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Everything posted by poohlvr
Surfbored - I am so glad that things went the way they are supoosed to go. I would have been so stressed out! Hopefully you won't have to have any other surgery though!! ) J Banks - woohoo! We are schedule for surgery on the same day! I will add you to the "Updated September bandster" thread! We look forward to getting to know you! Congrats on the date!
Congrats on the dates artzygirl and MistyDTX - we are glad to have you join us! I will add you to the "Updated September bandsters" thread! There you can find others that are due to be banded on the same day! Good luck and keep us posted on your weightloss and surgery date artzygirl!
Teresa - there are a lot of surgeries that were done on the 7th - names are butterfly17, ghostbuster, natie716, allisarin, mdicurn, mermaidpuppy, cin, the brick - that might help you to get to know them better. There were quite a few of you 7th bandsters! Congrats on your band! Glad to hear that you are doing ok too!
WOW Missy - thanks for letting us know! Wow, you all make it sound like such a breeze! I hope mine goes half as well as all of yours did! Have a safe flight home!!!
Pug - you can do it! Just be strong! Try to drink lots of water in between too, that is supposedly supposed to help you stay "full" too! Good luck! I will start my liquid diet on Tuesday - not dr ordered. Hubby and I have a "date" night next Friday! We haven't been out in so long! It will be a nice break from kids and a nice break from the liquid diet. It is getting so close! I can just "feel" it! LOL
Stacy - isn't 80 a tad bit too much Water? That seems like you wouldn't be able to do anything but sip on water all day long! Julie - I am glad that did your hair and make-up today! That made me laugh! Good to know that you are feeling up to it again. Sometimes, it can just be a hassle to do it all! Are you using gas x at all?
Surfbored - that is great news! Thanks for coming on and updating us! I am so glad that it all went well. Were you scared about your vocal cord? I would have been! That was great that you could help others learn about the lap band too! If only more people knew about it huh? Keep us updated with your progress, sounds like you are doing GREAT!
Congrats on your beautiful ticker NM Sunshine! It looks great! Loserwannab - I am so glad that you are doing so well! And with no pain, i dream of a surgery and post-op just like yours!
Welcome all new September bandsters! I am so excited, I believe we have about 100 known bandsters in September now - just on these threads! WOOHOO!!!
Wow, thanks for sharing Julie! I hope that the gas pain subside soon! It took my Aunt two days to feel better. Good luck and keep us up to date if you can! Moms are great, aren't they?
Awww, still no luck with your ticker? Wonder why it's not working? Good luuck! Good luck September 7th bandsters: butterfly17, ghostbuster, Natie716, Allisarin, mdicurn, mermaidpuppy, cin, tpagern, thebrick!!! I hope that you all heal quick and have no gas pains!!!
Congrats Puglvr4life - I know that must be a relief! I am worried that the littlest thing will be wrong with my labs and they won't let me have it! Worry, worry, worry! Katmeg99 - Good luck on the weight loss. Are you doing the pre-op diet as well?
NM Sunshine - use the code - cut and paste it and put it in your signature area. Some people have to do it more than once for it to stick. Good luck, hope that helps! Vikki - thanks so much for your advice!
Noah's mom was asking in another post who else had the date of 9/17/07 with Dr. Ortiz - I am sorry, I can't remember who all had what dr. Can you let her know who you are...I remember there was one of ya that said you had that same one...Thanks!
Labella - We are so glad to have you here to join with us too! Isn't so informative and friendly? I have made so many friends on here! We are all here for each other and try to help them in any way possible! Good luck with your journey!
WOOHOO That is great news! I KNOW you CAN do the medifast! If you really want this band, you CAN do it! I will be with you every step of the way. Just give me a hollar any time you need me! I get on here so much that my hubby wonders what I am doing!!! ) That is such great news, I bet you are so happy! With every reason to be! Good luck! Yes, my surgery is now 13 days away. Next week I have my lab work and last consult before the surgery!!! The countdown is on!!!
PCracker just updated on another thread and says she is doing good. She said it was her first surgery and it wasn't that bad. Something to look forward to, right?
Thanks for the update PCracker! I am so glad that the surgery went well! I have heard that it is easiest after the second day! Way to go!
That is so true tmg0100! We have reprogrammed our minds to think we need bigger portions! Won't it be nice to go out and eat and still have the meal for two other meals as well! It will be so much cheaper too! What is your next step? Did they set up an individual appointment to discuss your case? To weigh in? Talk about payments? Did they turn the paperwork into Medicare for you? Good luck, keep us updated!
Ok September 6th bandsters! Tomorrow is your day!!! Good luck to: Missy, Chelsea62, LoserwannaB, and gmccon!!! Let us know how you are feeling just as soon as you can!
Thanks Vikki for the advice! I know I can use all I can get!!! Did you use any gas x or mylicon for the gas?
I was also thinking "9 is so devine" But I like the "99 problems and the scale ain't one" I also like "Septembers FINER niners!" That is cool too! I will post a poll in a few days - after a few more people have time to add any thoughts to it and the one with the most votes will be it - sound like a plan?
LoserwannaB - I am so jealous! You will have to get back on here just as soon as you can to update us! Good luck - I hope you get some sleep tonight!
OK everyone, I need your participation on this - some of the previous names to give ideas were: March - Marchies April - shrinking violets may - aMAYzing bandits June - Junies July - Lucky 7's August - crazy 8's Even next month has their name of TENacious Tens!!! CAN ANYONE THINK OF SOMETHING CATCHY FOR SEPTEMBER OR THE 9'S? ANYONE PLEASE???
Anyone think of any catchy names for our September bandster group? Come on someone has to be creative with names in here...ANYONE???