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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Aussiegirl got a reaction from danithediva in Vanity, Mental, Health -- Percentages Of Each Regarding My Decision   
    Hmmmm good question.
    50% - Tho going into it I did not have any regular health issues, constant sporting injuries, PCOS but was only a stones throw away from having diabetes, heart disease all those fun things.
    50% - Lifestyle, Emotional, Vanity. I wanted a life that was large, full of life, love, confidence and happiness. While I was doing alot of things as a big person, it was not the kind of life I wanted. The weight literally weighed me down.
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    Aussiegirl reacted to nixi in Finally Out Of The 90's   
    I am so ecstatic today. After a long long time i am out of the 90 kilo range i just hit 88 and feel amazing. I'm going to cape town for my sisters hen in 2 weeks and for once i won't be feeling fat and frumpy. Have an awesome week fellow sleevers.
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    Aussiegirl reacted to Dud2Stud in 350Lbs To 238Lbs In 10 Months So Far... Wow   
    Thanks everyone!!! Means a lot. : )
    Still about 35 lbs to go and some tightening up to do but I'm in no rush.... Everything will fall into place if I just keep training and stay focused!!!
    You guys rock!!!!! Make life happen!!!!
  4. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to massindex in Im A Vgs Virgin! Help   
    The surgery isn't going to change your life. You are going to change your life. The surgery is a tool to help you get there but only if you want to get there. You can get out it what you are willing to put into it.
    Will people treat you differently? Some will and some won't, just like they do today. You will face people who would disapprove of your surgery and those who treat you differently k=now because you are big won't treat you the same in the future. I try not to associate with those who didn't treat me well in the first place. They weren't genuine people. As far as telling people, I waited 4 months before I told anyone. I wanted to make sure I was going to be successful because I knew that the surgery was a tool and if I failed, it was because of my lack of commitment.
    My life has changed in so many ways for the better. Your life will too. Enjoy the ride and remember that we are all here to help. The community here is great.
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    Aussiegirl reacted to Lissa in Stocking My House And The Perfect Diet   
    While I think it's wise to plan ahead so that you are covered for the early post-op period, don't get hung up on being perfect or following a "diet". This is a total life change and you're going to want to learn new ways of dealing with food so that you can maintain your weight loss in the long term.
    Good luck!!
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    Aussiegirl got a reaction from txchickinla in When Did You Lose Your Boobs? Help!   
    I am 7 months out and am still a DD cup just the band size has gone down 4 sizes.
    I think alot of it depends on how endowed you were growing up, as a teenager I was like a C/D cup so am not expecting to go lower than that. *fingers crossed*, lost 115 pounds with 55 to go.
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    Aussiegirl reacted to Inline6E46 in Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..   
    There really arent very many single male sleevers... I guess that means I get first pick? Just kidding.
    It's great to see all the single sleevers out, I'm joining the ranks (been single for a few months, but was using the time to get myself on track) and glad to be here. I'm still on the 6 month diet/exercise regime and in month 2 I'm down 31 pounds. If my college schedule doesn't fit the surgery date, I'm just gonna do in Mexico. It's nice to have both options.
    Anyways, bring it on singles - were the ones who keep the party going!
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    Aussiegirl got a reaction from Cherrybomb in Losing Without Protein Drinks?   
    I was like you, infact I have never had a Protein drink. Early on tho I did have flavourless powder that I would mix in with Soups.
    Otherwise I would have concentrate on Protein sources youghurt, cheese, smoked salmon, pureed chicken/meat etc.
    I did loose alot of hair at the 4 month stage, now at almost 7 months post op it is starting tio come back. I have lost over 110 pounds in those 7 months, stalling a bit now but have lost really well, despite not having had protein drinks.
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    Aussiegirl reacted to Lissa in Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!   
