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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Aussiegirl reacted to sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Hi Bec - don't worry - I didn't see a physiologist pre op either. I think I'm OK although I have had my moments!
    This thread has helped me so much - even if everyone has different issues it comes back to the same old thing 'a problem shared is a problem halved' - thanks everyone for your experiences, insights and advice - may it continue :-) !!
  2. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to one_elle26 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Welcome tashk, Susan, this is a wonderful thread which has sprung back to life recently. Puppyphat, I have Depression related to Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder so I can only empathise with your situation. The only advice I will give you is to please,please reach out to someone and get some help. We love your quirky sense of humour and your wisdom about this journey. I have learned so much from you.
    Sending every available 'warm fuzzie' to you and asking the Angels above to watch over you and keep you safe. <3
    I hope the Queenslanders enjoy your 'get together'.I want to brag a little: I lost 6.6 kg in my first week. Very Happy!!! I know it will slow down, but for now I'll like those numbers. My recovery is going well, although I find I fatigue very quickly so there's not much getting done apart from making Protein Drinks and swallowing tablets it seems. I am very fortunate that I can receive help with the housework, so that is not a stress.
    To all I hope that the sun shines down upon you tomorrow as a sign that we are all doing our best to get well in whatever form that takes.
    Michele <3
  3. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to kelliv in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
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    Aussiegirl reacted to Lissa_S in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Hello everyone
    Been a few weeks off the site due to work committments. Things are still going well. Work is crazy busy and a constant challenge. I have started exercising more frequently which I am really happy about as I finally feel like I am getting my strength back. At the moment, I am exercising three days per week, just walking, but I've just bought heavier free weights to bump up my weights routine that I've been doing for a while. Have 3kg weights instead of the little 1kg weight's I've been using lol. Should be a tad painful to start with
    In terms of food, I notice that I am eating a little more which is good in some ways, but terrible in others. It's good that I can now eat about 1/2 cup of food in a sitting. But now I am eating more, I am far more conscious about what it is that I am eating. I've always been pretty careful post-surgery but I would sometimes have things that perhaps aren't fantastic (like sour cream etc in sauces). I am now really aware of that. I am working out that the more that I plan ahead (even if it is just the night before) I obsess less and eat better So I am currently giving that a go I have also got a freezer of frozen meals (shepards pie, beef stew, nacho mince and Pasta bake). These are fantastic! I had stopped cooking because of waste but now I am freezing meals I am cooking up a storm again! I get the baby containers which even though they look really small, for the Pasta it's great! I don't have much pasta in it, mostly mince but there is a little pasta there I have slightly larger portions of the stew and shepards pie but there are so many veggies in it that it can't be too bad for me
    The weight loss continues but it's definitely slowed. I am down to about 0.5-1kg per week at the moment. I physically look like I am losing more than that and I am sure if I took my measurements I would have lost more centimetres. Like most people, I find I am so close to some big achievements that I am a bit impatient. The next 10kg will see me at the surgeon's goal and well and truly have busted the 100kg mark.
    Well I have rambled enough - hope you're all going well!! Welcome to all the new people on the site - it's good to meet you!
    Cheers, Liss
  5. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Echoing in, good luck today Bec.
    Misty, is it wrong that I find the whole phrasing of honoring your stomach wrong. Just me, it is less about honoring your stomach and more about honoring your life. I hope she can find a way to help support you through the challenges.
    It is weird how your whole mindset changes, or atleast mine has, others may have different experiences. But now adays I dont punish myself for eatting, I have eatten McDonalds a couple of times since surgery (it didnt really attract me pre-surgery either), and dont have the guilt with it. I hope you can find a balance that works for you.
    On other news from my end, I have been asked to do an Interview, have an article written about my journey in Thats Life magazine. My old trainer has put a reporter in touch with me and they apparently are really interested in it. Will be interesting the slant they will put on it, but I hope it comes across as a positive empowering story, rather than a last ditch effort. Watch this space......
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    Aussiegirl reacted to CowgirlJane in Serious question seeks serious answer!   
    I don't think that is true. I know several "portly" couples and they were both overweight before they married.
    So, the whole BBW thing on dating sites often seems to me like skinny guys who like big boobs... sorry to be so blunt. It seems pretty superficial.
