I am really excited about the response so far. La Madam, if I am not mistaken, you live in the State of California. You would fly here for Bandstock..AWESOME. Hey, Ryan I'll take all the help I can get. I'll send you my cell #. Can you believe that Miss Wisconsin will be coming..Now this will be some kind of event. I have always wanted to meet the winner of a beauty pageant. Now, I will start the ball rolling and will keep you guys up on things as they progress.
  10. Tall guy

    Pinch me!

    Great job, Ryan...get ready for the ride of your life and never look back. The future is much brighter..
  11. Tall guy

    See you on the other side

    My thoughts are with you..I know you'll do great, you were on the team way BEFORE the banding..Time for first string action buddy..In the words of somebody, somewhere "YOU CAN DO IT"
  12. Tall guy

    MMMMM... I smell like a Tootsie Roll!

    Chocolate that's a new one on me, does you husband like whipped cream with his chocolate.
  13. Tall guy


    I used to be able to drink coffee with no problem, now it seems like either 1 cup = 4 or maybe it just won't agree with me anymore. Has anyone else ever have this problem??
  14. Tall guy

    Caution - highly addictive

    Be aware anyone new to this site, less the same fate befall you.. This site is highly addictive. No known cure exists as of yet. I post this as a service to save you!!! At first, I was thinking it could be controlled, but it has gained a strong foothold and it may be to late for me. Please think of me the next time you go to log on...A man obesssed and tormented with people I've never met or even talked too. Names like De Larla, Penni, Lisa, Vera, Leatha, Whipple Daddy, Meagan, and some good looking woman from Wisconson whose name escapes me. You will find yourself, looking at pictures and reading long stories about Las Vegas gossip. If you have not posted more than 3 times there still may be hope for you. As for me I've got it bad!!!
  15. Tall guy

    Inner peace

    All my life back to childhood, I can remember having an inner turmoil about my weight. I've always been at odds with myself, I would try to feel good about myself, but my weight problem reared it ugly head. Then I would feel bad, blaming myself for the weight. Why couldn't I control myself, why do people make little comments, that hurt so much. I don't know about women, but guys can be down right cruel. The word "BIG" came before everything. I was called "BIG Lyle" all thru school, which was better than fat. Sometimes, I fought back, sometimes I just took it. No one knows the pain (mentally,sometimes physically) that someone with a weight problem goes through, but I know you do. My life has changed dramatically since the band, I no longer feel ashamed or conflicted. A peace that I have never known has come over me. This feeling is priceless. I wake up everyday enjoying the burden that has been lifted from me. Who would think that a small medical device could have such a huge impact. The band changes lives, I read it and feel it everyday.
  16. Tall guy

    Tall Guys' pictures

    Thanks, Lisa I really appreciate your help, this is me -27lbs. The reason the door frame is lower is because when you come thru the front door you step up 3-4 inches to the floor, so it just appears I am taller than the door frame. I am 6' 5" tall, not to tall by today's standards. I am 47 yrs old, I have been married for 24 yrs. My wife is 5'4", she is a sweetie. I have 3 children, 2 boys 1 angel (girl), all grown up. I'll put up more pics. as I lose more weight.
  17. Tall guy

    Caution - highly addictive

    Hopefully, I'll get to see that tiara in Las Vegas next year...You guys are alot of fun and yes, I agree boring is not good. I have been called a little wild..What's with Darcy and wounds, does it excite her
  18. Tall guy

    Caution - highly addictive

    Hi Nightingale2u, It's o.k. you'll always be the "good looking woman in Wisconsin" to me(I never referred to you as a broad, that would not be respectful to you ) and I already gathered your were a little crazy. Just not as wild as Delarla. Do you think she wears that tiara all the time??? Megan is a sweetheart, I must agree.
  19. Tall guy

    Caution - highly addictive

    Sorry Delarla, I've got my eye on Miss Wisconsin, If not her then Megan..Your just to crazy for me.
  20. Tall guy

    Caution - highly addictive

    Yes, nightingale2u you are the good looking one from Wisconsin. I just could not remember your name, also the picture of Lisa Green (all dolled up)..That's just not right..
  21. Tall guy

    Caution - highly addictive

    I've tried to load a picture, but I must be doing something wrong..It shows my picture under profile picture. If some one could help me I would appreciate it..Maybe, I should take a new one since I lost about 20 since being banded and my face is thinner. (well actually all over is thinner)
  22. Tall guy


    5 weeks banded , in Port Huron..Doing well..Already made some new friends!!
  23. Good job, Megan I am impressed, I know you will achieve what you want in life with that attitude. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story....
  24. Tall guy

    looking for people in the Detroit area

    Hi Queen Michelle, I live out by Imlay city, but work in Sterling Hgts. Have been banded yet? It been great for me.
  25. Tall guy

    Why Mexico

    Why do so many peolpe get banded in Mexico? Is it inexpensive, does U.S. health care ins. pay for the band in Mexico?

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