    No No No No. This is NOT your problem, it's HIS problem. Please don't diet just because your hubby made one thoughtless, stupid remark. YOU are an incredible woman and you've done an amazing job with that sleeve. Instead of reacting to his stupidity by changing you, how about having an open conversation with him about how crappy his comment made you feel?
    Perhaps he thought he was "helping" by mentioning that he thought you'd gained weight. But, we both know that a certain outfit can make us look bigger, or TOM, or drinking more Water, less Water, splurging a bit on a holiday, etc. He needs to hear how his words affected you so that he can watch his mouth in the future.
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    Aussiegirl got a reaction from Lissa in A Day In The Successful Gastric Sleever's Diet/life....   
    Thanks Lissa!
    I weigh in kilos and hitting the 100kg mark is pretty much like you guys hitting the 100pound mark...I did that at Easter, and felt great.
    You deserve to Celebrate at 100 pounds it is an awesome feet. Celebrate by dancing the night away
  11. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to Liliana Arleen in The Scale Numbers And Stalls Mean Nothing :)   
    We sometimes worried so much about the scale numbers and stalls but have you ever compare your starting sizes clothes with your current ones? This is progress Real progress and the scale numbers mean NOTHING

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    Aussiegirl got a reaction from Lauranbob Mc in How Many Calories Post Sleeve   
    Yes it is time consuming at first, especially in the first few months. Not only are you learning what works for your sleeve, getting enough calories in to survive and avoid exhaustion and to support what ever your work out regime is.
    Like PDXman said stick to the tenenants of the sleeve, especially early.
    If you can learn the rules to YOUR sleeve it does get easier.
    At 7 months out I dont spend alot of time worrying about how many calories I am consuming. I base my food consumption on my energy levels and how I am feeling. Tho I think I sit around 1200 calories a day, and work out twice a day.
    I do occasionally have a un diet friendly snack, but I decided at the beginning of this I was not dieting, I was living a healthy life choice, and my sleeve fully supports this (especially seeing as those unhealthy foods are not well tolerated)..
    Anyway..it does get easier, the first few months are hard and where you learn your sleeve lessons.
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    Aussiegirl reacted to terrilynndrew in Seriously Im Outta Control! This Might Be Tmi   
    I'm the same way!!! Lol! At least you have a partner!!! I've about killed the Energizer Bunny at my house!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  14. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from ElegantThumbs in Why Doesn't Anyone Say Anything?   
    I didnt start getting out loud compliments til I had lost about 60 pounds. I dont know if people didnt notice or if they didnt want to ask. Sometimes people are more afraid to ask out loud if you have lost weight as most often it is a difficult thing to ask soomeone. The whole thing about, are they trying to loose weight? Are they sick? Do you want to acknowledge there was a weight l issue in the first place.
    Now at 110 pounds lost everyone is telling me I am looking awesome. Tho the most honest of people say, I look great but still have a way to go (with about another 60pounds) to go. But more people are telling me i look happier and lighter. I have been honest about how I have lost the weight, yes surgery but also ALOT of exercise and pushing myself.
    It may take while but it WILL happen, and when it does you will be lucky to go a day when 5 people dont tell you how great you are going.
  15. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from VJSlim in I'm Under 100Kg!   
    Way to go VJ!
    I just hit that mark too, first time since I was a teenager...
    All the best with your goals!
  16. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in My Biggest Nsv To Date...   
    So... it's almost with a heavy heart that I make this announcement. BUT I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I'll suppress those feelings for awhile.
    Let me cut to the chase here. Ever since I've been working for my current employer and I've discovered a certain position, I've had my keen eye on it. Always hoping, praying that when the day it comes available, I would stand half a chance of it. It turns out that day has come. I've found out through the grapevine that as of September the person who holds the position will be retiring.