  7. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to kelliv in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Very sad news today. A good friend Shane passed away in a car accident on the Gold Coast last night. He was only 38 and had a 4 year old daughter. Single vehicle accident near Smith St motorway northbound in peak hour. It appears he went off the road into a tree, but we don't know why as yet. He may have had a heart attack. It sure makes my husband and I think about how precious life is and you have to make the most of every day as you never know if it will be your last. Give your loved ones an extra hug tomorrow anyway.
  8. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from *Shell* in Aussie singles :-D   
    Bella I have no idea but definitely feel your pain...
    I didnt know how many absolute wankers were out there until I apparently went looking for them.
    I know the hating mode, which I am pretty sure just means I am even less open to anyone who may be a good one. But strangely I havent yet given up hope.
    The saying all the good ones are taken or gay (or both).
    Bella, where are you located? We should go on a man hunt lol
  9. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Echoing in, good luck today Bec.
    Misty, is it wrong that I find the whole phrasing of honoring your stomach wrong. Just me, it is less about honoring your stomach and more about honoring your life. I hope she can find a way to help support you through the challenges.
    It is weird how your whole mindset changes, or atleast mine has, others may have different experiences. But now adays I dont punish myself for eatting, I have eatten McDonalds a couple of times since surgery (it didnt really attract me pre-surgery either), and dont have the guilt with it. I hope you can find a balance that works for you.
    On other news from my end, I have been asked to do an Interview, have an article written about my journey in Thats Life magazine. My old trainer has put a reporter in touch with me and they apparently are really interested in it. Will be interesting the slant they will put on it, but I hope it comes across as a positive empowering story, rather than a last ditch effort. Watch this space......
  10. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Echoing in, good luck today Bec.
    Misty, is it wrong that I find the whole phrasing of honoring your stomach wrong. Just me, it is less about honoring your stomach and more about honoring your life. I hope she can find a way to help support you through the challenges.
    It is weird how your whole mindset changes, or atleast mine has, others may have different experiences. But now adays I dont punish myself for eatting, I have eatten McDonalds a couple of times since surgery (it didnt really attract me pre-surgery either), and dont have the guilt with it. I hope you can find a balance that works for you.
    On other news from my end, I have been asked to do an Interview, have an article written about my journey in Thats Life magazine. My old trainer has put a reporter in touch with me and they apparently are really interested in it. Will be interesting the slant they will put on it, but I hope it comes across as a positive empowering story, rather than a last ditch effort. Watch this space......
  11. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to mistysj in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Yep! The couch is amazing. I also have a lovely covered deck!
  12. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from Bec101 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Yay Bec!!! That is a nice quick turn around
    Misty, smart move on the track suit pants...you will probably live in them for the first week. You are definitely organised. The flavourless whey Protein was the only real way I was getting Protein in, would add it to everything early one, made a heap of Soups and stuff and they made them all nice and creamy.
    Have you got a nice comfy couch you can sleep in if needed?
  13. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to Bec101 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    OMG OMG!!!! 3rd June is my op date!!! So excited and nervous at the same time! Dr Daoud is great
  14. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Echoing in, good luck today Bec.
    Misty, is it wrong that I find the whole phrasing of honoring your stomach wrong. Just me, it is less about honoring your stomach and more about honoring your life. I hope she can find a way to help support you through the challenges.
    It is weird how your whole mindset changes, or atleast mine has, others may have different experiences. But now adays I dont punish myself for eatting, I have eatten McDonalds a couple of times since surgery (it didnt really attract me pre-surgery either), and dont have the guilt with it. I hope you can find a balance that works for you.
    On other news from my end, I have been asked to do an Interview, have an article written about my journey in Thats Life magazine. My old trainer has put a reporter in touch with me and they apparently are really interested in it. Will be interesting the slant they will put on it, but I hope it comes across as a positive empowering story, rather than a last ditch effort. Watch this space......
  15. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
  16. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Hi misty
    Don't beat yourself up over the Macca's - once you have the sleeve, those days will be a distant memory - I am the same as Aussiegirl, I no longer torture myself over bad choices!
    I also agree with Aussiegirl regarding the 'honoring your stomach' statement (I think I have already voiced my rather strong opinion on this on a previous post!). I can tell you are a nice person but I am sure the therapist would understand if you decided to move on. You need to get what you need out of it to work through things you are wanting to deal with. I have no doubt there is a therapist out there that is more in tune with the person that you are and what will work for you.
    Between Dr Phil and this thread, I think I get all the therapy I need!! :-)
  17. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Echoing in, good luck today Bec.