    Anyhow, here's how the Lord really works in mysterious ways... I was curious to find out if this rumor was true. I didn't want to be rude about it so I went to ask someone if they knew of this, someone I talk to often. He responded "Yes!! She's retiring in September!!" Don't get it twisted, that's just his demeanor and not out of the ordinary for him to speak this way. So, I was immediately excited! Then he says, "She works for me, I'm her boss". I immediately felt a little embarrassed... I really had no idea!! So, I guess I had no other choice so I just blurted out that I would definitely be interested in that position if / when she does retire.
    He just looked at me and nodded. Mmmhmmmm he says... now before I go on from here, know this... this man is a true character. I would never mind having him as my Supervisor. He's so crass and funny, very down to Earth. After this, he just smirked and said, well they really want someone with a background in Education. I immediately felt so let down!! I really didn't realize they wanted someone with that many credentials as I certainly don't have that. However I didn't let that stop me. I knew her classification and I know we are the same exact classification. It would be a simple lateral transfer, I wouldn't even have to apply for this job.
    So I told him, hey! I can take the position and GET those credentials at the same time. I can go back to school and get an BA in ECE. Okay so there! What's four years worth of education for a position I'd retire with? I still will work another 20 (maybe more) years... I can do that!! This is my absolute dream job!! I would be traveling all over the State of California speaking to K-12 Teachers and educating THEM on materials regarding Forestry and Trees. I would provide them with fun facts and materials they would then pass on to their students. O...M...G... you know, I've always been called to do something like this. I've wanted to be a teacher since I was a child. It just never came to fruition. I think this might be where my path has lead to all these years. Teaching Teachers about the beauty of Gods Creations. Of course I can't say it exactly like that, I work for the Government. That's okay though.
    Back to the conversation with my co-worker: He seemed pleased that I really spoke up for myself. He seemed interested and impressed. I did tell him I was very interested and I asked him exactly what she does, and he explained it all to me. He also said she does a lot of telecommuting, also know as working from home. She travels a lot and makes a lot of contacts. She also sets her own schedule, pretty much is free to come and go as she pleases so long as the program is always up and running efficiently. I can so do this!!
    He suggested I speak with the nice lady who runs the program, I said I would. She came in later that day and he told her to come talk to me about it... WOW!!! That's awesome right there! He was thinking about me in regards to filling her position. He did say she wanted to hand pick her replacement (of course she will never truly be replaced...) and she came right over to talk to me. Then later while I went out for a break and came back to a stack of materials on the program.. What does this mean? I don't know, I won't count my chickens just yet, but I surely won't back down until the bitter end!!
    So, why is this my best NSV to date? Because if it weren't for my sleeve and my diligence in losing all my excess weight, and keeping it off I NEVER would have had it in me to go after this job. I never would have put myself out there to the extent I did with such courage and confidence to go get what I wanted. I don't know if I'll get the job or not, but I sure want it and I'd say right now it's looking good!!
    Be blessed everyone. Dreams do come true.
  17. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to MoreganK in Showing Pcos Whose The Boss.   
    Wow, Aussiegirl. Your success if inspiring to me. And thats exactly what happens to me too. When I eat clean, and exercise I'll do great up until about 20-25 pounds lost and then it all comes back no matter what. Or at best, I'll stay at that weight for a few months before I'd get frustrated.
    This battle has made me want to get involved with PCOS Awareness though, more women should be checked for this. I know that when I was diagnosed at 26-27 years old, it was like a temporary moment of "Ah -ha!" I knew there was something wrong with me. I knew there had to be an explanation, because I took pretty good care of myself, and was always involved in something active.
    I'm just ready to get the show on the road now!
  18. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from megannadine in No Concept Of My Size...   
    I realised today that I have no concept of what size I am. I have had a few examples in the last few days:
    - I bought cloths while shopping, which I thought would be too small for me based on their size, tried them on when I got home and they are almost too big. (Guess it is time to start trying cloths on again)
    - I saw a picture my mum took on the weekend, and was surprised at how "small" my body was, almost not like mine, not what I see in the mirror.
    How do others deal with this?
  19. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from hadouni in Sex?!?!?!?! Omg Someone Help Me?!   
    I hear ya!!
    It sucks being single and having all this "stuff" going on.
    Atleast there is my battery operated friend TMI lol
  20. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to CT Fats in I Did It! (Cue Oscar Music)   
    Hey gang
    Sorry I have been MIA for awhile but I was getting obsessed with weight, it dominated my every thought so I decided to back away from everything weight related including my dark master the scale. So I just ate clean excercised and daily and went on my way. Decided to check the scale today and I am pleased to announce that I have SURPASSED my goal and since my goal was 200, that means I have been transported to ONEDERLAND! Still can't belive the speed at which it happened, from 311 to 196 in a touch over 5 months, Doc says Im atypical but Im a weirdo in every other way so it didn't suprise me. No more pre-diabetes, no more sore feet, no more bad ankles! I honestly feel like a teenager again. I can't remember the last time my weight began with a 1, I thought I was born 200 lbs!(poor mom) Anyway you guys were the first person I thought to share this with, guess I can change my profile pic from Fats to fast eddie now!
  21. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from AliveAgain in Ghrelin and memory / learning?   
    Just to pipe in on this, I have found since surgery I am more alert, able to recall things and general
    consciousness is so much better. Apparently my B12 levels are low but will get shots for that and that will only help my memory.
    100 pounds ago I was alot less aware of everything.
  22. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to jasleeve in Dear Favoredone.. Must Read!   
    we all know favoredone! this is a MUST READ!!!
    today i was having a bad day. nearly passed out while shopping and felt so weak & sick & i have a bunch of pain in my chest & back from this stent. i came home & took a nap when my mom came & knocked on my door with a box from proflowers. i was confused by who it mightve been from until reading the beautiful message inside.
    you turned my day right around. you made my nose tingle as tears streamed from my face. i couldnt believe how someone could be so nice to me! im so not used to people doing things for me! it wasso sweet! i neeeded this & i love it. thank you for always being so supportive, loving & caring! it feels great to know i have asister some where out there who is looking out for me!
    thank you!
    no words can express how i really feel... seriously!
    god bless you!
    thank you!
    i love ya!!!
    sleeve sisters<3
  23. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to Joiebean in Eating Is A Chore Now!   
    It will get better everyone. There is a really common occurance called Water nausau (I always spell that wrong.) But if you put a little juice or crystal light in it, that will help it go down better. Also string cheese and greek yogurt is awesome for mushy food that is satisfying. But that will depend on your lactose tolerance. I have also used lactaid a lot because it is just easier on my stomach than regular milk. If you like indian food, you can also try the tandoori freezer meals (just stay away from the rice part.) They have vegetarian paneer tikka masala that uses tofu instead of chicken and its a spinach mushy consistancy (like a lot of indian food). I've found dense meats can be hard on the stomach. If you do try meat, go for dark meat cause its easier to get down. Also mashed up avacado and small pieces of lightly cooked shrimp soaked in lime juice work really well with a mushy diet and taste great. These are just some tips that worked really well for me. I hope maybe they will help you too. OH and one other thing a book i have says, which is totally true for me, is to drink something warm in the morning cause it will help gentle waken your stomach and prep it for liquids and food. I usually either have some Decaf coffee or warm instant cream of wheat using light soymilk and sugar free Syrup.< /p>
  24. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to Lissa in What Do I Need?   
    Check out the pinned thread under the pre-op questions forum. It definitely will give you a better idea of what you need. Personally, I took too much to the hospital and I over-bought on the Protein Powder. Live and learn. At least I'm now using the Protein powder in coffee and in protein ice cream, so it's not a total loss. It only took me six months to think of using it in those things!
  25. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to New1 in Wls Quick Results   
    My best friend asked on the day of surgery, "how soon will you see results?" lol. I told her as soon as my big butt starts eating right and exercising!

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