    Misty, is it wrong that I find the whole phrasing of honoring your stomach wrong. Just me, it is less about honoring your stomach and more about honoring your life. I hope she can find a way to help support you through the challenges.
    It is weird how your whole mindset changes, or atleast mine has, others may have different experiences. But now adays I dont punish myself for eatting, I have eatten McDonalds a couple of times since surgery (it didnt really attract me pre-surgery either), and dont have the guilt with it. I hope you can find a balance that works for you.
    On other news from my end, I have been asked to do an Interview, have an article written about my journey in Thats Life magazine. My old trainer has put a reporter in touch with me and they apparently are really interested in it. Will be interesting the slant they will put on it, but I hope it comes across as a positive empowering story, rather than a last ditch effort. Watch this space......
  18. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from Bec101 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Bec and Misty, it is pretty normal to feel some level of anxiety about the procedure, as well as relief and excitement. I remember the day of the surgery like it was yesterday, I was so calm the weeks leading up to it, prepared for every eventuality or so I thought. The day of the surgery I freaked out...but it all turned out for the best, and now looking back I wonder what I was so scared of.
    Just trust you have done your research and have made the best decision for you
  19. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from Bec101 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Bec and Misty, it is pretty normal to feel some level of anxiety about the procedure, as well as relief and excitement. I remember the day of the surgery like it was yesterday, I was so calm the weeks leading up to it, prepared for every eventuality or so I thought. The day of the surgery I freaked out...but it all turned out for the best, and now looking back I wonder what I was so scared of.
    Just trust you have done your research and have made the best decision for you
  20. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to No game in Whats the hardest part for you?!   
    I think you need to prepare yourself for these "side effects" of surgery
    Hair... it will thin
    You may not be able to tolerate milk for a while
    Water is necessary, but is challenging.
    Pooping? Well it's a sad fact but yes it's hard!
    (No pun intended )
  21. Like
    Aussiegirl got a reaction from Bec101 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Bec and Misty, it is pretty normal to feel some level of anxiety about the procedure, as well as relief and excitement. I remember the day of the surgery like it was yesterday, I was so calm the weeks leading up to it, prepared for every eventuality or so I thought. The day of the surgery I freaked out...but it all turned out for the best, and now looking back I wonder what I was so scared of.
    Just trust you have done your research and have made the best decision for you
  22. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to mistysj in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    I am nothing but jazzed!!
  23. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to coops in 3 years out in July and a NSV to top them all...   
    Hello fellow sleevers,
    I am now just over 6 weeks post TT and uplift and I can't tell you how happy I am that I have turned the corner. I ain't gonna lie, it has been a tough 6 weeks, not physically but mentally and emotionally but that is for another post...
    Anyhoo, today is the first day that I have been able to wear my post op jeans (my original size goal; UK 14) - before now the swelling was sooo bad, even with compression garments and control pants on that they wouldn't do up and were tight on the legs... booo!
    I wore them today and they were big... yes big! So, as we were shopping I picked up a new pair, one size smaller as an incentive and a 'work in progress' pair. I couldn't wait to try them on and when I did... drum roll please... they only bloody fit!
    Yes, I could do them up, all the way and I could sit in them. Ok, so they were a little tight but not too tight that I felt like I was about to turn blue and pass out...lol.
    As a foot note, I am the same weight now as I was pre TT even though the surgeon removed nearly 3 1/2 lb of skin (that is one mighty apron, apparently the 'normal' or average amount of skin removed weighs around a pound!) So, perhaps when all the swelling has gone away they will be my new 'comfy' jeans!
    I have not been able to fit in a size UK 12 (US 8-10?) for over twenty years... I can't put in to words how happy, proud and well, chuffed to Beans I am!
    Did I say I was happy? lol
    Oh, when I saw my PS he cleared me for light exercise and light ab work... so today i did 100 squats - easy peasy - 20 push ups of the table x 2 and 20 pelvic curls with 20 upper curls... so, that is another NSV!!
    I think that I might be getting my mo jo back...lol!
  24. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to Nessa1977 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Today marks 10 months post op.................AND I'VE CRACKED THE 80's!!!!. 79.5kg thankyouverymuch!!! Even though I did weigh myself on Tuesday and record that as my official weight, I also weigh myself on my sleevaversary date.
  25. Like
    Aussiegirl reacted to sueoco in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   

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